Shading Justin Bieber is an important matter to Selena Gomez as opposed to talking about Black Lives Matter.
You know, it seems like we are back in 2013/14 where Selena Gomez couldn’t keep Justin and his business out of her mouth.
If you missed out on last night’s recent events, not to worry because we got you covered. Check out all of Jelena’s instagram drama here:

Basically, Selena Gomez being the attention seeking leech she is, commented the above comment about how she oh so cares about Justin’s fans even though the majority of fans who met her when she was with Justin, stated that she was obnoxiously rude.
On top of that, she’s claiming as if she loves Justin’s fans so much yet she was dragging the shit out of Justin for like three years. Why you hating on their fave if you love him so much? ON TOP OF THAT, Selena is bitching about “talking about things that matters!” and “I don’t wanna talk about Justin anymore!” yet here she is talking about Justin… on Justin’s photo.

She wasn’t even liking or commenting anything on Instagram for months yet her return to Instagram is this? Wow, you go Selena! Independent for sure! Let’s not even discuss how embarrassing it is to comment on your ex’s photo about his alleged girlfriend. Yikes. What’s even more pathetic is all those times Selena was getting off a plane to go meet up with Justin around a time of HER project release, and then left to go shade him and then discuss how much of an independent woman she is.
Anyways, Justin then shut her off and that made her even more mad.

So instead of Selena maybe taking some extra vocal lessons or taking some selfies, she’s spending her free time bitter that her ex is with someone else.
Last night, she was back on her shading parade.

You thought she would have been done. But oh no, don’t underestimate the queen of bitterness and repulsive vocals.
Her shading parade continues.

I honestly have no words.
Who else do you know who continues liking DIRECT hate and shade posts about their ex of nearly FOUR YEARS? The irony of all of this? Selena doesn’t want to talk about him anymore!

Yet here she is… commenting on HIS photo, liking shade posts about HIM, and more.
The funny part is, Selena wants to use her voice for “something that fucking matters!” yet she basically said “fuck the Black Lives Matter movement, what is me talking about it gonna do?” and yet again, here she is talking about JUSTIN’S BUSINESS.

Oh and by the way, she still hasn’t apologized for that racist comment. “I could give two fucks about sides.” Yeah because care about sides in police brutality vs. the murders of INNOCENT BLACK PEOPLE?

E! News also realized Selena’s bullshit. Check out what they said.

At the end of the day, Selena will forever be known for her drama with Justin. Don’t you know? Her nickname is BIeber’s ex.

Selena: *doesn’t want to talk about Justin* *doesn’t want to be known for Justin*
Also Selena: *likes 837482 shady posts about Justin daily* *comments on Justin’s photo* *shades the girls Justin is with* *shades Justin and his fans*
Selena: *mad at being known for Justin*
The hypocrisy is real.
At the end of the day, Selena’s career before Justin was more than basic. She was successful on a Disney channel level.
Look at the stats before Jelena and compare with after Jelena.

But oh yeah totally, Justin needs Selena.
Even that Emmy her fans think she won, was presented to the writers of Wizards Of Waverly Place not Selena.

And at the end of the day..

The funny part is that Selena’s album was released before.
So tell me more about how Justin is using Selena for attention and not vice versa?
And tell me more about how Selena is the “queen of shade!” when that double standards is honestly too real. How can you praise someone who’s continously being a hypocrite and putting someone else down? Kill em with kindess’ she said. If you want to kill us Selena, just keep your mic on full volume.

So I hope you guys enjoyed this post! Someone honestly has to put Selena in her place.
Regarding the rest of our August marathon, each post will be postponed 1 day later. I would apologize but I’ve been posting everyday this month so you can’t blame me lol

Big news! We re-opened our email. You can know send us your experience with anyone you want exposed. Please do not bother to send us fake information. You must prove your information is real by backing it up or proving your relationship to the topic. Everything is explained down below.

We told you on Twitter and in our last post that our amazing source has gotten a lot of tea on Sofia and Justin. She was supposed to tell me it today but she’s been really busy so we promise to spill everything once she gets back to us.

Thank you guys for your amazing support. We love you all!
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