

I am really confused and really upset.

I can not even begin to explain how many things are wrong with this picture.

This is like culture appropriation but with religion. You CANNOT go to a mosque and dress up as a muslim just because you feel like it. As a muslim, I find this completely disrespectful. I have gotten rude stares because of my hijab. I have gotten different treatment because of my hijab. I know people who have gotten bullied because of their hijab. I know people who are scared to wear abayahs/jilbaabs (long black garment they are wearing) because of islamaphobia. These things, hijab and abayah are things we wear because there is deep meaning behind it. We STRUGGLE to wear because we are scared of what people will think or what danger it may cause to us, but many of us continue to wear it bc we are that affectionate of our religion. YOU CANT JUST DECIDE TO GO AND DRESS LIKE A MUSLIM AND POSE IN A MOSQUE BECAUSE YOU FEEL LIKE IT. OUR RELIGION IS NOT A FASHION STATEMENT OR SOME SORT OF GAME. THIS IS NOT OKAY.


It’s your fave exposers.


Exposed: What does Justin think about everything Selena has done?


Selena Gomez (and friends) offend Muslims all around the world by disrespecting the Islamic religion.