The Truth About Justin Bieber and Sofia Richie's Relationship and Selena Gomez's Planned Instagram Comment (More on Hailey Baldwin)
It’s hereeeeeee.

All posts regarding the Sofia Richie drama is all here:
Read up with the gossip from the start. We got you.
In our first Sofia related post, we told you that we believe a mutual hooked up Justin and Sofia because no way did they randomly become this close in such a short amount of time.

We also told you that Hailey felt very betrayed by Justin and we had a whole post on Jailey which you can find here:
We discussed how Selena’s instagram comment was not genuine and was actually planned. I posted the following on twitter.

Half thought the screenshots were real and the other half thought they were fake. Aw, if only we lived in a world where the exposingsmg team actually cared if you didn’t believe what we said.
Anyways, the first text is a message my source sent. I thought it was between her friend and her but it was between two mutuals of Justin and Selena’s party and then one of them sent it to my source who sent it to me.
Confusing? Well getting inside info on top celebrities isn’t going to be a direct approach.
Also, I don’t care if you think I somehow managed to hack into my phone’s settings and play with the dates or whatever. You can clearly see that the first screenshot is on a different phone that’s connected to Verizon while my phone is connected to T-Mobile. Also, you give me a lot of credit. I don’t know how to do that nor do I have the patience to learn. But drag me I guess.
The first text shows one of the mutual friends explaining the Instagram drama exactly as it went down.
1. Selena comments on one of Justin’s many photos with Sofia (PLANNED)
2. Justin fires back at Selena and calls her out (NOT PLANNED)
3. Selena is crazy and spends the following days of her life spending time on Instagram liking hate/shady posts of Justin just like the bitter person she always was.

So that’s the history of it all. Time to spill some new tea.

Basically, Justin will reactivate his Instagram after all this drama. If it was up to his team, he wouldn’t have deactivated in the first place but he got sick of all the drama so no, that part was not planned. Also, John, the CEO of Shots and recent exposingsmg reader who accidentally followed us while getting his daily dose of tea, is one of the people who control Justin’s Instagram.

Oh what’s that? You thought your faves control their social media accounts completely? Oh…. how cute.

Okay now read carefully because it’s going to get confusing.
Justin and Sofia are NOT a PR deal. Their teams did NOT hook them up. There is NO contract between them stating they have to be seen together. However, they are an unofficial business deal. By unofficial, I mean there is no contract and their teams are not professionally involved as they would be if they were under a contract.
The whole thing is a setup through a mutual friend of both Justin and Selena who hooked Jofia up. Justin is being played (again… what a loser).
The plan is to make Justin look like an asshole to his fans and then Queen Selena comes in and saves the day (check and check)!
Poor the delusional Beliebers. “Aw she actually cares for us!”

It gets worse.
The messages I will show you later were all sent on August 10 aka before the Instagram drama on August 14. The way the source describes it is exactly how it happens.
Justin takes Sofia to Japan.

They act all touchy. Justin does what he’s known for which is getting used by other women and Beliebers do what they’re known for and drag that person. This is all planned out from Sofia’s side. Justin is just chilling with her and being all flirty because he’s…. Justin. And Sofia? Well she loves that she’s with the JUSTIN BIEBER.
I mean we all know she likes her older men and more famous men.

The guy in the photo is Samir. Sofia became friends with his girlfriend at the time, Anara. Here’s what Anara recently said.

Credit to because they are her screenshots!
She dumped Samir right away and went to Justin. Why? Because of that mutual friend who is coming from Selena’s side. Those messages were discussed in the post below:
Now we know what she really meant by Sofia dumping Samir right away.
Sofia and Justin were not friends before all of this. Sure she was at his premiere in 2011 just like every other famous person, but they were not friends. For Justin and Sofia to become this close randomly, then it either means their teams put them together or a mutual friend. In this case, it’s a mutual friend who’s clearly not that good of a friend.
Think of it like a blind date or a friend acting as a dating app.

Sofia and Hailey were friend…ly. Those photos are from February 2016. Sofia’s friends don’t like Hailey.
But here’s where Selena comes in…
Selena wants Sofia and Justin close because she knows that Sofia and Justin will never happen and it’s only a spur of the moment. She wants Sofia and Justin to destroy what he and Hailey had. Why? Hailey gets hurt and feels played by Justin and moves on and doesn’t want him back. Hailey won’t be in Justin’s life as she used to be and that’s what Selena wants.
Selena knows that Justin and Hailey were close and were on the verge of marriage if you ask me. How can she get rid of her? Add someone else into the equation to make it seem like Justin doesn’t give a sh!t about anyone.
Voila… Jofia is born on Instagram

Justin was convinced in some way to post all of those photos. Why? Because then Selena would have had a better reason to comment.

It wouldn’t make sense for Selena to comment if Justin posted one or two photos. But no, he posted several of the same occasion. So Selena’s comment makes even more sense. Beliebers got angrier within each photo and then Selena comes to the rescue. Delusional fans thinks Selena has their back further proving the fact that fans on social media don’t really know much about the entertainment world and how it functions. It’s far from genuine.
As the source tells us, Justin is easily influenced. All Sofia needs to do is rub his chest a little bit and bat those eyes, and he’ll post 30 photos of them not just 5.
Moving onto Sofia as a person.

Sofia is very two faced. She’s your typical rich socialite with a famous daddy. She will sleep with your boyfriend and she doesn’t care how you feel about it or how the law feels about it. I’m also told that Sofia is pretty b!tchy.
Don’t believe me? Believe someone who knows her.

Sofia is an opportunist. She will drop you for a bigger opportunity to come along. Justin seems to be another opportunity and he’s dumb enough to get himself played….. AGAIN.
Justin is on a roll!
Trusting some random models to go skinny dipping with him only for them to leak his nudes.
Now, he’s trusting Sofia Richie and doing whatever she pleases which will come back to bite him in the ass. Bookmark me on this.
Back to Justin’s Instagram.
Justin doesn’t really see what most of you say. He doesn’t fully control his Instagram nor does he sit around reading what stans have to say. He is not aware of Sofia’s shenanigans.
Example A

And here’s a different time stamp.

Like I always said, if celebrities have the guts to say so and so in the public eye, imagine what they say behind closed doors?

We are not sure if Selena and Sofia are talking on the side and planning the second downfall of Justin or not, but it sure seems that way.
Let me guess, you little uneducated fans are like “Wow this b!tch got no life, Selena isn’t that petty.”
If Selena can shade, bring up, and still be involved in drama with her ex FOUR years after their breakup, then what makes you think in the slightest that she isn’t petty?
Also, I don’t think Selena is in the slightest mature, educated, or a decent human being overall. If you’re a veteran reader, you know why. If you’re not, it’s not hard to find out why. If you’re her fan and have ignored the dumb sh!t she’s done over the years then…. well delusion suits you, I guess.
I mean Selena lies about writing songs. Example A: Feel Me

Selena’s always been updated on Justin’s life and who he hangs out with more than I’m updated on her life

Selena has always been like this. Some people think Selena just now became shady. Um no.
She says sh!t like this

and this

and this

I mean the list can go on. Selena Gomez is uneducated and petty. So why exactly would you think it’s a reach that Selena would recruit some random girl to get her ex with whom she still talks about to this day, even though she claims she doesn’t want to talk about him???
You can pretend that Selena is not everything I just explained just like Selena pretended knowing about Indian culture

But anyway, at the end day, Selena is always the main link to Jelena drama and she always sparks the Jelena conversation unless it’s those couple of times Justin’s told to post random pictures of her on Instagram.
Oh wait, you thought that was genuine too?

It really scares me how little fans on Twitter know about the industry and how it works.
Moral of the story…
it’s easy to play Justin
Sofia will sleep with your man so watch out out for her fake friendship
Justin is kinda stupid
Selena is still bitter and bored four years after Jelena ended
Hailey is just chillin and the only unproblematic one in this situation
Oh and not only did our source’s story make perfect sense, but Blindgossip’s source reported what we have been telling you for MONTHS just a couple of days ago.
Here are the messages between my source and I. Read more to understand the entire situation clearly and she will tell you some things about Sofia and Justin on Instagram and etc. Read till the end because we have a little surprise.

Here’s the messages between my friend’s source and a mutual of Justin and Selena’s.

The messages between my source and I continue.

I had a feeling no one expected Justin to clapback lmao look at what I said before my source sent me the messages

The messages continue..

I hope you guys enjoyed! That’s not all. We have a special Youtube video for you. Yes ExposingSMG is making a comeback. We summed up this entire drama in one short 3 minute video! Watch it below!