The Problem With How Social Media is Perceiving Demi Lovato + naivety of image on social media.


This has been building up in me for quite some time. As you guys know, we know many things about many different celebrities. We have probably only told you 10% of what we know. Aside from inside secrets, we know a lot about management, publicity, and etc. I think we can all conclude that my favorite topic to talk about is image. I’m always like oh this person is not who you think they are and so on. So what does this have to do with Demi Lovato? Well, I’ll tell you in a moment. 

Demi Lovato is known for a couple of things. She’s known for her music, her projects as a child, her voice, her struggles, and the comments she’s made throughout the years. 


Unlike the majority of you, I don’t let my personal opinion overshadow facts even if I am a fan of the person. Recently it’s come to my attention that Demi has made several comments that you have probably heard about and I’d like to address them. Before we get into that, we have to discuss image and publicity. 

Image and Publicity

Most of the people that social media swoons over are not the people they think they are. Who you may think is the sweetest soul who wouldn’t hurt a fly, is really behind a beautifully crafted scheme to make them seem that way. Many of our fave celebrities do a lot of things to secure their image or create some more media attention.


Following someone on Instagram, liking a picture, posing with someone backstage, throwing in a small nice comment in an interview—these are all products of excellent publicity. You honestly think many of your faves genuinely like these other celebrities they seem to be friends with? The truth is, no, no they don’t. They hate them and the reason why they posted something cute on Instagram and posed backstage together is all the product of what’s called good publicity. A lot of celebrities don’t even control their social media because that can affect how people see them. The general public: you, I, social media, all love a star who seems perfect. They all adore perfection and unrealistic goals. What may seem like “goals” is actually a crafted plan between publicists and managers. 


Oh you thought they were all friends and they love promoting girl power? Haha no. They love promoting themselves and what’s better than promotion than public relationships to get introduced to new celebrities and new connections? 

Again, the majority of your favorite celebrities’ social media is almost always controlled by their team in order to execute an image of perfection. Also, they don’t want their clients slipping and saying something that’s politically incorrect. 

Stans on social media set faves based on people who meet those levels of perfection. So that’s one set of celebrities; the ones who will do anything for good publicity, the ones who would like to act like they’re friends with everyone, the ones who pretend to be the ideal standard of royal fame. Then there’s the other set who are my personal favorite. 

This set includes celebrities who go against the ideal image of what a celebrity should be. 

The only two ex Disney acts out of the trio who don’t religiously follow the script their publicists set.

This set includes celebrities who aren’t afraid to speak their mind. This set includes celebrities who say, yeah I f-cked up, and you know what? You do too. This set includes celebrities who are usually perceived in a negative light due to the fact that they are not under the constant control of their management. This set does not include manufactured products of a billion dollar label. One of these celebrities that we’re going to focus on is Demi Lovato. 


Demi Lovato is someone who does not take sh-t from anyone. She’s spent a large majority of her life trying to fit in, trying to be popular, trying to be liked. And believe it or not, this industry is a lot like a big high school.

You have your popular cheerleaders who like to act like they’re perfect with their arranged boyfriends when in reality they’re either sleeping with each other or their “best friend’s” husband/boyfriend. Fast forward a couple of categories, and you have the group of “outcasts.” In that group, you’ll find people who are just outcasts because they don’t like to comply with the norm. Recently, Demi Lovato has sparked a lot of talk about what she said about the legend, Mariah Carey. 

Drama with Mariah Carey and the Jennifer Lopez Feud


For those of you who have been living under a rock, there’s been an ongoing comparison between Mariah Carey and Ariana Grande due to the way they sing.


Demi and Ariana are friends by the way. We haven’t been told that they have a secret rivalry so no the following picture is not one of those times where publicists tell celebrities to pose together. 


Anyways, so of course the queen of shade, Mariah Carey decided to take her stance on this by saying the following about two years ago. 


I believe she was asked about the comparisons between her and Ariana and Mariah responds saying “I wish everybody all the best of luck and if this is the career path they choose, hope they can achieve longevity.” Basically, if you’re choosing to make a career out of being a wannabe me, then good luck.

I mean she’s not wrong LMAO 

The competition has been going on since the beginning. So Demi’s Instagram comment was defending her friend, Ariana from an ongoing comparison between the two. Sure she could have stayed quiet, but then again she doesn’t always have to follow the rules of what her publicist tells her in order to achieve an image of perfection in which only delusional and naive kids fall for (so basically all of stan twitter). 

Also, Demi has this quality where she feels the need to express loyalty to an extreme length and I believe that stems from her issues with abandonment. So she thinks that in defending Ariana and being a friend for her, Ariana will do the same. Could that be the case? Maybe. Ariana is a tricky one. Her loyalty doesn’t run as thick as Demi’s.

Now what really got everyone worked up is when Demi defended her friend, Jennifer Lopez. 


Here’s what Demi said:


Now I personally don’t find anything wrong with what she said but stan twitter decided to be personally offended.

“Cause my girl is classy like that” is Demi defending Jennifer and saying she’s classy which is by defintion--true considering she’s not going around making shady remarks about another competitor for a couple of years now. 

Guaranteed there is history between Mariah and Jennifer, Mariah does tend to still publicly shade Jennifer. Going back to Demi and her extent of loyalty, she wanted to defend her friend.


The same delusional fanbase who I see getting involved this drama is none other than the idiots who call themselves Selenators. Btw, they are the most uneducated and naive people you will come across so steer clear of them if you value your time. Suddenly they’re all Mariah stans but they forgot when their fave milked the “classy” act for like a year ever since what Miley pulled at the 2013 VMAs.


So no no little children, you don’t get to be mad at anyone for saying their friend is classy when your fave milked the whole “I’m classy” act when the media tried to come for Miley by saying she’s unclassy and that it’s better to support Selena who’s the classy version of her yeah in the public eye. And yes, she started this whole act, after the 2013 VMAs. 


This performance was also another publicity stunt that got everyone talking just like they wanted. 

Going back to the Mariah situation, Demi was not shading Mariah. Demi was not coming for Mariah. Demi was defending her friends from constantly being put down at while doing so, she did not insult Mariah. 

Now a lot of you will come up and be like oh Jennifer stole Mariah’s song. 


No. Do your research. The basic story is Mariah recorded a song that was sampled, then ended her contract with that label. Jennifer was working with someone who gave her that same sample to work with and then Mariah could not use it because of the date issue since Jennifer was releasing her album before.

Mariah was screwed over by her psychotic ex-husband and I already linked that post for you above.

Deluded and uneducated individuals make it seem like Jennifer Lopez put on a black catsuit, called up Demi, and said hey let’s break into Columbia Records and attempt to sabotage Mariah. If we’re going to be pointing fingers, it’s going to be at the person who gave Mariah’s sample to Jennifer. Regardless of what happened after or before, I personally don’t care. Don’t get angry when someone defends their friend over some grudge you’ve been holding for over a decade. 


Now back to Demi’s comment about Mariah dissing people and treating Jennifer in a nasty way, yes, that is true. Mariah is one the biggest divas in this industry and when I say diva, I don’t mean diva like: I don’t wanna pose with fans. I mean diva like: calling up people who work for her at 3AM and ordering a drink. No no, not room service, people who work for her like her publicists, managers, etc. Many people who have worked for Mariah had said that she would bring in an entourage with her at all times, will not allow anyone to talk to her because she is Mariah Carey, and will walk around treating people like she’s above them. Other people have reported that Mariah has left events before if she was not at the VIP table. One of these events was when she was upset that she wasn’t sitting with President Obama & Michelle at an event and then left. 


She will attack people if they’re not getting her from the right angle. Another report showed that she refused to help pay for her dying sister’s medical bills and her brother called her out on it. And I quote, he called her “heartless” and a “witch.”

In Mariah’s defense, her sister was not the best of people and she was using her for the longest time. She did endure a lot and she is a celebrity who is a victim of the industry. However, my point still stands on Mariah being a diva who didn’t necessarily treat people nicely. And there are a lot more diva-ish acts she’s done, but you get the point. 


At the end of the day, you can look all this up yourself. Go find the people in the shadows who have worked with Mariah and go read what they had to say. Anything personal reported to us about Mariah, has always circled around the “oh she’s a diva,” so I don’t really have the patience for anyone to convince me otherwise.

Now if you support that, do you boo, do you. Just don’t be a hypocrite when you’re called out on it.


Mariah Carey has made a legendary impact on the music industry, but that does not give her the right to go and try to attack everyone in her field of business or if they’re not. If you think she has the right, then others have the right to defend themselves. 

With that being said, I don’t have anything against Mariah. I myself like the occasional diva in the music industry, but I’m not going to drag someone from defending themselves from a diva.

It’s one of those situations where if you made the bed, you gotta lay in it.


I know many things about Demi and I can honestly tell you right now that she’s a genuine person. She doesn’t walk around thinking she’s above anyone. She doesn’t constantly put people down. She’s not manipulative. She doesn’t go out of her way to hurt someone. She has a lot of things she has to work on and that’s what she does. If you can’t support that, then fine. But don’t come after her because she’s not the manufactured product you want to praise. Demi fights for what she believes in and if that’s something you can’t respect, then oh well, no one cares. 

Taylor Swift and Kesha

 Another example of times Demi was attacked for no reason is when she stood up and called out Taylor Swift for not practicing what she preaches. 


Basically the story is, Kesha came out and said that Dr. Luke r*ped and abused her. Demi was defending her and said that people who should be all about feminism should come out and support Kesha in this time of need instead of staying quiet which is TRUE. So then people on twitter, who I’m assuming have no friends, came out and said omg she’s shading Taylor Swift. Following that, Taylor came out and donated $250k to Kesha.

The point of the story is that Taylor would probably have not done anything if Demi didn’t speak up about it. And oh how did we know that Taylor donated that? Because someone from Kesha’s party decided to tweet it and praise her. If you think that was not set up in chit chats between the publicists, then good lord you really do know nothing about this industry. Taylor Swift is not a bad person. However, she will do anything to keep her vanilla image… vanilla. She does not appreciate someone calling her out. She does not like to get involved in controversial topics because she fears that an audience who supports her, will leave her based on what she said so no darlings, she does not believe in fighting for what she believes in if that’s going to affect her image. Maybe that will change one day, but it’s not now.

Taylor likes to maintain control over her image and Demi saying that she speaks up about something that’s important to her rather than trying to be politically correct is her basically telling you, f-ck what you think, I’m sorry I’m not a manufactured product. Let me not even get started on the whole Kanye West vs Taylor thing when he rapped about her and got her permission for the line and then she went around and flipped the whole story around and played the victim role. 

The Drama with Zendaya and Barbie

This was another time that people like to hate on Demi.


Basically, Zendaya got the chance to be part of Barbie’s new line that showcases a lot of diversity. Barbie asked for other requests and then Demi then said, well oh because they’re doing this, bring out a curvy doll at the same doll. Again, bringing awareness to something she’s passionate about, but then she was called out for trying to steal the attention off Zendaya.

While I’ll admit that it does seem annoying, it’s not like Demi said “I’m gonna take the spotlight off Zendaya.” It may come off that way, but that’s only if you want it to come off that way.


At the end of the day, Demi and Zendaya are friends. Demi also deleted her tweet because she probably felt bad and didn’t want it coming off the way it did.

Nicki Minaj’s Shady Glances At the Met Gala



We never told you the story of Nicki Minaj and Demi Lovato at the 2016 Met Gala even though we were going to. 

Nicki Minaj was incredibly rude to Demi. If you’re smart, you’d realize that both Nicki and Demi are wearing dresses designed by Moschino at a fashion related event. Usually, when the designer is present, anyone wearing his or her designs will pose with the designer. That is why Nicki and Demi were supposed to pose together. Shouldn’t come as any surprise when I tell you that Nicki Minaj is a rude and petty person in general, so she wasn’t that happy posing with Demi even though they didn’t really have any past history worth of Nicki being mad at her. 

However, we have our good share of Nicki stories, but I’ll decide if I want to spill one day.


Nicki posting that post on Instagram was direct shade to Demi since she was obnoxiously rude to her for no reason, so Demi called her out and basically said I did nothing to you, why are you like this? 

Again, defending herself. It’s not calling being “extra,” it’s called DEFENDING YOURSELF and the same people who attack Demi for it, are the same people who are probably the ones getting pushed into lockers at school or sitting in the corner by themselves since they can’t do the same as Demi which is, defending themselves. That’s probably why they get so mad. Demi is doing something they can’t. 

Mind you, Demi never meant any harm to Nicki. She’s always been a huge fan of hers


hence her commenting that because that’s what friends act like and Demi has enjoyed Nicki’s music in the past.

But again, Demi got hate…. for putting 3 emojis and commenting something innocent. And let’s not forget when many of you sided with Miley Cyrus when Nicki Minaj said this


even though:

  1. Miley & Nicki have worked together in the past and Miley didn’t hold any sort of grudge towards Nicki. She just called her out by saying oh stop playing the race card because you didn’t get nominated for the VMAs, again TRUE and…

  2. Pretty sure this was a publicity stunt that Nicki continued to milk on social media. Nicki Minaj is another person who will play the victim card to suffice her wants. 

But leave it to the majority to side with Miley, but hate on Demi. 

Your hypocrisy is showing ;)

The topic of Feminism

Demi is a feminist. She’s not a feminist because it’s a trend. She’s a feminist because she actually believes in being one and she better considering the hell Wilmer put her through when degrading her.


While many gave Demi hate for that comment, I applaud her. A lot of you delusional animals claim that you’re a feminist because your fave is. You think you’re a feminist but you have no idea what being a feminist is about. You think you’re a feminist but you’re probably like Selena Gomez and don’t know the definition and think that feminism is not bringing other girls down. That’s girl power boo.

While these self proclaimed feminists are on social media bringing down Demi while praising their problematic male faves for practically the same thing, Demi is actually doing something about. Demi goes to meetings in the white house to fight for things she truly believes in while you little children, sit on twitter and moan about someone’s Instagram picture while playing right into the scripted acts of your manufactured faves. 

The Argument of Makeup

And the last thing that stan twitter likes to bring on Demi is this:


That’s the equivalent of saying “You don’t need makeup to be beautiful.” She’s not saying don’t wear makeup, she’s saying you don’t HAVE to wear it, but considering the majority of people who hate on her failed reading comprehension 101, I’m not that shocked. And the fact that you guys took her comment to heart over a year later? Lmao how sensitive can you be? 

The cherry on top of all of this is that the same people who hate on Demi, stan and turn a blind eye to those who do things without good intentions. To those who aren’t nice people. To those who have thousands of examples like the ones I just listed for Demi, but because you stan them, you turn blind. That’s hypocrisy luv.

If you’re gonna drag someone you don’t like for one thing, you better be holding your own fave accountable or else we will. And that’s what we do.

So why do I respect Demi and why should you?


Throughout the years, I’ve watched Demi grow. I watched her struggle. I watched her prosper. I watched her as she became a genuine person. I watched her as she shed a perfect image made by excellent publicists. I watched her as she took responsibility for her own actions. And like I watch her put you losers in your place, I watch you moan over how sweet and genuine your faves are when really you are stanning a script.

  • Act like this.

  • Pose like this.

  • Post this.

  • Pose with her.

  • Pose with him.

  • Say this about this.

  • Tweet this.

  • Instagram this.

The people you think are role models, are the same ones behind all the bullsh-t that happens in the industry. And instead of respecting Demi for calling out all these fake people, you bring her down. Instead, you let your opinion for her overshadow what you can LEARN from Demi. Demi is in this business therefore she knows all these people she’s called out on a personal level. She’s in the business therefore she knows how it works.

I have a source. Who’s Demi’s source? Oh well, she doesn’t need one since SHE’S HER OWN SOURCE. She’s a primary source to all the bullsh-t that goes on behind the scenes and instead of respecting a celebrity who’s finally real and not playing by a script, you bring her down. And that tells me one thing and that’s that you know nothing about this industry. 

Thank you for coming to my ted talk xoxo

comment down below what you think and any other thoughts you have!

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