Zayn Malik and Gigi Hadid's Confusing Relationship: Did a baby make it all better?

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If I had to describe Zayn Malik and Gigi Hadid’s relationship in one word, I’d probably call them unstable. However, we have some shocking tea that is a turn of events from the usual themes we see with our favorite new parents.

Disclaimer: Everything in this post is according to a reliable source and is covered because it’s newsworthy information and not with any other intention.

As a quick refresher:

Zayn and Gigi did indeed start off as a public relationship (aka a PR) and when that contract ended, so did the relationship. However, one of my sources has described their relationship down the line as “obsessive and incredibly clingy” which explains how they were drawn back to each other after their work relationship ended.

Gigi ended up getting pregnant when they last reconciled.

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I’m not going to go too much into detail about the past because I covered it in depth in the latest Zigi update which you can read here:

Let’s talk about money because in that ^ post, all I kept saying was that Yolanda Hadid would see dollar bills whenever she looks at Zayn.

I got an update and it’s quite different.


In the January 2021 Tell All Reveal, we exposed that Zayn is basically burning through his 1D cash and that he’s turning to random sponsorships because his career isn’t bringing in the needed income.

I included a detailed analysis about that topic so read that post for more information.

Here’s an excerpt from my messages with my source which I’ll be posting at the end:

“He makes music because it’s his hobby, but he can’t handle the fame because of his problems. The issue is that he’s not as rich as everyone believes. None of the 1D dudes were and the reason for that is because it was 5 people sharing the profit. That’s why when they left the band, they all did solo things. Yeah because they wanted, but also because they need to finance their lifestyle.

Nowadays whenever he’s releasing music and interacting with fans, it makes me believe it’s because he’s running out of money and by that, he’s obviously not broke. To the average person, he’s rich. But to the celebrity lifestyle, he’s not.”

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This is important because how does Gigi Hadid play into this?

Well for starters, we know that her mother, Yolanda Hadid, has definitely been a wannabe-Kris-Jenner in the past. She wants the richest of the rich and the most fame for her daughters. Well in the latest Zigi update, we said that Yolanda sees dollar bills whenever she looks at Zayn and that she’s always striven for her daughter to be with someone of such a high level status just like she was when she married Mohamed Hadid.

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Besides the fact that Mohamed is having some money troubles, Yolanda no longer looks at Zayn that way. My source told me she USED TO, but now she sees Zayn the way we all see him—a sad washed up pop star that went from A list status to B list.

My source doesn’t feel like Yolanda is for Gigi’s relationship with Zayn because he provides nothing but a chill night at home doing… sniff sniff, God knows what.

Back in 2016 when they were EVERYWHERE together and Gigi got massive exposure, everyone was for Zigi. They were the ideal pairing—a beautiful model with a very famous singer. Now it’s just a beautiful model with a singer that appears twice a year and when he has been appearing lately, he seems high.

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“He can’t even sell music anymore. That’s when Yolanda Hadid stopped approving of Zayn. She never wanted her daughter tied down to an ex band memeber that can’t provide anthing and isn’t making MORE money, yet just spending it. She believes that Gigi is more famous than Zayn now and that she could do better.”

It’s quite sad actually.

This newfound information shows me that there are obviously some deep feelings there between Zayn and Gigi because it’s one thing to be with someone who’s good for business, and it’s another thing to be with someone despite the fact that they’re no longer beneficial towards you.

However, they’re both still a popular and relevant relationship, but that doesn’t mean they’re impactful anymore. Honestly, I think Yolanda wants Gigi to bag a billionaire just like she did in her prime.

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It’s like an unwritten rule that models get the most famous/richest stars and they are usually the ones to bag the billionaires. Someone please write an article on the psychology behind that. We’ll sponsor you!

With all of this being said, it doesn’t mean that Yolanda hates Zayn. She just doesn’t see him as someone worthy and deserving of Gigi anymore. She believes that she can do better. Nowadays, Yolanda plays her part by leaking information to the press and capitalizing on what she can work with.

Zayn and Gigi’s Relationship

I have a new update today that doesn’t revolve around the usual drug snorting themes with these 2!

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I know that when it comes to Zayn, there are 2 things we say about him: he loves his drugs & he loves cheating. He cheated like crazy on Little Mix’s Perrie Edwards and there were even some sources that reported that he cheated on Gigi in the past.

Here’s the funny part—as of recent, Zayn has been on this high of respecting and truly caring for Gigi. He genuinely loves her and doesn’t see other people whatsoever.


However… it’s not exactly mutual.

"About their relationship: he’s obsessed with her and would eventually propose to her honestly. Gigi is also nice but like ‘I appreciate the attention and thanks, but no.’ I’m not saying she would say no, but it’s more of she explores her options while Zayn sits at home waiting for her. … It’s this obsessive kind of love. Gigi was out seeing her own life, for example, that relationship with Tyler.”

I needed the info to marinate with me for a couple of weeks and not the usual 2 years.

My source described Zayn as erratic and with an erratic person, they can almost be unpredictable. Zayn can either be fully invested one minute and wanting to propose to Gigi, but then in another minute, he’s completely out of it and spaced out. This is information that one of my other trustworthy sources exposed in last year’s Zigi update.


My source also told me that they reunited way before the holidays in December 2019. She actually says that it happened around Thanksgiving or even earlier. There were rumors between inside circles that Gigi saw Zayn as soon as things ended with Tyler in October 2019.

Speaking of Tyler Cameron, Gigi and him were not a PR. They actually dated!



“I don’t think she liked him that much. They didn’t really click and that relationship not working out drove her to find familiarity with Zayn.”

So… is the baby Zayn’s?

“Yes. Gigi is not the type to lie about the father. If the baby was Tyler’s, she would have said that. However, when she got back together with Zayn, —- —- and the rest of us felt like it was almost planned. It’s as if she WANTED the baby and it wasn’t an accident. Keep in mind that this is rumored between us, so clarify that. It’s not like she was decorating the room beforehand and then they checked her ovulation days to get pregnant but it’s something that some of us suspected.”

I know what you all want to know: were they doing drugs while Gigi was pregnant?

Well none of us can vouch for Zayn, but all sources said that Gigi was sober when she was pregnant and that she’s not the type to damage the life of her child over drugs.

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When I tell you I was SHOCKED.

Good news for once!

“I feel like Gigi used the pregnancy as a means of pulling herself together. I was told that she was sober and taking care of herself during the pregnancy. Zayn is Zayn. I didn’t hear that about him.”

Another thing I found out is that Gigi looks at this pregnancy and baby as a greater meaning to life. She definitely had one of those Kylie Jenner moments where she felt like she had no real purpose until the baby. This is a common theme you see with celebrities because of the extremely oversaturated and materialistic world that they live in.

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Gigi also wanted a break from modeling and I’m sure that she enjoyed having an actual meal for once as opposed to constantly being preyed on by the eyes of Yolanda who probably allowed her 4 pieces of lettuce a day.

So is Zayn present?

As you could tell from the paparazzi pictures of Gigi ALONE, he’s not present.

Gigi with Bella in December 2020. Photo: MEGA/GETTY IMAGES

Gigi with Bella in December 2020. Photo: MEGA/GETTY IMAGES

Many of you pointed out that he comes on Instagram live, smokes, and doesn’t mention anything of the baby or Gigi. Which is fine… but it isn’t ideal father behavior. Zayn’s habits aren’t ideal either.

He literally went on Instagram live at 6 AM, smoking and blasting music while there’s a BABY in the house.

He claimed it wasn’t weed but a cigar… uh

He claimed it wasn’t weed but a cigar… uh

This doesn’t seem healthy to anyone that Zayn is appearing seemingly drunk and high on Instagram live but we ain’t seeing him any other time.

I’m not sure how good of a father one can be if he’s apparently high all the time, so to me, it seems like Gigi is salvaging this relationship from her end only.

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Sure we don’t know what goes on behind closed doors (or do we?), but isn’t it kind of sad that Zayn hasn’t accompanied Gigi on one of her stroller walks? Just some fresh air with your newborn! Is that too much to ask for?

Raymond Hall/Getty Images

Raymond Hall/Getty Images

It’s a little embarrassing seeing Gigi on all these walks by herself and regardless of Zayn’s excuse as to why he can’t take his newborn on a walk, it’s just excuses.

Splash News: AbacaPress /

Splash News: AbacaPress /

He didn’t even appear in any of the pregnancy photoshoots that Gigi had…

And lemme tell you something, Gigi is the type of girl to want her man to be in the photos with her.

Take a look at when they were a PR. Both Zayn and Gigi were sh!tting out joint photo shoots left and right.

With Zayn, it’s constant excuses that he hides behind instead of trying to help himself.

What does he struggle with exactly?

Besides the obvious with Zayn, he does struggle with depression and anxiety. He cites anxiety as the reason why he doesn’t tour and talks about how it affects him greatly.

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And why do people often do drugs? To deal with their inner demons. We’ve seen this with Demi Lovato and Justin Bieber. They both have been open about how they used drugs to medicate and numb their pain.

This is a toxic cycle that makes the pain grow instead of healing it. You see with Justin & Demi—they are working on fighting those battles until this day. They’ve been to therapy. They’ve undergone some sort of treatment. They found a solution to try to fix what they struggle with and the solution isn’t drugs anymore.

The closest bridge of information that the general public has to Zayn is through his lyrics.

Check out these lyrics to his song Calamity which is on Zayn’s latest album, Nobody Is Listening:

Is it just me or is this a cry for help?

What does this remind you of? Demi’s song ‘Anyone’ that she wrote right before she overdosed in 2018.

Speaking of overdoes, in last year’s Zigi update, I wrote that we heard a RUMOR that Zayn overdosed.

This time around… my source alleges that he had an overdose scare last year. I don’t know… it’s just sad that this is still the same stream of information since 2016.

Even though I spoke about how he genuinely cares for Gigi, it doesn’t mean that it’s not a toxic relationship—I mean that EMOTIONALLY. It’s this weird emotional dependence where he’s sitting around waiting for her while she comes and goes as she pleases. This isn’t even to place any blame on Gigi because it seems like she’s trying to put up this fake front on social media.

She’ll post cute pictures of her and Zayn to maintain this image when it’s definitely far from this perfect little pairing they have going on.


Zayn’s song “Outside” seems to reflect his on/off relationship with Gigi that we’ve been talking about.

Check it out:

“Do I keep the dog or do you want him?”

Now… let me know if I’m reading into this too much because this was a last minute addition to this post, but doesn’t this strike you as this weirdly obsessive and dependent behavior? It’s like OH DO YOU WANT THE DOG? TAKE HIM. I WILL DO ANYTHING FOR YOU.

Give me your thoughts on the lyrics and add anything else you think would be relevant.

Here are the messages between my source and I:

Hope you guys enjoyed this post!

Let me know what you guys think about this new information. What do you see headed in the future for Zigi? An engagement or a breakup? Comment down below and let us know! You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that. We will be reading and replying!

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