Love Will Remember by Selena Gomez Has a Fake Voicemail of Justin Bieber


A leak of Selena’s new song “Love Will Remember” has been released and we all know that the song is about Justin like Selena practically said. She didn’t write it though. The leak contains a “voicemail” of “Justin” calling Selena and crying about something.

Anyways, here’s the leak.

Justin’s part where he’s talking is fake. It’s not on the song. I don’t know where Justin says that but I assure you it’s fake. How do I know? Well @bieberstar07 on Twitter was at Selena’s album party so she heard the full  version. Proof that she’s not lying? 


Btw, the girl is not a hater lol so she’s trustworthy for those Selenators who are ready to attack me after reading this. You can check her tweets.

That’s the girl, her pass into Selena’s album party, autographed photo, and her with Selena. Her explanation of the leak is on the top right corner. 

Someone else at the album party definitely leaked this track because as you can tell, it’s not a quality leak. It seems like someone recorded it from the party and then edited it to make Justin sound like he has a part on the song just to start drama.

Before I go, let me give you my thoughts on the song and by thoughts, I don’t mean how the song sounds, I mean the point of the song being made. For all of you guys who are like “I hate Jelena but this song makes me like them” are stupid, offense intended. Selena shades Justin this entire year, drags his name through dirt, and then comes out with this song for sympathy from the media. HOW transparent of her. One thing I know, is that she’s not getting any sympathy from me.

Update—so it actually turns out that the ‘fake’ Justin voicemail was released to just start drama from fans and make everyone think that Selena will address Jelena on the album. It turns out that she didn’t even write one word on the album, Stars Dance and yet she said that she will talk about the relationship there. Stars Dance just had a bunch of dance tracks that Selena didn’t cowrite anything on so….. coincidentally a leak with Justin’s ‘voice’ leaked? Hm.

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