Exposed: What does Justin think about everything Selena has done?

I’ll be honest, I was quite disappointed when our source told us Justin’s thoughts on Selena’s actions since I think very highly of Justin as you guys have seen before. Yes I’ve called him out when he deserved it, but nonetheless, I’ve defended him several times. I’ve never defended him when he was being stupid, which was often, and I believe that I’m not biased once it comes to both my opinions of Justin and Selena since you guys have had trouble believing that I’m actually a fan of Justin’s. Regardless of me being a fan of his, I never favored him over Selena when it comes to which one is wrong, which is often Selena hence the blog. So without further ado, lets start.

The reason I started exposingsmg is very simple. Selena just needed someone to expose her so she can get what deserves and not have someone else being trashed when it’s either her fault or she just doesn’t deserve the praise. Throughout time, Selena has done some pretty evil things. Not being their for Demi when she needed her, but instead made fun of her (X),


breaking up Nick and Miley (X),



attempting to blame her drug habits on the Jenners (X),


not allowing Justin to have any female friends whilst taking away important ones (X) (X) and purposely not allowing Justin to move on (X), 







using Justin (X) (X),



planning in advance to stage a pity act (X),



making Justin believe that he’s the reason for her issues (X),



faking a heartbreak so Justin can get hate while she receives praise (X),


lying about being poor (X),



allowing Justin to take full blame for an arrest she was also responsible for (X),



being ignorant about Islam and not being respectful in the mosque (X)


and so much more that I haven’t even mentioned on this blog. So as you can see, Selena is just not right at all and deserves horrible things to happen to her since she’s caused it upon others. Also, those pictures are pieces taken from posts so in order to understand everything fully, you have to read the posts. The (X) are links. 

Now does Justin know what she’s done? Kinda. Firstly, he knows her better than anyone else so yeah he knows that she’s kind of a pyscho. One of the people Selena actually hurt, Justin got in contact with and offered to help moneywise. The people Selena has hurt have something in common with Justin, they’ve both been hurt by Selena. But what do they not have in common? Oh yeah, Justin still has his fame, money, family, friends, and the whole life style. That’s not the case for some people. So to answer the question of this is post, Justin feels that Selena should not be punished for her actions



So the first thing I replied to our source was “He’s still far up her ass?” That wasn’t exactly the point. It seems like our dear friend Justin will always care for Selena and will always see her as a best friend. So he will probably never hate her until she shoots someone in front of him or even then he’ll still probably believe she shouldn’t deserve to get punished. I see where Justin is coming from, but honestly that says a lot about him as a person. He’s condoning her actions by seeing it happen and not even having the courage to put a stop to it. It’s sorta like a bystander at the scene of a crime. It’s the bystander’s job to report it. We told you a long time ago that our friend Ashley, former Selenaexposed owner, made her account to get her friend who was hurt by Selena, what she deserved. That was Ashley’s job because she couldn’t stand to watch as Selena pranced around getting praised for the kind person the media shows her as, meanwhile she’s a cruel human. So does Justin think Selena should be exposed? Nope!

The reason I made this post, is because like this post (X), it gave you answers to several questions. So if you see that Justin say.. liked Selena’s photo on Instagram or didn’t straight out call her a psycho when asked about her, it’s because he sees her as a friend and not an enemy. In shorter words, he doesn’t hate her. I mean unlike Justin, I’d hate the person who tried to take everything from me, but I think we established a long time ago that Justin is way too nice and forgiving, something that will bite him in the ass in the end.


Hope you guys enjoyed. The new year is upon us! Brace yourselves for the end of the year post. It’s coming up next. :)

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Why hasn't the end of the year post/video up yet?
