Demi Lovato and Max Ehrich's Romantic Turmoil and Why They Broke Up: Exposing Max's True Colors, Obsession With Selena Gomez, and more
Just like they quickly announced their relationship and engagement, they quickly announced their breakup. Demi Lovato and Max Ehrich who started dating in March 2020 and engaged in July 2020, have faced some tribulations in their relationship as Max’s intentions were being questioned.
Before we start, I’d like to say thank you all for being patient with me writing this post. If you follow me on my social media, you’d know that Alana and I were out of state for a couple of days and we were so busy. Before we left, I made a post where you guys can ask your Demi and Max questions here. We are here to answer them as well as explain all the recent drama. Fun fact, I wrote half of this post before official news of their breakup was out and the rest of the post after the confirmation.
God forbid I wrote anything early or on time…
When they first got engaged, I made a post about their quick engagement as well as the drama about him being obsessed with Demi’s ex bff, Selena Gomez, and so much more. Read it below!
In that post, I specifically said I will not be dragging Max based on the popular opinion that I should and because there isn’t any hardcore evidence right now to state anything. I gave him the benefit of the doubt without emotionally jumping to conclusions.
The majority of everyone’s hatred for Max comes from the fact that he was significantly obsessed with a bunch of female stars with the main one being…. Selena Gomez. That made a lot of people feel like he was just a clout chaser and Demi was dumb enough to fall for it.
It turns out that was actually 100% true.
So in the first post, I explained that Max showcased fan behavior that wasn’t very different from all of you who read this blog. The issue is, things started changing. I’m going to spill the tea first and explain the drama towards the end.
Clout Chasing
I have previously told you that Demi’s inner circle is divided in terms of how they feel about Max. Some believe he is using her and some just want her to be happy. Here’s an excerpt from my July post.
What does E! News report TWO MONTHS later?
The same exact thing I told you.
Don’t say I never gave you anything.
What you’re seeing now is her inner circle not trusting him or liking him in ACTION. Her best friends are now unfollowing him and posting shady tweets/stories that are seemingly about him. (This is before the breakup announcement which I kid you not, came like 2 hours after these tweets).
Let’s talk about Demi’s best friend Matthew. A few months ago, Demi and her mom unfollowed Matthew for a short period of time and then followed him back. Fans thought that was an accident or whatnot. What I was told was that Matthew reportedly brought his feelings about Max up to Demi and Demi being the sweet delusional girl she is, shut him down right there.
When Demi thinks she’s in love, she can’t see anything else.
Matthew has now unfollowed Max on Instagram.
He also tweeted a rather interesting tweet.
And the day he unfollowed him… he retweeted his own tweet!
So all the drama surrounding her inner circle unfollowing Max has to do what I told you in July — they were that part of the group that had their suspicions on him and believed he was only using her.
Here are a couple of more people that unfollowed him:
The story gets juicer.
All of you right now:
Are they broken up?
September 25 update—here’s when I finished the post after the news came out. I’m not going to edit out this section because now that we know they are broken up, I explain WHY here.
People Magazine was the first one to break the story.
As soon as People broke the story, Scooter Braun unfollowed Max on Instagram. I just know that he was waiting to get rid of him.
This next section is going to explain everything that led to the breakup. We all felt a breakup coming BECAUSE of these actions. I wish I wasn’t out of state during this drama but oh well! Here I’m going to clarify all the rumors from blind sites and source stories coming from both camps.
Why did they break up?
I’m being told that they’ve been FIGHTING. A LOT. Many of these fights have taken place in front of other people too so it’s not just them privately fighting in the $8 million home that Demi bought them.
Once it reaches public spaces, that’s how you know it’s not something that they can keep hidden anymore.
Demi and Max have been on the rocks for some time then and what really pushed them off the cliff was when the “Max being obsessed with Selena” drama went VIRAL (according to my source).
Stan Twitter saved Demi for once.
In the first post, I explained the mentality behind how Demi viewed Max and how time in her eyes didn’t matter. She saw Max as this knight in shining armor who kissed the floor she walked on. He was a fan and to be honest, she just wanted someone to showcase fan behavior.
As time went on, it was obvious that he as just using her and I’m not saying this because of his past tweets. We’re going to get into all of that but lemme finish.
My source tells me that when Demi first saw all the drama and his old tweets obsessing over Selena and their fellow peers, she thought it was fake because Max told her they were.
Red flag: he lied.
The following “tweets” are what went viral.
The following tweets are fake and they were made by stans who were trolling the relationship. I think it was Demi stans who made them lmao
This was Demi’s response:
She got a lot of heat for mentioning Breonna Taylor but to be honest, Demi isn’t one of the celebrities that are turning her case into a meme. She’s been actively posting and advocating for her name since the start and before her case went viral. I can see how that comes off to people, but she was just saying write about more important things such as the Breonna Taylor case. May she RIP and her killers be brought to justice.
Back to Demi.
She thought that hateful stans faked the screenshots because everyone thinks that she’s feuding with Selena. In her defense, she did have to deal with the finsta drama so she thinks that stans started faking Max screenshots because of her saying she deosn’t talk to Selena anymore. Even though that is true in general, that wasn’t the case here.
My source told me that it was brought to her attention that not all the screenshots were fake and that’s when Demi felt bamboozled by Max. My source says that she deosn’t think Demi had any idea about his past obsession with Selena, whether that was commenting on IG lives of her, commenting his phone number to her, and constantly being in the comment section of her posts.
Not only that, Demi thought that he was only a fan of HER and not the whole world. This led Demi to believe that he was only after chasing clout and that’s when he decided to propose. My source also says that Demi feels genuinely taken advantage of and she is upset.
You know what would be a power move right now? Demi posting herself singing her song “You Don’t Do It For Me Anymore.” That song definitely got me through a breakup in the past.
Things that Demi saw in the past as genuine are now showing up as red flags and she feels stupid because she encouraged a lot of his behavior.
Speaking of encouraging his behavior…
Max’s “Career”
Ever since the proposal, Max has been adamant about shoving his career down everyone’s throat. My source said that his team and him took advantage of the newfound relevancy and were rebranding him based on that.
I started to find it very annoying how he suddenly started talking about a debut studio album on Twitter and saying M1 is coming. Then he started talking about touring and asking people who’d show up. He was basically testing the waters and what did the waters show? He didn’t have any stans. It was Demi’s stans all up in the replies—mainly dragging him.
Here’s where it gets controversial and it was the main reason why I didn’t want to harass him right then and there.
Demi was encouraging his behavior.
My source tells me that Demi was constantly talking about helping him launch his solo album and how she can bring him so many connections. Therefore, Max kept tweeting and posting about whatever career endeavors he had because Demi was hyping him up to do so.
She’s not a very bright girl.
I feel bad for Demi because she genuinely wants to give and help others despite no one really helping her promote her career the way she decides to be a doormat for other people.
I’m sorry, but it has to be said because if not, she’ll continue making the same mistake.
Many of you asked why didn’t Scooter Braun (her manager) step in? What is Scooter gonna do? Police someone who’s almost 30 years old? Scooter is a businessman, he’s not Demi’s father and it will be dangerous if Demi views him that way because it will just lead to an emotionally abusive relationship which is similar to the one that she had with her previous team.
This is what happens when someone has daddy issues and doesn’t go help fix the ROOT of the PROBLEM instead of just sleeping it off with someone. Sis makes me livid!
Max’s True Colors
In the first post, I stated that Demi barely knows anything about Max so how would I? But as time went on…. some sure colors have been revealed.
Max is actually calculative and he seems to have a dark side.
Demi and Max have been on the rocks since the end of August, I’d say. Things started getting bad in the first week of September and it wouldn’t let up since. In the midst of Demi’s fans all assuming they have been broken up due to lack of their normal cringy social media interaction, he started shifting attention by passively posting about his Airbnb being broken into.
The way he’s writing and posting just shows one thing — he wants to be shown as a victim and he wants you all to pity him.
“Please leave me alone” LMAOOOOO arguably Selena could tell you the same thing, Max, when you camped out in her IG live comments and left your phone number.
As I stated in the first post, I wanted to quietly watch his actions and not jump into emotional conclusions. I have a large following and I have the ability to start drama and just lead to everyone dragging whoever I attack (ooof the power LMAO) so I had to be very careful of what I said.
I can now honestly say… this man is a calculative-clout-chasing-snake.
He kept posting things about someone breaking into his airbnb and deleting it. He said there was an ongoing investigation so WHY are you sharing it on social media? Law enforcement would advise AGAINST that. This just shows that he was trying to have everyone pity him and I have a good eye for seeing fake pity through social media posts.
While all of this is going on, he comments on Demi’s post…
The reply to him LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO
The crazy part about this is that my source tells me that… they were broken up.
Like I said, they were on the rocks for a while and it wasn’t just the Selena-obsession that was the reason. It definitely pushed them there but as my source said, they were fighting a lot beforehand.
So his little heart comment in the midst of them literally BREAKING UP shows me one thing — he’s trying to control the narrative and emotionally mess with Demi. On top of that, he can be painted as a respectful one in the media. “Aw, look at him commenting just a few hours before their breakup announcement.”
No hoe, that’s him being calculated as hell.
This is something his team will use (and they already did) to push a narrative of “Max had the best of intention towards Demi and it was Demi that comes with baggage” and what can they reference? His little comment on Instagram despite them being broken up. And who’s the well known drug user? Demi. It can easily be twisted.
Little does Max know that him and his team of 2 ain’t no match from Scooter’s crazy ass. Or mine for that matter. Be on the lookout for a youtube video I’m gonna make on him so it can go viral. I vowed that I’d end his crazy ass if he turned out to be a fraud this whole time.
Max was also constantly posting and deleting breakup/emotional songs on his Instagram story.
The constant posting and deleting shows one thing and one thing only — YOU WANT ATTENTION. This was a classic Jelena tactic they used back in the day when Justin Bieber would constantly post and then quickly delete photos of Selena Gomez while they were broken up. This all aids in the mystery and suspicion that keeps people talking and intrigued.
I gotta say, I didn’t think Max’s irrelevant twig self had it in him.
With all that being said, what is he doing in the midst of the breakup news? Promoting whatever thing he’s filming.
Can you imagine being heartbroken after finding out your fiance has an obsession with the friend that did you dirty and the only reason people know who he is because he’s engaged to you and in the midst of all this trouble in paradise, HE’S JUST PROMOTING WHATEVER HE’S SHOOTING WITHOUT A CARE IN THE WORLD?
That right there shows you Max’s true colors.
While doing all of this, he continues to feed the tiring old narrative of “dOn’T buLLiiii :( thiNk aBoUT jeSUes”
He keeps deleting and activating both his twitter and Instagram to just constantly feed this victim narrative. Honey, this seems like it’s your first rodeo with stan twitter.
The crazy part about all of this is his Instagram posts say a lot about him because when he first got with Demi, that’s all he posted about. He kissed the floor she walked on and was shoving Dax content down everyone’s throat.
Suddenly they start having problems and he’s being called out, so how does his Instagram look like?
It’s full of content of him promoting himself and shooting a movie that only 13 people are gonna end up watching.
He just looks annoying LMAO.
Back to what led to their breakup…
So we spoke about her inside circle being suspicious of him and his obsession with Selena as well as other popular girls. Let’s talk a little bit about their relationship.
My source tells me that she feels like Demi is in shock about Max because for so long, she was blind about his actions but once she was actually sat down and told about all the cringy posts he’s put out during the years, all she feels like now is that he never had good intentions with her.
She literally turned a blind eye to all the red flags.
And what I’m trying to reiterate here is that the issue isn’t his fan behavior. It’s the fact that he was only talking to Demi because he was the only fan she decided to pay attention to and pick up like a stray dog on the streets. When he was talking to Demi, he was in the comment section of Bella Hadid’s Instagram comments.
He was just trying to bark at whatever hand is going to feed him.
THAT was the problem.
Demi thought she was the only one he was obsessed with. Oh honey no… you were one out of many. You were just the idiot to fall for it.
Max’s team is now putting out a story that says Max needs to space and it all started when Demi came to visit him on the set of his movie.
The gag is, Max is the one who made Demi feel like they can’t be inseparable from each other. She was just acting upon what she thought he wanted. He was preying on her vulnerable attachment to people but maybe her 6 remaining brain cells worked at that moment and she ended up leaving him.
He should be packing his things as we speak!
It’s sad because it seems like Max just wanted a role and when he got that, he felt like he conquered everything and now Demi doesn’t really matter to him.
Don’t believe what his team is putting out. And remember, it was HIS team who first revealed the news of them dating. Speaking of which, my source tells me that Demi didn’t want to be public with the relationship.
Neither my source or I knew that information a few months back.
That would be red flag number one because if you ask anyone, they’re not only going to tell you that Demi and Max were public with their relationship, but that they were DOWN OUR THROATS with their relationship. So this tells me that Max was the one that forced or pushed upon the idea that they should be public.
Also, she just wanted a quarantine buddy. She was scared of being alone. Why do you think everything went to sh-t as quarantine regulations started slowly going back to normal?
This newfound information is what confirms to me that he was using her all along. It has nothing to do with his obsessed tweets but rather his actions. What did I keep screaming in the last post? My source doesn’t have any factual evidence that occurred for us to judge him on. That all changed.
Before their relationship was confirmed, he had the audacity to go on Instagram Live for like 7 seconds only to show Demi sleeping on his chest and then he quickly moved the camera to the ceiling.
When he was called out by her stans, he said that he accidentally went on Instagram live and urged the person to delete the screen recording out of “respect” for Demi.
LMAOOOOOOO yeah okay that’s why when he “accidentally” went on the live, he pinned his comment on his live that says “New post responding to as many as possible.”
For him to even play the “respect” for Demi part is manipulative as hell because he was ITCHING to tell the whole world he was with her. That’s why he was on live playing piano and then Demi walked in without knowing. Maybe tell the girl you’re on live!
It’s ridiculous.
Here’s a THIRD time he went on live with the intention of showing Demi:
At this point, you can’t make any of this up.
The funny part is that Demi met Max through his clout chasing ways.
She thought he was commenting on her photos only, but really she was just one out of the many.
A fan posted these on their story and Demi saw it… so she started following Max.
The user “” is going to hell for this LMAOOOO
That was literally Demi’s first mistake — believing that she was the special one who Max was so fond of, but really… that wasn’t true.
Max was fond of a lot of people, but the #1 person in his heart definitely had to be Selena.
Back to his Selena obsession…
Max sweetie if you’re reading this, just know that your gal pal Selena reads this blog too. It’s time we expose you big time to your OG wife.
Looking for his Selena content throughout the years was just never ending. In the first post, we briefly ran through it, but the way Max behaved was just weird.
I don’t like holding the past on someone’s throat especially if it’s from ten years ago and irrelevant to today, but in the case of Max, it IS relevant to today.
It’s just weird to be honest. Max started taking a more stalkerish route. No grown man should be on the Internet talking like that.
It gets worse when you know that he stalked fan pages made to ship him and Selena together…
THIS IS JUST BEYOND PATHETIC. He’s a f-cking loser.
It’s just disturbing.
Selena would have broke his insecure twig self LMAO
tf is he doing? what is his talent exactly?
He’s just so embarrassing and I know Demi’s clown self is embarrassed to. And Selena? I just know she’s laughing at Max.
I wouldn’t say she’s laughing at Demi tho. Selena can be the devil that’s for sure, but Demi has always held a little bit of sensitivity in her heart. It’s not like how Selena views Justin, dead to her, but she would be upset that Demi had to endure that. Or maybe I’m just being too nice to Selena now? LMAO
The thing is, you can’t tell me that the ESMG team didn’t give him the benefit of the doubt!
Check out his comments on Selena’s live in late 2018.
Poor Selena, on the verge of an 80th mental breakdown over Bieber marrying Hailey and then you have this cockroach camping out in her comment section.
Was he camping out this way in Demi’s comment section? Nope! And I know that Demi knows that (now).
To further prove that his obsession with Selena was rather SPECIAL in comparison to the other starlights he tried to chase, he as an “S” tattoo…. he first posted a picture of his invisible “S” tattoo on Instagram and captioned the post with “one day I’ll marry you.”
He later explained that the “S” stood for ‘Surrender.’ So how does that explain the Instagram caption of “One day I’ll marry you.”
Here’s a picture of the S tattoo btw.
Now would be the time I classify him as a psycho.
Stans also think that he copied her with the music symbol tattoo, but unfortunately in his defense, everyone and their mother has a music symbol tattoo.
At this point, it wasn’t even fan behavior. It was full on stalker mode. He was also following an absurd amount of Selena fan pages so he can keep up with everything she does. He was also following her friends and active fans that hate on Demi. On top of that, he was dming fans saying that he’s going marry Selena.
Motherf-cker whaT????
A restraining order should be put in order.
Speaking of which!
A blind item actually came out during this drama that said Selena got a restraining order against Max. I asked my source about that and she highly doubts it. For someone to get a restraining order against you, there has to be a valid reason and just “drooling over me on social media” ain’t one. This is just an example of how you guys can’t necessarily trust blind sites completely even though they are sometimes right. It’s the fact that they also publish RUMORS and it’s in their disclaimer. So yeah… be aware of that.
You can check out this thread for more information on Max’s obsessive and weird behavior.
Addressing your thoughts and questions…
This from when I asked you guys for questions here.
Megan… thoughts now?
This is a point I reiterated a thousand times in my other post and it was the main reason I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. However, it comes to a point where his behavior was not that of a fan but rather an obsessed psycho. And like I said, it was his INTENTION all along to use Demi and force them to have a public relationship even though she wanted a private one.
And Demi fell for those lies because her abusive ex Wilmer, wouldn’t show her off or appreciate her and that made her feel ashamed. So when Max wanted to show her off (for clout) it was playing on Demi’s past trauma.
Oh and while we’re at it, f-ck Wilmer.
That’s a great question, but unfortunately, I don’t have a source that knows that information. If any Max source is reading this, email us!
What I do know is that TMZ reported back in 2018 that a realtor attacked Max at a showing because he was “infatuated” with him and so he pulled out a gun on Max. Max was then seen walking the streets with a bodyguard. I don’t know any inside info on that, but considering it’s Max who has portrayed obsessive infatuation tendencies, I don’t think that’s the full story.
No. This relationship definitely blossomed due to Demi’s inner issues that she never worked on and instead distracts herself by throwing herself into the arms of random men.
Lemme catch her dating someone in a week. I’ll raise all hell on her. She’s too grown for constant clownery.
As much as I would have loved this comment interaction to be accurate, Demi actually cared a lot.
Part of me thinks that it hit an extra sensitive topic for her when his obsession circulated around SELENA out of all people and not someone else. This has a lot to do with Demi and Selena’s dynamic and how Demi never felt like she was good enough like her peers.
Despite Selena’s lack of talent and Demi’s immense vocal ability, Selena was always able to get better slots than Demi because she had a conniving image and smart business strategy. So the whole Max-obsessed-with-her-ex-bff really played on that sensitivity for Demi.
She’s more hurt rather than angry and it has to do with Max, not Selena. She’s made her peace with her relationship with Selena.
Btw, for the Lovatics who have the same low standard that their idol encapsulates, no Selena and Demi shouldn’t be friends to get back at Max. Demi deserves better than Selena. If they wanna be friends, I suggest going to therapy together.
“She is clearly a needy person and he always wanted to be in the spotlight.” 100% true. Good thing his true colors were exposed now and not after the marriage.
Like I stated in July, there was a huge group of Demi’s circle that was very suspicious of him. There was no hard evidence (at the time), but they were always suspicious because they were thinking with their brain cells and not their past trauma.
The only reason she ignored it is because she didn’t want to believe it would be real because it would hurt too much.
That’s the annoying thing about Demi. She’s not a smart businesswoman. She does things with her heart and rarely with her brain. Her story is incredible because not everyone goes through what she goes through. She has the material that can snatch her a bunch of #1 hits, but she lacks that business strategy.
For example, someone like Selena will never pull the embarrassing stunts that Demi pulls because Selena cares a lot about her image and how it’s executed. And if she does pull clownery (like she’s doing with the Biebers), it’s always to benefit her image in some way. Same with Taylor Swift and even Ariana Grande (now). Demi doesn’t like to control her image so she puts whatever she wants to put out in the moment and moves on.
In the past, she has expressed annoyance of fans policing her actions because to her, you don’t know the full story. Which is why you have us! But yeah… Demi needs to relax and think like a grown woman and not a high schooler.
The End
That’s it for now! This post is long enough.
I hope you guys enjoyed it and I hope that I was able to clarify all the points that you were confused about. If there is something that I didn’t touch upon in the post, ask it down below!
You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that. I will be replying back!
Also, give me your honest thoughts and opinions about all of this!