Selena Gomez (and friends) offend Muslims all around the world by disrespecting the Islamic religion.

Selena and her friends are in Dubai celebrating New Years Eve. 

If you guys aren’t aware, Dubai is an Islamic country. A mosque is a religious sanctuary for Muslims just like a church is for Christians. I don’t know if you guys are in high school yet and have taken Global, but I have, so I know a lot about all kinds of religions. Monotheistic. Polytheistic. I’ve studied a bunch of stuff. Islam is one out of the three monotheistic religions, (belief in one god), and its followers are the most following in my opinion. The religion itself is very strict especially when it comes to woman. Woman have to be fully clothed (when they’re older) in what’s called an abaya (shoutout to @SARAHALJU on Twitter for telling me!). I respect Muslims a lot since I feel like they follow their rules more often and in a strict manner. So now that I gave you a summary on how Islam is a strict religion that takes their practices very seriously, let me show you Selena and her friends “respecting” these practices.


Selena alongside her friends in Sheik Zayed Grand Mosque. They’re wearing the abaya all wrong. You’re not supposed to be showing skin and you’re not supposed to be showing your hair. Muslim women do not wear it to be cute and hipster. And what the hell is Selena doing with her hands? That’s the way the followers of Hinduism pray, not how Muslims pray. Muslims get down on their knees and pray. You see if I was in their place, I would have educated myself before I took this little tour. 


“Yay we’re cute and hipster in a place of worship!”


Yay!!! Lets take squad pictures in a place of worship! As you can see from Selena’s screaming face, it’s pretty obvious they weren’t quiet or behaving in a respectful manner. 


Yay you go Selena! Show skin off and disrespect the Muslim clothing some more! 

What Selena and ALL her friends did was disrespectful. So I don’t need Selena’s middle school fans who didn’t even get to study Global yet, to come at me, someone who is educated very well on topics like this, and tell me that this is okay. And everyone is giving Selena and her friends shit for this. Mainly Selena because aside like two of the people she’s with, the rest aren’t famous therefore no one cares what they’re doing. We’ve already established this. And why am I talking about Selena only? Well if you haven’t noticed, she is the topic of my blog. 

“It’s okay for them to do this since they were outside the mosque”

NO THEY’RE NOT. They’re inside the territory of the mosque. What you mean is that they’re not in the PRAYER hall, but they’re still inside the mosque.


Know what you’re talking about before you come at me. And secondly, this “inside” of the mosque, is what you’re talking about, is STILL  a place of worship. 

I introduce you to Muslims praying during Ramadan 2013


Is that not where Selena was taking squad pictures? Oh wait, she took those pictures further in. But the place you idiots are claiming is a touristic spot, is actually where Muslims pray especially when the prayer hall is all filled up. 


Figures Selena would hang out with deluded, uneducated, imbeciles like her. After all, you are who you hang out with. 

Firstly, no that person should not mind their own business because it’s called freedom of speech and if someone wants to defend their religion or something they’re offended by, THEY CAN. 

Secondly, we already established that where they were, was INSIDE the mosque, just not inside the prayer hall. Either way, it’s the mosque. 

You see, Eli? If you were standing in front of those trees


that would be considered OUTSIDE the mosque. Other than that, you’re inside of it. 

Thirdly, touristic pictures are allowed yes, but only if you behave in a respectful manner. Taking squad pictures, and obviously being loud and obnoxious, and wearing the abaya incorrectly, is not a respectful manner. And if it were up to me, touristic pictures wouldn’t even be allowed. THIS IS A PLACE OF WORSHIP. I wouldn’t like it if imbeciles like you walked into church with nun and priest outfits and took squad pictures WHILE wearing the clothing incorrectly. And the difference between a church and a mosque, is that a mosque is used mainly for worship. Not for weddings. Not for baptising. Just worship.

I personally don’t respect Dubai because they don’t show much respect to their religion. They really don’t give a fuck and put down all sorts of rules when idiots from America want to come in and take photoshoots as if they’re at a bar. 

When I defended Selena for wearing a bindi during her Come & Get it phase,


I made the argument that it’s okay since the bindi is used in parties and celebrations (as well as religious usage) when it comes to Indians, followers of Hinduism, and any group that the bindi is part of the culture. You know what else I said? I said it’s not like she was wearing the Muslim veil and prancing around in it. I made that argument over a year ago and what do we know she does next? She wears the Muslim veil and prances around in it. Why do I view the abaya and the bindi different in my eyes? Well because Muslims don’t party in the abaya and it’s more religious for them rather than a bindi is for Hindus. 


Of course the most delusional Selenator of all says the stupidest thing. No one is just hating on Selena. They’re calling out the entire group, but since Selena is one out of the three who’s the most famous, obviously she’s the only one getting talked about. And LMAO what brings Justin into this? Maybe you’re the one who’s hung up on Justin because last I checked, he wasn’t the one violating Islamic rules. Justin on the other hand, was very respectful when HE DIDN’T NEED TO BE SINCE HE WASN’T AT A PLACE OF WORSHIP. HE WAS AT HIS OWN CONCERT AND STOPPED HIS CONCERT WHEN THE MUSLIM PRAYER PLAYED AND EVEN REFUSED TO DO THE OLLG TRADITIONS, KNOWING HOW MUSLIM WOMAN AREN’T ALLOWED TO LET A MAN WHO ISN’T THEIR HUSBAND, TOUCH THEM IN ANY WAY. 

Justin stopped his concerted TWICE in fact to respect that he was in a mostly dominated Muslim country.


He allowed his fans to PRAY… AT HIS CONCERT. Meanwhile Selena and her friends were taking squad pictures looking like a bunch of drugged up hipsters, AT A PLACE WHERE YOU SHOULD PRAY. 

So yeah sis, you shouldn’t have brought Justin into this, but hey, everyone thinks of Justin when they see Selena because he practically made her. 

And not even Demi went inside a mosque and acted like a total uneducated imbecile. Instead she posted about its beauty without disrespected it. 


Again, they were inside the mosque, not outside. Besides, I’m sure they went in the prayer hall since they’re not gonna go to the mosque and not go into the prayer hall. And Selena wearing leggings isn’t her being disrespectful? Last time I checked, Muslim women wear the abaya because they’re not allowed to show skin or wear anything tight… two things Selena was indeed doing. 


“It’s a touristic place where people can take all kinds of pictures


There are rules to be followed. 


“refrain from behaving in any way that is inconsistent with the sanctity if this religious place” so no you rat. Just because she’s Selena Gomez, a tone deaf rat from Texas, doesn’t mean she can take all kinds of pictures. And saying that says a lot about you… you clearly are just as much of a disrespectful cunt.

Besides, does this look like them being quiet and respectful?


They’re obviously screaming and laughing. When I was in the 9/11 museum, you couldn’t even take pictures or even TALK. They’re in a holy place and they’re taking squad pictures, are laughing, and clearly making a lot of noise. And yes the 9/11 museum is a touristic place. But because it’s a touristic place, does not give you the right to act like an asshole. There are rules to be followed. Rules shouldn’t even be made. You should have the decency to be respectful.

But not following these rules, results into you getting kicked out like Rihanna. 


You may not find that disrespectful, but that’s because you’re not Muslim. And even tho I’m not either, I’m what seems like the small percentage that’s actually educated unlike the majority of America.

So yeah, what Rihanna did, posing in a mosque, is exactly what Selena did. Except Selena had her whole posse go in and take squad pictures while doing what Hindus do while in a mosque. Wow. 

So if what Selena and her friends did, wasn’t wrong in your opinion, the rules of the mosque they were in, begs to differs. And rules about religion sanctuaries > Selenators’ opinions. 

And my readers both a variety of Muslims and non-Muslims, were offended by this just like I was.















And if Selenators are still up Selena’s ass that they’re willing to agree with her disrespect on religion rather than call her out for it, still believe what she did wasn’t wrong, well a poll from Mirror, begs to differ


And for the short time this tweet was up, my followers beg to differ as well


So yeah ohsodelusion, we know a lot about Islamic culture unlike you who thinks it’s called being outside the mosque when they’re really outside the prayer hall. And if Selena is traveling to all these countries to learn about all different kinds of religions and cultures and NOT to say she snorted coke in a bunch of countries, then how come she disrespected the way the abaya is wore? How come she’s “praying” the way Hindus pray while standing in a mosque? How come she’s taking a squad pictures while looking like she’s in the middle of an exorcism? You know, since Selena is very educated on this!

But it’s not like Selena will apologize. Knowing how much people she offended by wearing the bindi, she posted “sari not sari” on instagram. And it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that it means “yeah I’m wearing a bindi which is part of a religious thing but idgaf what you think so sorry not sorry”


At least when Miley wore the bindi, which wasn’t often,


she studied the entire culture before doing so. Selena on the other hand, said something like “I like pretending to know about the culture!” in a radio interview. 

Even Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner had the decency to not even go into the mosque. Guaranteed they weren’t wearing the abaya or burka correctly, they still had the decency not to pose like a bunch of idiots, in a place of worship


Wearing the abaya in my opinion, isn’t the best decision, but to pose in a place of worship? That’s where the line should be drawn. 


Hopefully you guys get a little bit more educated on sensitive topics like this. I don’t care who you are, but it could have been someone I’m a big fan of, and I would still have dragged their ass. But it’s a good thing I stan educated human beings. 

Again, to dumb it out, Selena and ALL her friends, especially that idiot Eli, are dumb for what they did along with Rihanna. It just shows they have no respect for the religion at all. Eli especially should watch himself since he’s just as stupid as Selena. Lets add this to the list of things Selena is uneducated on; the bindi, feminism, her own music and etc.

What she did wasn’t right, end of story




And for the record


Video of them not following rules, here


Hope you guys enjoyed! ♥ This is one post closer to the new years post.

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