Let's Talk About Your Concerns (Readers vs. ESMG 2021)


Imagine I pull a David Dobrik and title this “Let’s talk” but I disable the comment section.

Kidding… kidding.. put the pitchforks down.

Disclaimer: This post is mainly to address the group of people who have brought up the following claims against us. If you are not part of that group, don’t worry — this post isn’t for you.


Today is the first day we come back to the blog which means that we haven’t been reading any of the comment sections. Whether it’s the war that took place in the last Meghan & Harry post or the ask box being flooded again, we genuinely didn’t check the comment section despite being active on different platforms.

Many of you kept saying that we ran away to Youtube where the comments were more supportive and positive when in reality, we decided to work more on our Youtube channel as the audience is growing there. That’s why when we came back after 2 weeks to check on the Ask Box, we were genuinely confused about what you guys were upset about. Streets are saying that we’re still confused.

Alana went to the ask box and saw a bunch of comments saying that we’re running away from the criticism and she thought it was about Justin Bieber and the MLK interlude.

“I would never run away from hate, don’t tempt me with a good time,” - Alana, 2021.

Then I, Angela, went to the last Meghan & Harry post to answer the comments there and I quickly saw that the comment section criticism in the Ask Box was referring to the Meghan & Harry post.


So this is in reference to Alana answering the ask box thinking it’s Selena stans and some reader quoting her there and putting it under the M&H post as a personal attack.

Meghan & Harry Topic:

Every M&H post, the comment section explodes with the same 30 people going around in the same circle. So here’s an official post to address these concerns because I found that even though I addressed them in past comment sections, it still continues to come up. This is unfair to the readers who are trying to enjoy the comment section and talk about different things within the same topic, but the same old feud is brought up.

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Every Meghan & Harry post is fact checked by a few of my friends who are loyal followers of the royal family, Meghan & Harry, everything Britain basically. They usually know more than I do because I follow up with every topic and it’s hard to see every little detail that presents itself.

I’m not scared to ask for help on a topic or to learn from anyone.

The comment section feud constantly revolves around these themes:

“You got the line of succession wrong.”

This is from the 3rd part of our introductory series which can be found here.

I already addressed this several times but this continues to come up as a means of proving we know nothing about the royal family. It’s like a kink some of you have. You will go to the depths of Earth to prove we know nothing about the royal family.


The line of succession is basically who’s next in line to the throne. I’ve never talked about that. I spoke about an introductory hierarchy of the royal family and my words were twisted in the comment section and it became something popular to accuse us of.

Here’s the excerpt from that post:

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The hierarchy and the line of succession are not the same things so don’t confuse the 2 the way the comment section has.


Here’s the line of succession:


I even went back and put an update MONTHS AGO in the post because of your concerns in the comment sections and yet everyone said that I never addressed it.

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So everyone is like “you don’t wanna admit when you’re wrong.” NO. I love admitting when I’m wrong. I like being educated and you’d know that if you genuinely came to me with a concern that you wanted me to fix. It’s happened endless times and readers know who they are when they’ve dmed me, messaged me, or even emailed me.

The Frogmore cottage drama

In the introductory series, I tried to fit as much information as possible since we were starting a new series and a lot of regular readers aren’t up to date with the royal family.

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In a nutshell: Back in whatever year it was, Meghan & Harry didn’t want to live in the palace anymore so they moved to Frogmore cottage. At the time, they made a lot of renovations that cost millions of dollars from the taxpayers. When they left the royal family, everyone was furious because they spent all of this money and then left. It was literally headlines everywhere. It’s not something I invented.

That’s where we left off in the introductory post from May 2020.

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We continued talking about Meghan & Harry but in different topics and more recent events. Now here’s what the readers are mad about (I think… let me know if I’m wrong): We made Meghan out to be this “diva” and didn’t talk about how they paid back the money.

So after the backlash, Meghan & Harry paid back the renovation cost so that no one can use that argument against them anymore.

So I believe… we are being attacked for not updating you guys.


So if that’s the case, this is your update: Meghan & Harry did pay back the money they spent even though they didn’t have to because it’s the property of the crown.

This update doesn’t change my stance on them nor is me not talking about it as a way for me to continue my “narrative.”

If I think Meghan is a diva for spending millions of dollars on a cottage that she was planning on dipping from, then that’s my opinion. You can’t take that from me. Some of you will think it’s a humble thing she did, which is fine because that’s YOUR opinion. This has nothing to do with events or facts.


The Argument of Gifting “Royal” Jewels

People were upset because we said that the Queen didn’t trust Meghan enough to gift her jewels and the facts are that The Queen can’t gift royal jewels, but rather only loan them - that is true and I should have clarified that. This is what we call: misinterpreting information and that’s what happened on both parties. I meant one thing, y’all interpreted it differently.

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I was genuinely talking about how the royal family didn’t trust her from the get-go so they didn’t want to gift her anything extremely valuable - I’m not talking about the royal collection but rather an actual gift. It is my mistake as what was published said “royal jewels.”

Meghan ends up saying on Oprah that the queen gifted her a pearl necklace and earrings when she first met her. So I was talking in the means of GIFTING someone something (emphasis on the valuable).

However, I apologize for not clarifying it.


While we’re on the topic, let’s not NITPICK at anything and everything. You’re taking a very tiny and quite irrelevant detail and then writing a novel about it for months.

Where does this statement come into play in the bigger picture of Meghan & Harry? Are you trying to tell me they trusted her? Enlighten me.

Pretty sure Meghan proved my point on Oprah.


I got dragged for months for saying that Meghan wanted the title of a prince for Archie like William’s kids and what happened on Oprah? She admits to exactly that. It doesn’t mean that Archie is currently eligible for the title (he’s not), but by now, we should understand that when I quote something that Meghan wants, it doesn’t mean it’s what’s correct.

Some other concerns that I saw being brought up:

1. “The royal family is giving YOU information?” My source isn’t in the royal family nor was that ever implied. Where are Meghan & Harry now? Oh right, California. What is California known for? Hollywood. Who are their neighbors? A-list celebrities. Who does Meghan have constant contact with? Her PR team. Who works with publicity firms? The media. Who do sources come to? Anyone with a platform.


Their world is so INTERCONNECTED.

Also, if we didn’t have a source, how would we have known about the Oprah interview months beforehand? Huh?

2. One time, I made a typo and accidentally wrote “Katherine” instead of Catherine. It was fixed within 5 mins of the post’s publication yet it’s still brought up now.

3. There is an ongoing conspiracy theory that the royal family killed Princess Diana. It’s not a theory that I invented and I once made a joke about and it’s still held to this day.

Let me know if I missed anything.

Like I said, everything that circles under every Meghan & Harry post has already been previously addressed and it’s just a never ending circle with the same people bringing up something that was already talked about. And as you can tell by everything we said in this post, a lot of it is just unnecessary nitpicking or interpreting something that was never said (I’ll give you guys the royal jewels argument tho). You can’t hold us accountable for not updating EVERY LITTLE THING THAT COMES TO LIGHT. Meghan & Harry gave back the money for Frogmore cottage? Cool. That’s not my job to update considering the last time I spoke about it was like 4 months before. It’s why MAINSTREAM MEDIA exists.

TELL ME to write about it just like everyone else who updates me on these things. I try my best to update topics, but this isn’t the mainstream media. There aren’t 30 writers available to drop an article at any point in time. Better yet, since you guys know soooo much better, start a blog. Show me you can do better. Update it every 5 mins. Give TMZ a run for their money.


With that being said, I truly am sorry if you feel as if I wanted to purposely mislead you or influence your viewpoint in a false light. I genuinely report what’s being reported or what sources tell me. And please let me know if I got anything wrong, but let’s also try to refrain from bringing up the same argument or from you not believing in something a source said.


A lot of the comments were people addressing how they don’t like how we portray Meghan and that we aren’t “unbiased.” Newsflash, this isn’t The New York Times. I GIVE MY OPINION while clearly stating it’s an opinion. My opinion is formulated based on facts that sources give us and everyone reads this blog for source information and for MY OPINION. You have the right to formulate your own opinion. I’ve seen it with so many readers that they take the source information (the messages) and they formulate their own opinion. If you don’t believe that these sources exist, DO NOT READ A BLOG BASED ON SOURCES.


Oh and I don’t brag about sources because I care more about source protection rather than appealing to randoms. It’s so funny how many verified celebrities follow us monetarily to dm us and get in contact in a different place then quickly unfollow. It happens right in front of your faces and that’s what makes it perfect.

Just like your kink is proving I know nothing about the royal family, that’s my kink.


Now we are facing accusations that are “oh my god they are so racist because they don’t like Meghan Markle.”

Do you know what racism is? Disliking a person or calling them out based on their ACTIONS has nothing to do with their race. I shred Taylor Swift a new one every week and you can’t get whiter than that. I was on Justin Bieber’s ass for three years straight until he got right in the head.

If you’re actually a real veteran reader of mine, you’d know my stance on everything and how active I’ve been in real life but that’s not something to brag about because it’s the bare minimum. I’m supposed to do that. We are all supposed to stand up in the face of injustice so I’m not going to sit here and list what I do because I do it because it’s right, not for public approval.

None of you have actual evidence that anything I’ve said about anyone can be tied down to race.


Meghan Markle is a pathological liar. News broke today that she was lying about the secret wedding that she and Harry apparently had and endless physical evidence came out against them to state that. So if I call out someone’s bullshit, it doesn’t mean I’m racist.

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I never once invalidated Meghan’s feelings or any racism that she has experienced because that’s not my place to do so. I stated that in my posts and in my video countless times.

I rip any celebrity a new one because this is a place where they get held accountable for their actions. And guess what? It’s going to make a lot of people mad because you’re going to come in contact with their fans and their haters.

You wanna know what happened in 2016? I called out Amber Heard and I was bombarded with “you support domestic violence and abusers” for months. What happened in 2020? Oh yeah, what’s that? Yeah Amber is on audio saying that she hits Johnny Depp, she gaslights him when he wanted to call for help from HER physical abuse, and saying that SHE starts physical fights.


So don’t hide behind a BIG CLAIM of accusing someone of being racist when they call out another person’s actions.

The reason why this blog has racked up years of credibility is because I’m not afraid to say something when it’s UNPOPULAR to do so. And right now, it’s unpopular to NOT being on Meghan’s side but when she gets exposed on a massive scale (like what’s already happening now) you’ll once again finally see the light but after everyone else already saw it.

I said Selena Gomez was getting something medically done summer of 2017 and I was HARASSED. “Medically done? She’s not ill. She looks great. Look at her here and here oh and here in New York.” Quickly someone tell me what happened afterward? Oh right, she opened up about a kidney transplant that occurred that summer.

We live in a culture that’s run by conforming to popular opinion and fake positivity. Guess what girls and boys? That’s not this blog. We call out the uncomfortable truth whether or not you like it.


Oh and for the “veteran readers” who are claiming that I used to better portray celebrities back in 2014/2015, that’s how I know you’re lying straight out of your ass. I was the devil incarnation during that time and I own up to it and I apologized for how I’ve approached a lot of situations. I literally had to go back on my Instagram and archive posts in which I used to say the vilest things. Funny? Sure, but vile? Oh yeah. So don’t give me that BS of “I’m a veteran reader and you were better then.”


One of my main topics at the time, Selena Gomez, yeah her fans will tell you otherwise. Rumor has it some of my insults from back in the day are still stuck in everyone’s heads today. Go back and read the posts. They’re still up. I haven’t had a chance to reform them.

So I will take the backlash for people who don’t believe in my sources. I’ll even take it when someone calls me out for something being inaccurate. But I will not normalize accusations of racism on this blog and when I see racist comments, I delete them regardless of how I feel about the celebrity because I don’t tolerate nor condone racism.


Calling Meghan Markle a liar isn’t racism. Letting people like her thrive on that fact while ignoring everyone else’s serious concerns against her is called STUPIDITY honey.

This will be the last time I speak about this. I’ve said my peace and you can say yours if you want. If you continue to spam future posts with the same concerns that I’ve discussed endlessly now, it will be deleted. I’m not scared to take action on MY BLOG. If you continue to SPAM, it will be deleted.


If there is something that I was misinformed about, please let me know in the comment section below. I’m gonna need APA citation though.

“You said ______ in this post ______ on this date ______ and the truth is _______ proven here ________”

I mean it.

Oh and one more thing, I already made a blog post before ASKING for constructive criticism and giving you the platform to talk about how you want this blog better managed. Not one of you brought up anything that was discussed today so how is it that you follow every little thing, but the second it’s your time to shine and actually HELP, you stay mute?

As for the rest of you who are here to just hate on my blog, go out and touch some grass.

And as for my innocent readers or innocent bypassers on this blog, sorry this was the post that you came across. We got better ones everywhere else tho!

Where to find or contact us:

Maybe you should read that ^ again since you think I’m “ignoring” y’all yet NOT ONE PERSON contacted me about this.

Angela & Alana

We are sisters who uncover the truth in Hollywood, one scandalous post at a time.


New Blog Segment, What To Expect and More Updates


Posting Schedule for the Rest of February: Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas, Little Mix, and More