Selena Gomez Does Not Have Writing Credits for Love Will Remember


My last post talked about how there was a leak of Love Will Remember with a ‘voicemail’ of Justin Bieber crying to Selena Gomez about her. We established that the voicemail is not on the official album thanks to a fan who was actually there that spoke to me about it and it concluded the fact that it was just leaked for drama and publicity. You know, draw up some interest in Selena.

Her fans started talking about how she wrote the song and they edited Wikipedia to add her on the credentials. Here’s a credible source for writing credentials and as you can see, Selena is not on it.


Just to clarify: Selena did not write Love Will Remember and Justin is not on the song.

The voicemail seems like a demo version from Selena’s PR crew and their cry for publicity. She is leaking her songs and all this Love Will Remember stuff which is just another way to build hype for the album.

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Selena Gomez and Alfredo Flores Suspiciously Close at the Believe Tour


Love Will Remember by Selena Gomez Has a Fake Voicemail of Justin Bieber