A story about the machine that got Taylor Swift to the top: Her Father's UNHINGED Leaked Email
Ethan Miller/TAS23/Getty Images
Getting proven right about Taylor Swift’s dad, Scott Swift being a control freak and a ‘know-it-all’ wasn’t on our 2024 bingo card but we’ll take it!
Taylor Swift’s old manager, Dan Dymtrow is suing Taylor and her family for incorrectly compensating him during the early years of Taylor’s career. This has been taken to court and Dan Dymtrow has sent in this email written to him by Taylor Swift’s dad, Scott Swift, which now makes this a public document.
This leaked email gives so much insight and detail into celebrity life and how almost everything is calculative behind the scenes.
It also gives an insight into Taylor’s life which is shocking because we know how much privacy Taylor likes to have about her REAL life. The “Taylor Swift” you get from her lyrics has done a good job of driving you away from knowing anything real about her personal life.
This is how we described Taylor’s dad in our November 2023 Hollywood In Parts post.

Take note of how specific my source describes him to me.
“It’s not the first time I heard weird things about him and how controlling he is over Taylor’s career and image”
“Taylor’s dad, Scott has had a hand in everything Taylor’s done since she started her career.”
“He also would constantly put his two cents about Taylor and the life directions she should take.”
“[Scott’s] always around because he shoves himself in her business/personal aspects. He thinks he needs to ‘scope things out’ so he’s always in the back pulling strings.”
These are very niche ways of describing Taylor’s dad, and they’re important to note because it’s what you constantly see when reading his leaked email to Dan. So I did all of us a favor and read the email.
So let’s break down this 5-page email (yes—it really is 5 whole pages)
Taylor Swift Grew Up Wealthy and Privileged
Before we start, nothing I say in this post is going to take away from Taylor’s hard work and dedication towards her career. This email will shed a different light on the music industry and how nothing is as natural as it seems, but it doesn’t take away from her hard work, dedication, or love for music.
I am not a Swifie, so I have never once thought to care to see how Taylor started her career, but one thing I do know is that Taylor never presented herself as someone who grew up wealthy.
It was always, “I grew up on a Christmas Tree Farm in Pennsylvania and got bullied in school” and that was it. Never did she mention that she grew up very privileged with her dad bragging about being part of the 1%.
Don’t take it from me, take it from Taylor’s dad who said to Dan, “Keep in mind that I manage $270 million but more importantly, 249 relationships with families at Merrill in a terrible market… I am in the top 1% of all brokers at the most prestigious investment firm in the world. I manage staff, I manage my client’s lives, their money, I have moved my family to Nashville, cleaned out two houses, sold one.”
Right off the bat, you learn two things about Scott Swift, 1- he thinks highly of himself, and 2- he has a lot of money.
So much so that he brags later on in the email that he was able to pick up Taylor, her brother Austin, and their mother Andrea Swift and move them to Nashville for Taylor’s career, a move that easily took $200k.
He mentioned that in the email when he said, “Who made enough money that if we have to take off across the country we will be okay? Who hired staff ahead of time so that we could move to Nashville? The idiot that lives with Andrea!!!!!”

It’s such an unhinged email, I don’t know whether to laugh or be shocked about how odd Scott Swift is. Reading this email made me understand Taylor so much better because how could anyone turn out normal with their dad and mom this controlling?
Just beware, there is going to be a lot of Andrea talk in this email, where he clearly has a huge problem with his wife, and he keeps saying the phrase, “Don’t laugh. You’ll be a dad someday.”
I’m not joking he says it like 7 times.
??? He’s so odd
But let’s continue on the topic of privilege that I didn’t realize Taylor had.
He goes into detail about inviting Scott Sanford out to their Nashville lake and I was shocked reading about all the things he owned like jet skies and boats. He also says that while hanging out with Scott Sanford he promised him to join the Nashville Duck Drop ONLY if he allowed Taylor to sing at the event.
He says, “I invite Scott Sanford out to the lake… he wants us to corral ducks for Nashville’s Duck Drop. I agree to corral ducks if he lets Taylor be the talent at Riverfront Park for the Duck Drop. I take my boat towing, two jet skis through the locks, 35 miles to Nashville. I herd and then have to pick up 15,000 little bastard rubber ducks to the point that my arms are falling off while my daughter is singing.”
Clearly, he has connections and money because he continues to brag about how in everything he did, he made sure to bring Taylor’s promised career with him. Such as making everyone he knows listen to her music.
In the midst of his, “I did everything for Taylor” rant he said, “Who has made every single client listen to Taylor’s latest song before we went over their financial plan?”
Imagine just trying to talk business and your banker is playing you his daughter’s music.
“I Did Everything For Taylor”
According to Scott, his wife Andrea has triggered him to the point of insanity. Keep in mind that Taylor’s parents did eventually divorce in 2012 about 7 years after this email was written.
As I said previously, Scott has been involved in so much of Taylor’s career, especially in the beginning when she needed his business and financial support. He went to lengths to get Taylor where she is today and it seems quite shocking that Taylor became this huge star not by fate but because her dad brought her way in with his wealth and the insane amount of connections.
He also is very bitter over Taylor choosing her mom to accompany her at all events while he does the dirty work behind the scenes. He mentions how annoyed he is that “dad” has to stay home while mom gets all the fun even though he is behind every career opportunity Taylor had at the start of her career.
Which he brags about in his email. Let’s start the “I was behind everything but my wife thinks I’m an idiot” segment.

“My clients don’t wanna hear about how much time I have spent copying video tapes and sending them out when Taylor was 11.”
“Taylor’s theatre group, which had never been invited to sing at Municipal Stadium in Reading for the Reading Phillies was asked to come out on Oldies Day. Who on the board of directors suggest Oldies Day? I did. Who then offered up the cast of Grease? I did. Who had promoted his 11-year-old at every board meeting to the point that when the guy who was supposed to sing the national anthem did not show, they came to Taylor and said ‘Can you sing the national anthem?” I did. This led to the Harlem Wizards national anthem because the person in charge of it was in the stands. Who videotaped it? I did. Who then made copies and used old contacts to send it to the 76ers, while he was being told he was silly? I did. Who got to sit in the car with her friends while Andrea and Taylor were getting first-class treatment in the dressing room? I did. Whose wife thinks I talk too much and promote Taylor too much? MINE. Share my pain please.”
I can not believe what I am reading. Half of me thinks he has a point and the other half is ready to call him crazy.
I understand how frustrating it might be when you’re the one doing all the hard work but you don’t get to enjoy it and you’re looked at as someone who can’t be involved because you don’t know how to handle yourself.
He literally starts off the email with, “I am currently on email restriction from Andrea because I forwarded the Today show jab that Chuck sent to me. I am not allowed to send Dan an email unless Andrea approves it first. Can you even comprehend that? Welcome to my world. Send it to her or mention it to Taylor and there will probably be a quick divorce :-)”
The smiley face at the end kills me LMAO
2 seconds away from being Team Scott Swift 🤔
Again, he seems to have pulled tooth and nail to give Taylor the experiences she had at the start of her career and if that’s true, then I too would feel insane if everyone in my household regarded everything I did as pointless when they would be nowhere without me.
This is the issue though with a parent who has a business mentality more than anything else. He spoke about Taylor and her career as something she needed to do because it was a good business move, rather than being supportive, he was more like a manager.
“On top of that, you and Andrea have no idea how much time I have quietly and sometimes not so quietly stayed on top of Taylor’s career while I am trying to balance all the other stuff.”
So let’s see just how much he stays on top of Taylor’s career asked about it or not.
He says, “Who then sent the 76ers tape to his attorney (all the time being goofed on) who was the president of the USTA. At that point, if Andrea was in charge, we would have talked to Kelly, gone to the US Open, and left. Who sends tapes, CDs, songs, pictures, etc, and gets to know Kelly so that she feels comfortable enough to make the introduction to you? Who pays for everything? Who is the guy that gets goofed on for talking too much? Dad. Who filmed it all? Dad.”
I’m very impressed with the amount of work he did behind the scenes. I think his delivery is more of a problem than anything else because there is this weird condescending tone he’s using when talking about himself and his wife.
I’m guessing Taylor’s mom Andrea is also very controlling because he constantly mentions that it’s him ignoring her that has helped Taylor because he didn’t sit back like she told him to.
He also says he holds his tongue for her a lot so he can be a good husband. I’m not too focused on exposing Taylor’s trauma from her parents because nobody enjoys that but it really does make sense why Taylor is the way she is.
The amount of connections he had is what keeps surprising me. He recalled another example when he “connected with Bill Anderson.”
“I connect with Bill Anderson. Taylor does his fan fair show. Good move….” he then claims that Bill says, “This next girl has created the biggest buzz of anyone I have ever known, get to know her name because you are going to hear it for 25 years.”
Well, Bill, I guess you are to blame for this.
Just kidding, I am a new Swifie… :-)
Time to cue Scott’s “I’m behind everything” dialogue.
“Bill is signed to Sony ATV and RCA. He was talking up Taylor all over the place. I videotaped it. If I do not videotape, it does not happen. Keep in mind that I helped Bill in 1980 in Reading, Pennsylvania, I sold my $10,000 dock to him for $5,000 last year knowing full well how much he can help me over the years, I found the pontoon boat he bought and I was the one that advised him that he should spend the money to clean up his Inlet because he can’t take his money with him and where he is going, it would burn and he would be too busy talking to his friends to write a check. The memories with his grandkids were too important. He has thanked me over and over. Do I talk too much? Better believe it and it is in your best interest.”
Bout to hire Scott Swift to be on the ScandalousMedia team…my God.
If you’re confused about the last part and confused why I put it in, it’s to show you how these people score lifelong connections.
“I found the pontoon boat he bought and I was the one that advised him that he should spend the money to clean up…The memories with his grandkids were too important. He has thanked me over and over.” It’s small things like this that make you have a big impact on people because he advised him to do something for his grandkids that was “priceless.”
The way he operates makes so much sense as to how Taylor herself operates.
One last example he explains to Dan that Taylor was able to get a huge Sony deal because of him.
He says, “How did we get the Blue Bird? I stay in touch with Rob (who I think is one reason she got the Sony deal, they listened to the production, went to the website, and listened to Taylor in person.) We go to a 3-and-a-half-hour writers’ night with Rob playing at the Blue Bird. Painful. It’s over, Andrea wants to bolt. I go over and talk to Rob. ‘Rob, when are you going to get Taylor in here? You should get your young writers all together."‘ He thinks it’s a great idea.”
It's just proof after proof that he has had a huge role in Taylor’s career. He had his foot on it before anyone else. He was even behind all the things you wouldn’t imagine…
Such as calling up a reporter at the City Paper to explain to them he has a daughter at Hendersonville High School who hangs around Abercrombie and Fitch stores and it would be a good article to include in their papers.
So then the newspaper sent their TV crew to the high school but he wasn’t allowed to stay for the interview. He just did all the work while Taylor and Dan got praise and a good buzz.
Scott Borchetta
Let me jog your memory in case the name Scott Borchetta sounds familiar but you don’t know why.
Scott Borchetta for the Swifie fandom is equivalent to the anti-Christ because he “sold Taylor’s masters! :(“
Yet in this email, he is regarded as the person Scott Swift was fighting tooth and nail to get on Taylor’s side.
Here is everything you need to know about Taylor and her masters being sold, and the drama between her, Scott Borchetta, Scooter Braun, and Justin Bieber.
But just like this email showed you, EVERYTHING IS CALCULATED, and Taylor’s dad got a cut from the deal Scott Brochetta made with Scooter Braun. So just like she was mad at Scott and Scooter, she should’ve been mad that her father profited $15 million from her as well.
Did you seriously think a guy like Scott Swift who was singlehandedly behind everything Taylor has done at the start of her career, can’t read a contract? Oh please.
“How did we find Scott Borchetta? I was told under no uncertain terms not to send any more CDs to Frank Bell by Andrea. Without Frank Bell, Scott Borchetta does not know Taylor and we do not know him. The End.”
I’m gonna summarize this part and you guys can read it in detail from the screenshot. He rambles about Frank Bell for a minute before saying that Scott Borchetta is one of the two people he wishes he could work with but he works at a different studio.
Then he says that Frank ends up doing a music video for someone and they hire Scott’s wife, Sandy Borchetta to do the styling for the video. They are playing Taylor’s music the entire time which hypes up Sandy to go tell her husband Scott about this new Taylor Swift.
Frank then used Taylor’s songs to hype up and drive crazy every label promotion who wanted to work with Taylor, and the entire reason this happened is because he went against his wife’s back to send CDs of Taylor to Frank Bell.
Frank then sends a press kit to Universal Studios, but at the last minute, he makes sure the press kit gets sent to Scott Borchetta instead of Luke Lewis. Mind you this whole scheme is just to get Scott Borchetta to be familiar with Taylor Swift.
Good luck reading this novel.
Later on in the email, he praises Scott again, basically saying he will never be your typical record guy and there is something special about him. He also praises Taylor and says she will determine how well his life can be, and that she is the standard of what everyone wants. He then praises the Swift family for not burdening Dan with financial issues and being able to drop everything to do what he says.
It’s a VERY long and unhinged email, but it does a good job at showing you how Taylor’s career was orchestrated behind the scenes and does a good job at showing how Taylor is when these are her parents, more specifically when this is how her dad thinks.
Anyway to keep this post from getting as long as Scotts Swift’s email, let’s end it here. We can talk together in the comments below about this whole thing! How do you guys think Taylor feels about this email being leaked?
Someone emailed me the screen recording because when I searched it up no mainstream media was talking about it in detail. PR team still goes hard hard I see.
That’s why I’m here *insert Scott Swift smiley face :-)*
Keep in mind that Taylor’s entire brand and persona have been about HER hard work, HER sacrifices, and HER ideas, and while that is true to an extent, she got to the place she is through her father’s business schemes and connections. It’s not a bad thing, but it’s interesting that she never really mentions that… like ever.
I hope you guys enjoyed this post! We are planning a more consistent blogging schedule so be sure to let us know what you want to see in the comments down below!