Selena needs to sit down, relax, and quit shit talking.
Everyone gossips.

Should I not include that since it is a little awkward because they aren’t friends.
Probably spreading some more lies about everyone. Okay I should stop now.
It’s in our natural human nature–specifically girls. Girls shit talk all the time since we always either envy someone or don’t like them for our reasons. It’s not a nice habit and even though this blog is gossip-ish I guess, in person I try to avoid all shit talking by all means and I feel really guilty when my friends shit talk someone and I’m like supposed to include a haha in there. Firstly, it’s not healthy. Secondly, if your mind is always on that person, you need help. Thirdly, it distracts you from other things you could do.
The Selenators who are reading this are probably like well this is ironic you fat shit since they tell me all the time I could be doing something more productive with my time. Trust me, I am. During school, I post like once a week and that’s if you guys are lucky that I had time to write it during the weekend. During the summer, now, I have more time and I still post once every couple of days unless I write posts in advance which I try to do. If I was really obsessed with this blog like the go-to excuse Selena stans use, you’d be getting posts every hour. Be thankful I don’t drag your fave that much. Besides, I run a blog just like the millions on tumblr. I’m sorry that mine is interesting and unique?

Celebrities are meant to be talked about. That’s why they’re called celebrities instead of well, employees of Hollywood. So if you’re one of those people who use the excuse oh my god you’re so obsessed with so and so get a life when talking about celebrity, then you’re really contradicting the whole point.
With that being said, let me get into the actual point of the post. it’s a good think you could scroll down because if you don’t like introductions, then you can go on and do that.
Nine months ago, I posted this.
Basically it was a post about how when people like Justin, Selena gets to them, fills their ear with lies, and they start shading Justin just like she does. Here is a quick summary.
Taylor Swift:

Then Selena gets a hold of her. (This is actually in one of my exposed posts)

She starts shading Justin… just like Selena.
Ed Sheeran:

So that post was all about Justin. This one is about how Selena’s shit talking influenced the opinions of Demi and Alfredo about–well you’ll see if you keep reading.
I just had a Delena post up so I won’t explain their friendship. I’ll just sum it up by saying: Demi and Selena and Taylor and Miley were all close at one point
until one little witch started fucking up everything. The witch took Taylor Swift away from Miley Cyrus by making her choose between her and Miley. Then she was mean to longtime best friend Demi Lovato and suddenly that cute group was broken into two groups.
Group one:
Group two:

Disclaimer: I don’t feel the need to prove any of this mainly because it’s 1. obvious and 2. already proven in other posts.
So the groups stayed like that for a while until Selena weaseled her way into other’s lives.
Miley and Demi were close for a while but then their busy schedules pulled them apart. They weren’t really crazy about hanging out either. They had some problem towards the end of 2013. Something happened between those two (I don’t know what) which made Miley’s bestie shade Demi in a disgusting manner.
Demi Lovato:
-Miley and Demi on good terms and always defending each other in interviews

(If you want to see the video of Cheyne dissing Demi’s coke habit right after she said she couldn’t go 30 minutes to an hour without snorting coke, click here.)
Then it was on going shade from there.

But then Demi made it public she’s dropping Selena

And goes back to defending Miley

I mean is it really that coincidental that THREE PEOPLE so far start shading a person Selena is known to feud with or hate right after they hang out with Selena? And yes that photo of Delena was in December before the shade fest ft. Miley & Cheyne. Again, no coincidence that as soon as Demi makes it obvious she’s dropping Selena, she goes right along and defends Miley. And it’s not like Miley did anything else that Demi would have been asked about. It’s the same old. She didn’t pull another stunt like the one at the VMAs.
But moving on.
July 4, 2013

Justin and *shivers* Selena and the demon- I mean Alfredo, hang out.
Fast forward to a year and Justin is with

and Selena is with

oh sorry you might not recognize him without makeup. I meant

at her house

in which the demo- I mean Alfredo, was currently in.
Wow don’t I take immaturity to a whole new level. By the way, I don’t hate Alfredo. I find it that calling him a demon is funny in my opinion. I’m sorry, my humor can be very twisted (not not as twisted as Selena as a person but close!).
Back to what I was saying (sorry I take long to get to the point). So Justin was with Chantel (someone Selena doesn’t like him hanging out with as you can tell from one of my latest Jelena posts) and Alfredo is a kiss ass. I’ve been suspicious that Selena and Alfredo pretty much fucked behind Justin’s back, it was done very classy I assure you. They have been suspicious around fans but whatever, you can read my post on that which is right here. He also recently replied back to some tweet about Selfredo idk whatever. Basically I don’t particularly like him since he’s a shady kiss ass. I can’t confirm Selena cheated on Justin with him.
So this happened

What what a coincidence that Selena was hanging out with Alfredo and then he coincidentally shades the girl Justin was hanging out the same day they were. What a big coincidence!
Pretty obvious that Selena can’t keep her mouth shut. Don’t we both have that in common eh Selly boo.
If you’re not into the whole twitter language, I’ll explain what it means. Chantel says her favorite song on that album is a song Justin is featured on and then one of the Beliebers tell her to keep reaching which basically means she’s thirsty and is really trying it. Alfredo then laughs at that drag. So yeah.
I think that’s all I have to say.
Oh one more thing.
There are always these wise asses in the huge amount of Exposingsmg readers *flips hair* that will come out with “So? We all shit talk.” Already explained that in the beginning but I’ll go in depth with what the role of celebrities are in this terrible world.
Celebrities are used to brainwashed people and I really don’t want to get into it because this is controversial. People are supposed to follow and do what celebrities do. They are role models whether or not they like it. Obviously there are certain role models for kids and others that don’t give a fuck. But when it comes down to how you should treat a person, it’s different between comparing me and a celebrity since they can do a lot of damage. It’s wrong for Selena to go out and make fun of Justin on national television or post that photo of him and Barbara EVEN THOUGH, anyone as immature and bitter as her (most teenage girls) will do the same, but her impact is much larger and much more damaging. If I do what she did within my circle of friends, nothing is gonna happen. What she did, caused a wave of hate to hit Barbara and a bunch of rude comments to slap Justin with. That was just one example. And even though my blog can and has damaged Selena’s reputation especially on social media, I’m not hitting people with hate. I don’t sit up here going like OH MY GOD EVERYONE YOU SHOULD ALL HATE SELENA GOMEZ THAT PIECE OF SHIT WITH A BIG NOSE AND NO BOOBS AND FLOPPY CAREER LOL HER HAIR IS SO GREASY SHE’S A SLUT. I just write her actions and show you how that’s wrong. People will perceive it differently but that’s their problem. It’s not hate. It’s just writing about a situation I’ve been told about.
Sorry for this rant. If you don’t like it, oh well, it’s my blog.
Hopefully I cleared up confusion within that aspect and hopefully you enjoyed this post :)