Selena Gomez and Alfredo Flores Suspiciously Close at the Believe Tour

Does it look like these two are just friends?


Oh how sweet! He’s even helping her when she’s drunk, get into the car after their date to the pre-Grammys party.


Don’t they look cosy?

Well they’re very close despite the fact that Alfedo’s “bro” Justin is the ex of the girl he’s longing around with. Justin gets so much backlash for standing with a girl in a photo but I feel like everyone ignores the relationship between Selena and Alfredo.

The beach pictures were taken the same day as Ashley Tisdale’s birthday party aka the same day Justin was at home sick which is why he couldn’t attend Ashley’s birthday. Must suck to be at home sick while your “bro” was out frolicking the beach with your girlfriend.


This brings me to my next point which is an experience that a fan saw.

A fan at the Believe tour saw Alfredo and Selena being very flirtaious. Alfredo kissed Selena’s cheek while Selena rested her head on his shoulder and they ended it with a hug. Alfredo also gave Selena a back massage….

Quick question: would you massage your friend’s boyfriend/girlfriend’s back? I wouldn’t.

The fan said that she went to go ask them for a photo and they basically jumped in surprise when they saw her. Here’s the photo she snapped:


Wow, don’t they seem suspicious?

She says that Scooter came by and had Alfredo sit in the front while Selena sat with Kenny…. so when the fan came by, they acted as if they weren’t talking.

And when Selena was on a Justin shading massacre, who was hanging out with her? Alfredo.

Them again: (sorry the picture is very small)


Yesterday Alfredo tweeted the following and then claimed he was hacked.


Wouldn’t the “hacker” most likely tweet hate than love? Hm.

Update.. a couple of hours later and the following photo surfaced on twitter!


That’s not Ashley Moore btw. It’s Alfredo…. and possibly…. Selena?

I’m not making any accusations of Alfredo and Selena hooking up but they’re definitely not just friends. I mean look how they act in public. Imagine what they do behind closed doors.

They’re pretty close…


What do you guys think? I mean I think the only thing holding this story to its backbone is that suspicious-looking-surprised photo of Selena and Alfredo. Comment down below!

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