Justin Bieber's ex girlfriend continues the shading on Instagram because she's mature like that.

I’m up to here with all the bullshit. 


Okay now read it again and imagine me doing that. 

Ladies, gentlemen, creatures (Selenators), Exposingsmg welcomes you with ANOTHER Jelena post. 



I’m so done with all the hypocrisy on Twitter. it’s just annoying ya know? Stupid people are annoying. And on Twitter… they’re everywhere. (Well not literally everywhere, Selena doesn’t have THAT much fans). 

Selena (Gomez aka ex-girlfriend of Justin aka his arm accessory for the past couple of years. Just checking since I know not a lot of people know who she is!) has been perfecting the victim role since well, since her and Nick Jonas broke up. 

Remember Nick Jonas? The one Selena was only seen with at his peak and I have the graph to show it?


Ah you can’t argue with statistics (Read full post here.) For my fellow Selenators (and Selena) who are reading this, did you guys get up to that school. I think they start using graphs a lot during junior high school, but maybe it’s a little too early for you precious children ♥

Well I’ll dumb it out for you people who are stupid. 

Selena is the BLUE. The Jonas Brothers are the RED. BLUE = SELENA. RED = JO BROS. 

And as you can see, the time period that Selena was with him, was when the red graph was clearly higher than the blue. 

Except in 2011 when Selena left contract boyfriend Justin Bieber to hang out with Nick Jonas secretly when Justin was on tour. 

Selena good-girlfriend Gomez is known for being a faithful girlfriend when Justin isn’t around. 

*Justin on tour*


*Justin sick*


Wow! Write a book about how good of a girlfriend you are Selly boo. Teach us all what not to do in a relationship. 

Obviously, we can’t do what Justin did since he was a terrible boyfriend. (Terrible also means bad for those of you whose vocabulary isn’t that advance. #ilovemysalnetaorfamily!). Lets look at what not to do unless you wanna be a called a bad boyfriend


DO NOT rent out the Staples Center and have an expensive dinner for a date. That makes you a manwhore. 



DO NOT gift jewelry for Valentine’s Day. 



DO NOT buy a $30,000 accessory as a gift for the sick (in the head).


DO NOT help promote another’s career. 

etc etc.

Everyone got that in their notes? Please make sure to highlight this because if you don’t you will be called a bad partner, a whore, and you obviously deserve better. 

Now, I’m about to say something very important. Listen up everyone!

Justin Bieber, Canadian pop star born on March 1, is single and hasn’t had an official girlfriend since early 2013 when him and longtime girlfriend/contract-gf, Selena i’m-too-classy-for-you Gomez, broke up. 

I shall say it again.

Justin is single. 


S i n g l e





When someone is single, it means they’re not in a relationship. If you’re single, you have no side hoes. If you’re single, you don’t have to prove anything to your ex. You’re a free human being. 

So now that we established the fact that he’s single, someone help me establish why Selena I-Lied-About-Writing-Love-Will-Remember Gomez, is STILL going around on Instagram acting like she’s being cheated on. 

I’ll tell you. Because Selena Gomez victimizes herself. 


This will literally be the scene if that question was asked by me, to a crowd of Beliebers, Justin, Demi, Miley, and other names I don’t feel like listing since none of you even know the story. 

Selena will put the blame on you just to garner sympathy. 

She told all of us that Stars Dance, will explain the PAIN! she’s been through and it ended up being all about sex… and songs she didn’t even write. 

When her and Nick broke up, she spilled some sob story about how she couldn’t be herself around him and how she didn’t like riding in different cars so the paparazzi don’t see them. 



Yeah and I’m not about to hit 10,000 followers on here. 

The point is, Selena will victimize herself at any chance you get. And you can’t even say that Justin and her are on and off since Selly herself doesn’t like that whole on and off thing


So you’re not with Justin yet you stay shading him on Instagram. She’s liked the following photos on Instagram



Basically, two photos that are shading Justin by saying he’s an ass. 

Justin did treat her right ya know, when she was his GIRLFRIEND. He’s single now like she is. 

And I don’t enjoy these comments of how Justin is a manwhore. Don’t pretend Selena acts like it’s a sin to touch guys I mean













So Justin gets hate for something like this



But Selena does the same thing so I don’t get it?

Oh yeah these are the excuses:

  • He’s gay.
  • She’s just having fun.
  • It’s her birthday.
  • It’s for her work. 
  • She’s a human.
  • The clouds are white.
  • Sometimes there are no clouds.
  • The grass is pretty
  • if it’s mowed
  • I’m an idiot
  • and also a 
  • hypocrite

As the the list goes on, it sounds more stupid right? Yeah that’s exactly how everyone feels when they hear those deluded freaks (Selenators) rant about nothing. 

They make excuses for Selena like I can easily say Chantel is bisexual so Justin can do whatever with her. They even bring up his music videos like that’s WORK. 

It’s a two-way street. Don’t start dragging for no reason if you can’t handle the truth you’re about to be hit with. 

And literally Justin is getting hate for joking about a threesome and making a joke any guy makes but this stays ignored


Oh and that was when he was Ariana. 

Ah hypocrisy. 

Selena has shaded Justin over 20 times. She’s returned whenever she has something new to promote and then she leaves. She’s returned whenever she gets jealous that her EX is hanging out with other girls

Like this is seriously pathetic. And I already explained before how she’s not “hurt”. She just thinks she owns him and truly believes that no one else can have him but her, LIKE I TOLD YOU MONTHS AND MONTHS AGO. 

Another thing-

How did Justin use Selena for Journals?

He didn’t go around lying about writing songs about her like she did. 

He didn’t go around milking the album in interviews like she did. 

He didn’t go crying about it every night in concerts like she did. 

Journals was a regular album just like any album he’s released. It was about her but that doesn’t mean he used her for promo. Did he insert a fake voicemail of Selena crying to him like she did? I didn’t think so. 

He does not have a good reputation because of Selena. He has a terrible one and I’m not gonna go into detail about how she sold him out but whenever he’s around her, he’s framed as a bad influence. Everything SHE does that SHE can’t take responsibility for, gets blamed on him. 

“All she got was hate”

All she got was expensive vacations and expensive gifts that Beliebers were sponsoring. She got the chance to host several award shows that she wasn’t even known at before. She got higher debuting albums and songs because of him. She had more seats filled at those pathetic tours because people thought he would show up. Her net worth increased by like $10 million since it was a sad $1.6 million before he came into her life. She wasn’t even Selena Gomez; the Disney star before him. She was Selena Gomez “WHO?!” She was Selena Gomez aka the girl that’s not Miley Cyrus or Demi Lovato as the Washington Post said. She was Selena Gomez I can barely debut in the top 5 on Billboard. She was Selena Gomez I couldn’t even gross anything on tour since I only played on fairs and events until Biebsus strengthened my career

In the end, she will always be known as Bieber’s ex, Bieber’s arm accessory, Bieber’s on and off again girlfriend, and etc etc. Deny it all you want but while people like Ariana, Miley, Taylor, Demi, and etc are out making names for themselves, you will remain stanning a poor druggie with no ounce of talent or courage. And maybe when she fades again (unless Justin obviously helps resurrect her career again) she will victimize herself amongst her fans and whisper in discreet “those rats aren’t worth shit since they didn’t help me get what I want.”

You think that was mean? None of you know the amount of shit she caused people and I don’t care enough to prove anything to you. It’s already proven and Selena, I know you’re reading this along with my #1 fans, you. can’t. do. shit. You are powerless just like those hoarse vocal cords of yours. 

She’s the reason everyone is hating on Justin even though he’s already getting enough hate from the world itself. But when you think that I’m disgusting for showing everyone her true colors, just remember that Selena I’m-The-Best-Girlfriend-Evaaa Gomez, decided to release another shade video when Justin was hospitalized. What did Justin do when Selena was hospitalized? Oh yeah, buy her a $30,000 designer watch. 



Credit to @drewsliquor


Continue supporting and continue being brainwashed whilst everyday a new experience comes out of her being rude to fans and everyone around you. She’s selfish and only cares about what’s good even if that means ruining someone to get there. I laugh at you just like she does. 

And I know none of you morons will have the nerve to come into my mentions or in my ask saying otherwise because I will slap you in the face with headlines, graphs, statistics, and more. 


There are a couple of planned posts I’m gonna try to get up this week even though I’m going to be going on vacation to Miami. 

-The voicemail; I’ll explain everything that happened with it and any other questions about Selenaexposed

I have others planned but I need time to write them. 

Follow me on Twitter and talk to me on ask.fm


It’s your fave exposers.


Justin was so terrible to Selena? Selena is a hypocrite? Selena is classy?


Selena needs to sit down, relax, and quit shit talking.