Justin was so terrible to Selena? Selena is a hypocrite? Selena is classy?

Selena i’ve-never-shaded-a-soul Gomez is depressed because of… JUSTIN. 

Just like everything that goes wrong in Selena’s life, it’s because of JUSTIN. 

Selena was in rehab? Because of Justin!

Selena caught lip syncing? Because of Justin!

Stars Dance flopped? Because of Justin!

It’s raining today? Because of Justin!

Earth is the only planet with life support on it? Because of Justin!

Brazil lost? Because of Justin!

He’s such a scumbag I swear. 

Why does Justin Bieber think that as single 20 year old man, he can hang out with other girls? No Justin! You have to remain trapped and please your EX. Duh!









I’ve never seen anything more toxic…

A single man trying to move on….

What is this new habit? I’ve never heard of it. 


Wow don’t I sound crazy!

That’s exactly what everyone is. Crazy. Psychotic. Idiotic. Ignorant. Choose your pick.

For the past two weeks or so, Selena has once again caused Justin to receive extra hate. Why do I say extra hate? Well Justin is getting hate regardless. He can breathe and cook food for the homeless and he’ll still receive hate. 

So thanks to Selena, he has extra hate! Awh how will Beliebers be able to repay her?

Selena has once again victimized herself and I already explained that in my last post

Justin is not doing anything to her by hanging out with not-hideous girls. Selena has no right to sit here and insult him and I’ll explain that in a moment. 

I can see where Chantel’s anger resides. If you’ve been on Twitter, you’d know that Chantel has been nonstop shading Yovanna. How sweet of her! It seems like Justin just can’t get enough of having bitter people in his life! However, I’ll give Chantel the benefit of the doubt. She probably has her reasons to shade him. I’m not gonna judge since I don’t know her story and you shouldn’t have already guessed since this isn’t an exposingcj blog. 

Who’s story do I know though? Oh yes, Selena’s!

Selena.. oh Selena. She makes me speechless with every post! Lol doesn’t this sound like the beginning of some love letter? I assure what I’m about to say has nothing to do with love. 

Selena is playing you all. Gotta give her credit. That’s the only thing she perfects since it’s truly not acting, singing, dancing, writing, or whatever. I wonder why she never plays the villain in movies? She’ll perfect it. 


Exactly what I’ve been saying. (X)

Anyways enough buttering you guys up and let me get into what I’m gonna say. 

Selena is not heartbroken. You want to know who was though? Justin. Remember him? Remember him in 2013? Remember him in 2013 getting into all that shit? Yes? No? I’ll remind you just in case. 

Now I don’t know if I’m gonna explain and perfect this the way I want to, but if you’re a Belieber, you should know exactly everything I’m gonna briefly talk about. 

He worked on his album Journals from 2012 (when they broke up) till 2013. An entire album that’s NO not dedicated to her, but where he expressed his heartbreak. Wow 15 songs talking about how heartbroken you are and how you would do anything for her. 

I wonder how heartbroken Selena was when she was writing Love Will Remember as she claims? Oh wait, she didn’t. 

He continuously acted out and was constantly in a bad mood. Beliebers would have a party anytime candids of him smiling, were released. That’s how rare that occasion had became. Now let me remind you, this was an ongoing habit for about a year. I would have every experience listed here but I never cared to save them since I don’t run a blog about him.

Basically, he was depressed. And she only came back to promote her album/tour/single and left him again. Now repeat that x20. Everytime he tried to move on (and him moving on than was different than him moving on now because he genuinely didn’t look happy back then. As if he was just having people around as a distraction) with a girl, she came back like a yeast infection after you think it’s gone. I would compare her to AIDS but AIDS is forever and I don’t wish that upon Justin. 

And where was Selena during this heartbreak of his? Oh yes! Partying. Snorting dat coke. Drinking down her 8th bottle of tequila. Getting it on with Charity somewhere. Following Niall Horan to London. Shading him nonstop. Lying about shading him nonstop. And etc etc. Oh and I assure you, a month after the actual breakup and Selena was over it. 

NOW, that Justin genuinely looks happy and wants to move on, Selena is turning the tables. However, it’s all an act.

She’s trying to convince everyone NOW that she’s heartbroken? Honey that act would have probably convinced me if it happened after the breakup and not almost 2 years later. And of course she’s trying to milk this through Instagram just like she milked Stars Dance in interviews acting like it was gonna be a Journals type album, but it ended up being all sex songs that she didn’t even write. 

She uploads a video of her pressing keys on the piano while she looks “sad”


Firstly, she looks constipated. She can’t act and we already established that. Secondly, my 5th grade self did a better job convincing people at school that I could play the piano when I got up and played in our auditorium. Fyi, I didn’t know what I was doing so I guess me and Selena have that in common. 

From experience, I grieve when something happens, not years later. 

When a loved one dies, you don’t say “Oh let me party these couple of months and mourn later”

So why is Selena doing this? Simple and I’ve already said it before. And I said it my first exposed post which was a year ago. 

She. Thinks. She. Owns. Him. She. Thinks. No. One. Else. Can. Have. Him. But. Her.

I mean she already said that in her song Undercover. 

That’s her mindset, but what is she gonna get out of this? Again, simple. When, not if, but when everything I’m saying right now about her addiction and problems becomes public, it’s going to be extremely easy to blame it all on Justin. Let me give you an example

“Selena Gomez goes back to rehab! Inside rep says ex Justin Bieber broke her heart and caused her drug addiction!”

Naive idiots like her fans and America (no offense my homeland, I love ya), will buy into that shit. Again, it’s all a game. Obviously Selena is not the only person in Hollywood. It’s a dirty business, but I’m exposingsmg not exposinghollywood. 

Personally, I already know all I’m saying is true kudos to Alison and others, but I’ll help you those non-doubters. 

Publicly, Selena is proving that she’s a liar. 


Doesn’t she look heartbroken!

Selena Gomez is pulling a Hannah Montana. On Instagram she’s this sad young woman trying to empower other women and trying to get over this drug dealer she dated. In real life, she’s a druggie with no talent and morals.

Oh how I’ll laugh when she goes back to him to promote Behaving Badly and her new era. That’s if she doesn’t overdose–on CLASSINESS. 

Speaking of class


Nothing beats class than stepping out in a wet t-shirt to show off your latest work– I mean boobs!


Nothing beats class than having your boobs hanging out of your shirt twice in one day. Wow write a novel on how to maintain that status of class. 

I mean at least don’t be a hypocrite. Don’t preach about class and then go right along and do the opposite. But then again, Selena is the biggest hypocrite I know. Wait.. not the biggest. She probably comes in second place, but she’s still up there. No not on the charts, but on my irrelevant list of hypocrites. 

Speaking of hypocrites, she posted this on Instagram


So what her post is saying is….

1. Don’t compare yourself to other women


Yet she liked a post of one of mental fans comparing her to other women and saying that she’s better. 

She literally has no shame. I mean she doesn’t even care that she’s putting people down publicly 


2. She’s saying women empowerment which also has to do with not putting other women down. 

Yet she liked the photo with a caption that is putting other women down (that’s the photo I just showed).

Not only that but she’s put down several other women in the past such as Barbara Palvin and Miley. Just a little fyi, Selena only started preaching about class like 3 days after Miley’s VMA performance. At the VMAs, she said she liked her performance when she was asked about it in front of everything. Then she shades her performance when she realized that people were calling Miley unclassy and her classy. Those types of people, are the kind you want to avoid in life. 


3. She saying everyone is beautiful just the way they are

Yet she stays showing off her recent work that she obviously wasn’t born with



Anyways, I think that’s all. I’m in Miami on vacation if you’re wondering why I’m not posting a lot but I’ll probably be posting anyways since there’s a lot to post.

Till next time.


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Justin Bieber's ex girlfriend continues the shading on Instagram because she's mature like that.