Reviews by ExposingSMG: Dangerous Woman

You request, I bring.

I stan Ariana. I bought Dangerous Woman. I’m really fond of this type of music because you may not know a lot about my music taste, but I really don’t like most of the mainstream music. This doesn’t mean I don’t stan mainstream artists because I do. It just means I don’t like music made solely just for radio. A nice radio bop here and then is great, but if your discography seems like you recorded this song just for a radio hit then most likely I won’t buy your album. I bought Dangerous Woman because it’s not what I just described.

Dangerous Woman is an album filled with great bops, excellent vocals, and a story to fit many different scenarios. Let’s do a quick summary of each song.
1. Moonlight
This is one of my favorite songs on the album. This seems like the type of song I’d play on the way back from a trip with my family or friends. It’s very soothing and calming. It’s also a cute love song. I’d be the type to have this playing in the background on a date.
2. Dangerous Woman
This had to be one of the smartest choices for a lead single because it reinvents Ariana as a singer. It’s like “oh you thought I could only deliver dance bops like Problem? Think again. “ This song definitely introduced her to a different audience.
3. Be Alright
When you first hear this song you’re like “oh this is a cute song” and then the beat drops and you’re like

4. Into You
The second single is one of my favorites off of this album. The build up of this song accompanied with Ariana’s vocals is something you don’t find in excellent pop songs. And then the beat hits with an actual chorus as a opposed to a repetitive one of two lines and I’m automatically snatched. It’s also a really nice relatable love song, but not a basic one.
5. Side to Side feat. Nicki Minaj
Ah the summer bop! Everything about this song screams sexy and laying down on the beach chilling with your friends. Again, it’s a great pop song that is most likely the type to be a radio hit, but it’s not one of those basic pop songs made for radio. The beat is new and fresh and I like that. Whenever Nicki Minaj features, she usually says the same thing but her addition to the song was a smart choice.
6. Let Me Love You feat. Lil Wayne
Another excellent tune paired with a great beat. I adore how the song starts off slow and then it goes into the “jus lemme lu uh uh uh uh ove you.” This song makes you want to go hook up with someone.

7. Greedy
Another great love song. I love the feel of the song and the beat. This song is quite different from the rest but it ties in perfectly with the album. The bridge is also one of the best parts of the song.

8. Leave Me Lonely feat. Macy Gray
This is NOT one of those basic pop songs. This song is filled with R&B and it gives off a soulful vibe. I love it. The lyrics talk about a dangerous love that once again fits with the album even though it sounds different from the rest.
dangerous love, you’re no good for me darling. yeah you turn me away like i’m begging for a DOOOOLLLLAR
9. Everyday feat. Future
This is probably the only song I hate on the album. Well… I don’t really hate it, but I don’t like it and I would skip it. I also despise the chorus. It sounds like Ariana called up Future and was like hey let’s collab, made him say one word, added an annoying beat behind it, and put it on repeat. If I was in the mood for a headache, this would be the song I’d listen to.

10. Sometimes
I love the beginning of this song with the guitar and then the shift into the beat whilst the acoustic guitar strums peacefully in the background. And then the catchy chorus hits. The “la la la la” just gives off a peaceful vibe. It’s a yes from me.

11. I Don’t Care
No matter how many times I listen to this song, I feel like I don’t remember it, I guess I don’t care about it.
12. Bad Decisions
This is a nice song with a cute beat, but personally not one of my favorites. I do like the chorus though, but my problem with this song is that I could listen to it once and get completely sick of it whilst there’s other songs that I find timeless. I wouldn’t say it was a bad decision to put this song on the album, it’s just not my cup of tea.

13. Touch It
I absolutely adore this song. Everything from its composition to the build up of the beat along with the lyrics, is just amazing. This song reminds me a lot of the album’s second single, Into You and I feel like both these songs tell a story together.
14. Knew Better / Forever Boy
This is also another song I can’t seem to remember no matter how many times i listen to it. I don’t like the music in the background at all. It sounds like when I get water stuck in my ear and then everything just sounds hollow. The first half of the song sounds like a Becky G reject song. If Ariana knew better, this song wouldn’t be on the album.
15. Thinking About You
I personally find this song the best choice to end the album. It just completely wraps up the album and the chorus is also very catchy. I love how the chorus gives off a dancing type of vibe while the verses are calming until it leads up to the chorus. Excellently crafted.
16. Focus
This was the original lead single and it’s only on the Japanese version of the album. I personally love the song. This song has a great beat and it’s the type of the song to get everyone dancing at a party. However, it doesn’t fit in with the rest of the album, but it’s still a new sound and I like that.
Writing Credits
Out of the 16 songs, Ariana cowrote 11! You go Ariana.

Lead Single Performance
If you stan Ariana then you really never have to worry about any live performance of hers since she’s a true talent. Ariana performing Dangerous Woman at the MTV Movie Awards was one of my favorites of hers. She gave a Marilyn Monroe type of vibe. The song was beautiful and the stage setup was very authentic and very connected with the audience which is not necessarily always the case at award shows.

From the look to the performance, everything had its own theme and it was executed perfectly.
5 out of 5 stars.
PR or Damage Control
My favorite topic. Around the release of Dangerous Woman, I didn’t see any obvious PR happening. To be honest, Ariana didn’t promote this album as much as she did with her previous one. The release of the album was quite genuine. I didn’t see no stunts pulled. However, there was damage control that was put in motion.

I’m sure you’re all aware of the donut incident which had no explanation except for the fact that that was a very immature and diva-ish thing to do.
Ariana’s team tried to twist it and make it seem like Ariana was advocating for obesity which made no sense. I don’t know how dumb mangement think the general public is but they’re not that dumb.

So you’re probably like well… what does this have to do with her album release especially since this incident happened over a year in advance. Well the general public tends to forgive and forget, but this wasn’t anything like nudes leaking which has become quite common over the years. This was different and the general public didn’t forget specifically since Ariana had a small history following her of alleged times she was caught being a diva. So what shall a smart team do in this case? Poke fun at a situation to make it seem like a joke which works everytime. On SNL, Ariana then made fun of her scandal by saying it was childish and she was ready for a more adult like scandal.

Notice how they poked fun at the donut scandal while she was promoting Dangerous Woman? This year old scandal continued to follow her and the relatable thing to do was to make fun of it. However, props to Ariana since she actually apologized for the donut incident and didn’t victimize herself, following the dumb obesity plan that her team set her up to do.
After all, if you’re going to release something, you have to make sure you have clean track record with the general public who tends to forgive and forget.
Hope you enjoyed this review of Dangerous Woman.

Final thoughts: This album is a wonderful album about love that also has its great share of bops. It’s not your typical pop album and if you haven’t checked it out, then I suggest you should. Whether you’re into mainstream music or quality indie music, I’m sure you’ll love this album. It’s definitely a new sound and something that was needed in 2016.
5 out 5 stars.
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