Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez fire back at each other on Instagram and Justin exposes her.
Who knew Sofia Richie would bring so much drama?
Justin recently posted the following on Instagram.

Because of his comment, Beliebers felt as if Justin hates him because he said “don’t be so mean to the people that I like.”

Justin can be an asshole, I’ll tell you that, but his comment didn’t mean “I hate my fans” and as to why it translated as that to many of you, is beyond me.
After that comment, #RIPBeliebers started trending.

Where in his comment would you assume he hates you? I just don’t understand. The drama…
Anyway, that drama continues and continues until Selena comments on his Instagram saying the following.

Yes it’s real, there are many different screenshots going around.
Justin then fires back, proving your girls right may I add.

Directly after, Selena posts the following on Instagram.

Queen of instigating, competing, like girl go drink some water and relax.
First of all, Selena does not like Beliebers. In fact, she hates them. 8 out of 10 times when Jelena was together, either Selena was rude to fans or she made Justin be rude to them.
Receipts? Receipts.

How about another experience?

One more? How’s this of Selena hating the fact that Justin stopped for fans?

How about when an entire country wanted Selena dead because of how rude she was to them?

I’m going to get to the point but if you want more experiences of Selena being rude in public, check out this page: https://www.exposingsmg.com/blog/tag/rude
From an inside perspective, Selena was always annoyed and jealous of Justin’s relationship with his fans.
She didn’t think of Beliebers as ordinary fans. She thought of them as girls that Justin was cheating on her with. He would explain to her it’s part of the job, but I mean that’s like talking to a wall. At one point, she even wanted Justin to give up his career as he exposed in She Don’t Like The Lights

Do you see those lyrics? Fam it’s a cry for help. She was so beyond controlling. She Don’t Like The Lights has also another arm of history and you can read that in our parent contract post here: https://www.exposingsmg.com/blog/2016/01/09/exposed-the-parent-contract-and-justin-and
Selena commenting that on his picture proves 1 thing and 1 thing only. Selena wants the attention. And guess what? Her comment was planned and my source actually messaged me the following before Selena even said anything.

Also, the tea she’s talking about, I’ll get to later.

Selena’s Instagram comment was indeed planned. She doesn’t even follow Justin! She literally went and checked up on him and commented on a picture that was at the time, like 19 hours old!
Justin’s clap back is insane and one of the best in history.

“It’s funny to see people that used me for attention and still try to point the finger this way.”

Yes ladies and gentlemen, we have made it to the day that Justin finally exposes Selena! Justin literally told you that she has been using him for attention and that is something we are known for telling you!
Check out the 2015 Jelena contract here: https://www.exposingsmg.com/blog/2015/07/12/exposed-the-new-official-jelena-contract-of-2015
Ya girls stay winning!

Justin did not stutter. He told you plainly and clearly that Selena used him and used to blame him all the time which is what we’ve been talking about! You guys have just been believing her victim act and her constantly crying wolf.
Check out the times she shaded him here: https://twitter.com/ExposingSMG/status/714642168443494400
Here’s the post on that: https://www.exposingsmg.com/blog/2013/08/20/lets-count-all-the-times-selena-gomez-shaded-3
Thank god Justin exposed her for you guys because the majority would actually believe that Selena’s comment is genuine. And if you still do, you deserve to be fooled.

Why would she post that if she really cared about Justin’s fans? She is trying to pin him as some asshole who doesn’t care for his fans when that is really not the case. She is trying to say “Oh look at me, I love my fans, unlike my douche ex-boyfriend!” She’s such a manipulative girl.
And if Selena cared about Beliebers so much, why did she drag their fave constantly for like three years even when he was contemplating suicide????
Selena should focus on all the mental breakdowns she’s having behind the scenes instead of having them in public on the comment section of her ex-boyfriend’s page.
If you guys don’t see through this disgusting and transparent stunt set by her team then you deserve to be fooled!

Justin tried to warn you just like we did.
Check out this post of all the times Selena FLEW to Justin around the time of her project releases: https://www.exposingsmg.com/blog/2014/06/15/how-many-times-have-justin-and-selena-reconciled-2
Justin literally said that Selena used him for attention and was pointing fingers at him when he was not at fault. There is NO way around this besides delusion. No one cares what you have to say. You can not prove Justin wrong about his own life.
And thank you Justin for proving the exposingsmg team right.

^ That comment is fake. It was invented by Selena’s delusional fans as they tried to make sense of what was going on. Justin and Selena haven’t even been together for years.
Still think Selena’s comment about Beliebers was so genuine? Keep reading.
Why did Selena proceed to like the following photo right after commenting on what she did?

She’s like a bitter stan on Twitter. She’s very competitive with Justin. We all know who the richer and more famous celebrity is yet if you sent her receipts for that, she’ll probably die. How more bitter can you be?

Selena also liked the above photo. Didn’t she recently say she didn’t want everyone relating Justin back to her? So why are you liking shading photos about Justin?
As I told you before, she keeps bringing Justin’s name into it for more relevancy: https://www.exposingsmg.com/blog/2016/08/09/is-selena-gomez-running-out-of-things-to-keep-her
You wanna talk about underage? Let’s talk about underage.

Selena was over 18 in all those photos and how old was Justin? 17! Yup, the same age as Sofia Richie.
But let’s keep talking about underage since Selena wants to talk about it.

Selena really is over and it seems like she wants to spend eternity being known for Justin. Not only did Justin expose her for using him for attention but she really gonna act like he wasn’t the same age as Sofia when she was 18+ over and letting him grope her? Guaranteed they were under a contract then, but that’s irrelevant right now.
Some fans were even trying to say that Justin needs attention from Selena!

HOW can the bigger star benefit from the smaller star? If Justin needs Selena’s attention, you are telling me that Selena is more famous. And if Selena is more famous, then how come Justin has outpeaked her in every single aspect of the entertainment world? Singles. Tours. Album sales. Album peaks. Album debuts. Single peaks. Single sales. Single debuts. Tour tickets. Tour gross. Movie gross. Movie debuts. Awards. Nominations. Justin is higher in every single aspect yet Justin needs HER?

Justin makes headlines for eating a sandwich and you wanna really say he needs Selena? All those times he posted photos of her on Instagram were getting HER relevancy and attention by fueling Jelena rumors something that he is also told to do. A lot of those pictures were around the time of a release as I showed you before. I actually made a thread about it tonight: https://twitter.com/ExposingSMG/status/764996627442655233
Joking about how Selena was famous before Justin is a self drag on its own. So you trying to tell me Selena was famous longer yet he is more famous and sold more records? Okay cool.
So since Justin ended Selena, her fans were shook and were like omg, exposingsmg just got proved right, let’s change the topic!
Those irrelevant imbeciles started bringing up Justin and Kourtney Kardashian hooking up and whatnot. They proceeded to say that Justin slept with Kourtney for promotion.

Yeah because when I want to hook up with someone for promotion, I hook up with the most irrelevant out of the family AND get spotted only one time.

Makes sense! But hey, if we’re on the topic of Kourtney Kardashian & Justin Bieber hooking up, let’s talk about Orlando Bloom!
Remember when I told you that Selena and Orlando Bloom hooked up and then photos of them making out were released like 2 weeks later? And on top of that, Orlando cheated on Katy Perry with Selena?

Full post here: https://www.exposingsmg.com/blog/2016/04/26/exposed-selena-gomez-and-orlando-bloom
Either way, Selena and Orlando are irrelevant to tonight’s drama just like Justin and Kourtney are.
Selenators were also mad at Justin because he defended Sofia but apparently never defended Selena.
Uh wrong!
Justin tweeted sometime in 2011-12 the same exact thing he posted on Instagram today. He said something along the lines of “If you are my fan, you wouldn’t hate on my friends and family.” When Justin was also getting hate for hanging out with a certain group of friends, he later took to Instagram and said something around the same concept. And yet you all thought he wanted you dead for commenting what he did today.
And it doesn’t get more better than when Justin said that Beliebers are just jealous of his relationship with Selena, on national television. He was on the Oprah Winfrey show in 2012 and when Oprah asked him about the hate Selena gets, Justin literally said, and I quote, “They’re just jealous it’s not them.”

You can watch the Oprah interview yourself. The point is, Justin has defended Selena.
To be honest, Justin not defending Selena on a daily basis during their toxic relationship is better than him defending her. You see all the hate Sofia Richie got because apparently, Beliebers think Justin wanted them dead because he said don’t hate on Sofia.
Selena was and is still very hated in Beliebers’ hearts and with great reason too. She’s always rude to them and was partially responsible for their fave’s downfall. The point is, if Justin even defended Selena more, she would get so much hate. Justin called Beliebers jealous of her and Beliebers went wild. Imagine if he constantly told them to stop.
Summary: Justin proved us correct and showed you all what an attention seeking person Selena really is!
On top of that, our source had date proof that this whole Instagram fight was going down!

Anyways, a verified writer who wrote for Vogue magazine once, called us legendary!

As for the Sofia and Justin drama, ignore it. My source tells me there’s an entire story behind that and I can’t wait to share it with you all.