Taylor Swift and Kanye West's FULL 2016 Phone Conversation Leaked + The full 2016 feud timeline between Kanye, Kim Kardashian and Taylor.
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March 24, 2020—update
Kim Kardashian replied back to Taylor’s Instagram story with the following Twitter rant, shortly after our March 23 update went up.
People either liked Kim’s comments or got mad that she was ranting during a time of crisis.
To be honest, I don’t expect much from celebrities during a time of crisis. You have some who donated right away and then you have the useless ones who think clapping outside of their window, aka Priyanka Chopra, is doing anything helpful.
Point being, leave it to celebrities to respond to drama and to be honest, what is there else to do? Might as well. It’s not like Kim or Taylor got places to be besides their living rooms.
Anyways, Kim’s rant was basically exactly what I said in the update down below, from last night. I’m sorry, but SHE MADE EXTREMELY VALID POINTS.
Comment down below your thoughts. We’re all discussing this drama because it’s not like we got anything better to do with this coronavirus trying to kill of us.
March 23, 2020—update
The full leaked phone conversation between Kanye West and Taylor Swift from 2016, has come to light.
Literally, nothing new was shown. As you will see from the post below, Taylor claimed that Kanye NEVER called her for approval of the song, but instead, he called her to ask her to release the song on her Twitter account, which she said NO to; stating that the song was “misogynistic.”
Long story short, Kim and Kanye were like no?? We did call you. And Taylor is like “no??? You never called me.” So then Kim leaks the call on Snapchat which indeed proves that Taylor was a liar on two counts:
claiming they never called her
claiming that she never knew about the song
She quickly retracted her statement saying that Kanye never got approval for the word “B—TCH.” That’s her whole stance. B—tch.
She made her whole argument about Kanye including that word into the LYRIC that she AGREED on. Kanye says that it is used in hip hop in an endearing manner just like n—a is and still insisted that Taylor was the one who came up with the “I made her famous” lyric.
Mind you, Taylor is still denying all of this and her entire Grammys speech is about people taking credit for her fame, but when Kim and Kanye exposed her for actually being on the phone with them laughing at that specific lyric, she retracted her whole statement and made it about a middle school term.
THAT’S the problem.
The new audio doesn’t show anything different. It still shows Kanye and Taylor having their talk. Yes, the audio from 2016 and the audio from 2020. I don’t know why locals are eating it up. Even Kim is confused.
A tweet that Kim Kardashian liked on Twitter.
Taylor still lied and pretended she didn’t know about the song and that “famous” lyric, but ONLY changed her story after the backlash when she got exposed.
You will see the only timeline of how everything played out in 2016, after this updated section is done.
Also, the fact that it came from anonymous source?? Like I’m sorry, but this whole thing is a little too sketchy. And then Taylor had the perfect rebuttal to all of this on her Instagram story in which she claims that everyone made her and her fans’ lives “hell,” but quickly motioned to donate for the coronavirus pandemic.
Her attempt at focusing on the “bigger issue” at hand was still shady sounding and bitter in a way….
Like… I ain’t falling for this. But thanks, I guess? For using your platform? Uh.
And getting backlash for LYING is well deserved. Taylor and her fans make a lot of people’s lives hell so I don’t know why they wanna act like saints right now. That fan base ripped apart Scooter Braun to shreds for a business deal that Taylor NEVER had the upper hand to begin with. They continue to rip apart of Demi Lovato because she refuses to conform to their fake feminism standard for good publicity.
I’m not talking about all Swifties of course, and my faves, they know who they are, but the majority of the fanbase is a nightmare.
And truth be told, I don’t even have a problem with Taylor. She annoying as hell, but believe it or not, I actually like her. But just because I like you, doesn’t mean you won’t get rightfully dragged.
All I’m saying is, the general public is easily PLAYED, FOOLED, and overall DUMB.
What are your thoughts guys? Comment down below and let’s discuss. You can comment anonymously.
Back to regular programming to the original post from 2016.
I’m back.
And we have a lot of catching up to do regarding this drama that unfolded last night. So let me first tell you what happened and then we will get into the details.

All throughout 2015, Kanye and Taylor seemed cool.

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February 11, 2016
Kanye debuts his new album “The Life Of Pablo” at the Yeezy Season 3 fashion show in New York.

He also debuted the line “I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex / Why? I made that bitch famous.”
February 12, 2016
Taylor’s team denies that he told her about the song and only asked her to release it on Twitter.

Kanye replies.

February 15, 2016: Grammys
Taylor wins Album of the Year.

She said the following:
“And as the first woman to win Album of the Year at the Grammys twice, I want to say to the young woman out there, there are going to be people along the way who try to undercut your success or take credit for your accomplishments or your fame. But if you just focus on the work and you don’t let those people sidetrack you, someday when you get where you’re going, you will look around and you will know it was you and the people who love you who put you there, and that will be the greatest feeling in the world.”
February 19, 2016
Ken Ehrlich, one of the Grammy’s producer says that Taylor did indeed know about the song.
He said:
“She had an advance of the track. She commented on it in a very funny way, she’s smart.”
But then quickly retracts that comment and bullshits it saying:
“Regarding my statement at the Grammy’s about Taylor, I misunderstood what she had told me. Under the pressure of rehearsals, rather than say that she was aware of the song, I said she has heard a track when in fact she had not and what she said to me didn’t imply that at all.”
Someone’s revenge team worked a little too quickly.
Fast forward a little bit.
June 16, 2016
Kim Kardashian exposes Taylor Swift in her GQ interview.

She said:
“She totally approved that,” Kim says, shaking her head in annoyance. “She totally knew that that was coming out. She wanted to all of a sudden act like she didn’t. I swear, my husband gets so much shit for things [when] he really was doing proper protocol and even called to get it approved.”

Kim also says that the only other contact they had was a letter sent by Taylor’s attorney.
“Maybe an attorney’s letter she sent saying, ‘Don’t ever let that footage come out of me saying that. Destroy it.’”
Keep in mind that throughout this whole time period, Taylor and her team are denying that they heard the song and keep claiming they were in the dark about the content of the song and were only asked by Kanye if they could release it on her twitter.
July 14, 2016
This episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians aired where Kim expresses her feelings for what’s been going on.
July 17, 2016
Kim and Kanye are fed up and Kim takes to snapchat to post proof that Kanye asked Taylor for permission about Famous. The full video can be found here.
If you don’t want to watch that or it’s difficult to understand, well here’s the full conversation.

And then Taylor’s team were shook.
Taylor then replied saying:

End of timeline. That’s so far what happened.
Basically, I know what we all know. Taylor lied and tried to milk the victim act once again. Taylor loves victimizing herself. It’s her favorite role. Remember the April Tell All?

I never put it in an official reveal but I mean it’s obvious who it is. Taylor Swift needs to be stopped.
I’ve said this before on Twitter but I don’t believe I’ve ever said it formally in a post.
Taylor Swift is not generally an evil person, but she’s a liar and someone who can manipulate you very easily. She is a good person when it comes to her personal family, friends, and fans life. Business wise on the other hand, is a different story. She has a full team of lawyers, publicists, and overall very powerful people, ready to attack whenever. She will do anything for her vanilla image. She will go to lengths to protect whatever is left of it. Why do you think she’s never been exposed? She and her team are very good at keeping everything concealed. They’re the type of people to threaten you in a dark alley if you claim you have a video of Taylor doing something scandalous. Don’t get me wrong, she’s very nice and is great to work with. However, do not trust her. She will turn the tables randomly whenever it works for her.
As a person, Taylor is very bitter. She will hold a grudge and she will be extremely two faced at times. Knowing that about her, leads me to believe that the reason she lied about not knowing the Famous lyrics, was because she was still bitter over what happened in 2009.

Taylor is still stuck in high school. She is the type of person who won’t forgive her bff for accidentally telling someone something that Taylor told her. Hint hint. Instead of a loyal army of robots, she has a loyal army of powerful people with paparazzi and media outlets on her payroll.

Ken Ehrlich didn’t retract his comment because he was “wrong.” He retracted it because he was told to. The funny part is his comment was so specific at first. He said, “She had an advance of the track. She commented on it in a very funny way, she’s smart.” And then Kim later reveals that Taylor was indeed joking about her part in the song and how it would be a compliment and how everyone would be in the dark about their secret plan.
What baffles me is how Taylor’s team had that Instagram note all ready to go. I bet they didn’t think we would notice that.

And funny how she wants to come at Kanye for “character defamation” while her career was built on songs she wrote where she tarnishes other’s images.

That VMA dig was so funny since I Knew You Were Trouble was written and released before Haylor started dating but get those headlines Taylor!

I honestly do not know why Taylor is creating enemies like this. She’s not a bad person at heart. She’s kinda talented. She has a very large fanbase. Why not just be a good person? She deserves everything that’s happening to her right now.

She lied and milked a victim act and this is backlash. This is not the first time she’s turned the tables on people, but this is one of the few times someone talks because they’re not in fear of her team coming at them. The Kardashian clan along with Kanye West are quite powerful people just like Taylor is. Powerful vs. Powerful, there’s bound to be an explosion and it just happened.
Taylor needs to collect herself and go to therapy or something because this is going to keep happening. People will come out and give their experience. Calvin Harris is one of those people.
Taylor and her team tried to make it seem like Calvin Harris didn’t want Taylor getting credit for co-writing “This Is What You Came For” when again, it was TAYLOR’S IDEA. She even went under a fake name.

And Calvin was not having it. He took to twitter and said the following.

He mentions Katy which is another feud Taylor has recently been involved with. Basically, Katy’s dancers auditioned for Taylor’s tour, got in, and then Katy’s team reached out to them saying if they would like to come back to Katy’s tour and the dancers chose on their own to leave because they felt that Katy was like family and they weren’t having too much fun on Taylor’s tour. Taylor then took that as oh my god Katy is out to get me, she’s trying to ruin my tour for taking three easily replaceable dancers! And then went on to write Bad Blood and milk the shit out of that tired feud.
And oh let me not mention the miserable video for it in which she includes like 8,000 celebrities in this feud that no one longer cares about. That’s Taylor for you, queen of pettiness. Here’s their full feud summarized.

Katy really meant no harm but like I said, Taylor is still in high school. She takes everything to heart and always thinks someone is out to get her.
Since I’m on the topic of Taylor, let me tell you that Taylor does not do drugs. She is very against drugs and refuses to hang out with anyone who does drugs in fear that their reputation will tarnish hers. This is also why Selena and Taylor stopped hanging out for a very long time in 2013 and 2014. Selena was on coke and ended up going to rehab for it (but cupcake stans will tell you it was for “exhaustion” aka industry code for “I’m a mess”) and Taylor wanted no part of that mess. Why? Well if her bestie got exposed for her coke addiction, people may think that they did coke together. Taylor is always one step ahead (but a couple steps behind Kim).
Now onto Taylor and Tom Hiddleston.

They are a PR stunt set up to distract the general public with Taylor’s several feuds. Taylor’s 1989 era is successfully over and she should go back to hiding until she finishes writing her next album, but instead of going away with so much drama circling her, what better than to stage a relationship to have the general public distracted by?
They were spotted in New York, Rhode Island, Nashville, England, Rome, etc, all in what, the span of a month?
And let’s talk about this picture in Suffolk, England.

Paparazzi are oddly close and this beach that no one seems to be at. How much paparazzi do you even think will be in Suffolk? And you honestly think you’ll be taking pictures of Taylor this close without her bodyguards suffocating you? Ha!
Taylor’s entire life is so controlled to the point where it’s so difficult to know who’s her real friends from who’s her fake. But I do know who’s one of her real friends and that’s my dear Selena Gomez who took to Twitter to express her frustration.

There’s one missing tweet that she deleted but we will get into that in a second.
It shows you a lot when Selena comes and defends Taylor for being a liar and for trying to put blame on Kanye West and even more people. Not only that, but she’s saying the industry is so disappointing yet she has done some of the worse things one can do in this same exact industry. One of them includes shading the shit out of Justin Bieber and any female human he’s been in contact with for like two years. You can check all that out on my famous twitter thread.
In the past, Selena has sold things about Justin Bieber to TMZ yet she wants to sit here like “I’m shocked because you guys are so mean to my best friend who’s just like me when it comes to manipulating the fuck out of people!” Oh you don’t believe me? Bet you would have never believed me if I told you all this shit about Taylor in 2009.

Like I said on twitter, Selena is Taylor circa 2009. You all think she’s perfect. Her fans think she bakes rainbow cookies and watches cartoons in her free time. However, the sad truth is that she too has plotted to ruin someone just like her bestie. Now my favorite part about Selena’s involvement in this feud is when someone called her out for not using her voice. Her response is hilarious and quite offensive. Here’s her deleted tweet.

Selena literally tweeted out to the world that she does not care about taking sides in Black Lives Matter and that it’s not important to hashtag it.
Like what a fcking idiot.

Miss I’m-The-Most-Followed-On-Instagram thinks that basically tweeting something won’t do anything so might as well stay silent! The only reason I know about the injustice of black people is because of the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag. The only reason I know about police brutality to blacks is because of the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag. And this inconsiderate and uneducated thing wants to sit here and speak out of her ass? Tweeting that hashtag or tweeting about the whole thing in general is called SPREADING AWARENESS. And because of that hashtag, it’s why people are more cautious and more educated on what’s been going on in the black community.
It’s one thing to stay silent on a topic but it’s another thing to refuse to speak about it. And that is exactly what Selena did.

The above tweets are from a reporter from the LA Times who just said that Selena and her team were asked to speak about important matters and they literally said NO.
And leave it to her delusional fanbase to come to the rescue and trend “We Love Selena”

One even went as far to say the following:

Odd because

I care passionately about the #BlackLivesMatter movement. I may not necessarily tweet the hashtag, but I definitely attend events concerning it and other social problems. I tweet about most of these things on my personal account, but I’m not one to brag about being a decent person. I go to these things because I care, not because I want anyone’s approval. And because I called out Selena for the unfair comment she made, I was met with disgusting comments from her fanbase saying they don’t see me talking about it. Truth be told, her fans only choose to see my comments about Selena, but never about anything else so that’s their fault. It’s honestly shocking how they trended that hashtag and how they defend her about refusing to talk about Black Lives Matter and some even went as far as agreeing with her! Disgusting. Some of her fans even tried to say “oh well she donated money to so and so and spoke about LGBT problems and went to Africa” like huh???? What does that have to do with the black community being murdered by cops? What does that have to do with her refusing to speak out about the black community? Please relax and take a couple of classes and encourage your fave to do so since she’s uneducated.
Read that thread below.
And if you think that tweet Selena tweeted was photoshopped, here’s other different screenshots for you.

The following person also made some excellent points.

Taylor and Selena really need some therapy.
But like Selena said

Demi tried to warn you guys about both of them. There’s a reason why she isn’t friends with them. And speaking about Demi, funny how she gets the most hate on social media; mainly from Selena fans, but Demi is the one going to the white house to try to make a difference while Selena refuses to talk about something and raise awareness to it. And Demi called Taylor out recently for her fakeness about feminism and yet she got called extra. Sort your priorities out.
2016 has sure been a ride.
This post was originally called, “Taylor Swift needs to be stopped. (Kim Kardashian, Kanye West, Calvin Harris etc.) Selena Gomez refuses to talk about #BlackLivesMatter.”