Selena Gomez and Cara Delevigne more than just friends?

Our sources have already told you multiple times that Selena is bisexual. We actually have a bunch of posts about that and you can check them all out here. Read those before reading this if you want proof about her being bisexual because I’m not repeating everything I said in those posts.

Selena and Cara go way back to summer 2014 when they partied together for Selena’s 22nd birthday. I actually don’t know if they were friends for years but either way it’s irrelevant to my point. 

And OK! magazine said

According to our source Alison, they did indeed hookup. 

I would post a screenshot of Alison telling me this, but I never screenshot the text lol sorry.  But I did tweet about it. Shortly after, another magazine said that they did hook up, but I lost the screenshot to that so if you find it, send it to me on twitter or something. 

Anyways. After their vacation overseas, they return and Selena is like sniffing a rose while they make their entrance through the airport

Some speculated that the rose was given to Selena by Cara, but I really can’t prove that so I’ll just put that there and allow you guys to make your own conclusions. 

Fast forward to Christmas 2014 in which Selena takes Cara to Texas. In Texas, they’re at a mall all touchy, according to TMZ (who I told can post fabricated evidence, but only talk to actual sources)

At the mall, a girl sees them both. 

Wow that’s surprising. No not that Selena and Cara seemed like a couple to the girl, but that Selena was actually nice. You go Sel! 

Because of the way they acted towards each other, she assumed they were dating. Of course Selena’s psycho fans flipped shit which resulted into this tweet

Picking out rings? Oh. 

Either way, everything is obvious. I find it very hypocritical how Selena’s fans will joke about her being bi and then once an account like me says it, all hell breaks loose and I get hate for apparently being homophobic? Wonderful. 

Either way, I hope you guys enjoyed this post. It was also highly requested and this is one of the little posts that is leading up to the big end of the year post. 


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