Are Taylor Swift and Joe Alwyn really engaged or is this another thirsty PR set up? Also, let's talk about Taylor being an environmental menace

Christopher Polk/NBC/NBCU Photo Bank

A lot has been going on in Swift Land and it’s time for me to get to the end of it! By the way, there’s a schedule going on right now and it has a special Dark Hollywood twist. Check it out here.

Now I’m gonna need your full undivided attention while reading this post! Imma need yall to have common sense and PAY ATTENTION.

Taylor Swift and Joe Alwyn’s Sus Engagement

At the end of June, The Sun reported that Taylor and Joe secretly got engaged. This was reported on by PageSix and this information has been circling the media for a while now.

Apparently, Taylor only wears the ring in private and they both have not told some members of their team.

According to them, a source close to Joe said: “Taylor and Joe are incredibly happy, and very, very in love. They’ve actually been engaged for a few months but have only told their inner-inner circle — basically immediate family, and trusted, very old friends. Everyone has been sworn to secrecy, too.”

tw // a lot of their photos are manips since they barely have any

Regardless of whether that is true or not, I don’t know why they want the media to think this so-called engagement is being treated like adultery in the 90s.

“Sworn to secrecy”


over something not even worth thirsting about??? Anyway…

Obviously esmg readers know that we said they’re not even dating for real behind the scenes. I’m not going to explain more so you can go read the Taylor Swift As-A-Person (AAP) post where we spilled there.

Two weeks after the engagement announcement, she and Joe made a rare appearance in London where Taylor is…. you guessed it! Not wearing the ring so this pushes out a bunch of other articles saying she subtly dismissed the engagement rumors.

These photos were exclusively released by DailyMail.

And again, whether or not this is true, you have to know one thing… they’re playing a media game.

Going back to whatever source reported to the media, they said she only wears it behind closed doors.

Here’s the thing…

Taylor and Joe being engaged has been something that has been circling for months. It’s been circling between our sources, the media, the Swifite fanbase, and so on.

It’s not a big shocker and most people believe they’re married anyway.

I wrote in my planner in January when I was on the phone with one of my sources that they’re on/off and possibly secretly engaged right now.

Actually… let me give you guys a glimpse into the secret life of ESMG.

Don’t judge my handwriting! I actually have really neat handwriting but when you’re on the phone with a source and you’re taking notes, you’re fighting for your fckin life! It’s like being in court. jkjk

I’m kidding but anyway, here’s what I had written if you can’t read it:

  • on/off and possibly engaged (secretly rn)

  • probs won’t last to marriage

  • extremely private

  • info only comes from Joe who said he’s single

  • Taylor [on a] recording high

Like I said, being engaged is something that has been going on for a while now and even people in their inner inner circle don’t know what’s up which makes the whole thing extra fishy.

My source doesn’t believe it will last to marriage, they say that they’re extremely private, but it’s Joe who tells his inside people that he’s single. The info mainly comes from him since Taylor does not speak about it to or with anyone.

She’s on this guarding secrecy high so in her head, if she doesn’t talk about it, no one will have any sort of info LMAOOO.

It’s like… ???? Also, Taylor is on a recording high and that’s all she cared about at the time… just re-recording her albums.

It’s interesting to note that the engagement tea is being reported on by the DailyMail, a UK-based news site, and the photos are also coming exclusively from them and they’re being photographed in London… by Backgrid… which is a private company that distributes all celebrity planned spottings (for the most part).

And Backgrid is the oNLY time they get photographed and usually the photo ops are once every year.

All paparazzi photos are planned at this point in saturated Hollywood btw.

And The Sun was the first to break the news that they were dating years ago which is unusual for an American celebrity who usually runs to E! News, People, or US Weekly to spill.

The issue with Taylor and her privacy is that she’s so extreme. There’s never a middle line. it’s either IN YOUR FACE type of relationship or one that’s basically nonexistent. And surprisingly, Joe is never at any important gathering for Taylor the way you’d assume you want your significant other there.

And if he is, it’s because E! News is telling us because Taylor sent an email and never because there are actual photos.

There’s this mysterious Joe who doesn’t get booked for any movie roles except being Taylor’s boyfriend and he’s also a magical cowriter on these albums where Taylor imagined a fantasy land for herself so no one can question how sus the love songs are on Folklore & Evermore, so what does she say? Joe co-wrote em! Who’s gonna fact check her? The reporters on Joe’s nonexistent movie premiere?

Aw come on Joe! The greater writer JOE! Your writing success came so effortlessly :/ why not write some more???

And Joe is British… and my source is telling me info comes from his side and now it’s the UK media exclusively releasing this info while the US media is just piggybacking off what they’re releasing?

Robert Kamau | Credit: GC Images

However, I will say that nothing gets publsihed about Taylor from PR reps without her approval and actually… her guidance.

The day the engagement news hit the press, June 30, Taylor’s ex, Tom Hiddleston, announced that he’s expecting his first baby.

And to that I say: in the world of Taylor Swift, nothing is a coincidence.

It’s not like her relationship with Tom was real anyway, but she cares so much about how she’s perceived in the media, I wouldn’t be shocked if the engagement news were done strategically.

The whole thing is sus and that’s why I want to know what you guys think.

Also, anytime you are questioning if something is true in the media or not despite being reported on by actual media sources, just know that if the celebrity wants to keep you wondering, that’s when you have to question the legitimacy of what is being reported on.

Readers know I call this the “testing the waters” phenomena that we saw prevalent in Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello’s breakup. They did it with both the breakup and engagement rumors and when no one gave a sh!t and everyone was bored, they broke up.

i kinda miss them </3 i loved dragging them

Celebrities who don’t care about keeping up that intrigue would clear it up right away as opposed to celebrities who like to claim they’re so private but it’s their PR teams speaking to the press.

In April 2022, he was questioned by Elle about whether or not he’s engaged and he said, "If I had a pound for every time I think I've been told I've been engaged, then I'd have a lot of pound coins. I mean, the truth is, if the answer was yes, I wouldn't say, and if the answer was no, I wouldn't say.”

If someone told me that Joe is an industry plant disguised as a British actor with his 7 movie credits, but his only purpose was to serve as Taylor’s arm candy, I’d believe it.

Taylor and Joe not really being together sucks, not because I care for either of them, but because I know Taylor is a romantic and has always dreamed of this other life for herself… so as to why she’s limited her true experiences by this facade is just saddening to say the least.

If Taylor was really in love and planning her wedding, she would want to share it with everyone because she is this fairytale princess girl and she would document it with her close friends, family, and even fans.


Taylor’s entire life has been planned and rehearsed so it’s just sad.

The real question is… how long will she keep this up? Will they actually get married? And is Joe ever on these 170+ private jet flights she takes?

Taylor, the environmental menace

Speaking of which, I talked about that on youtube so check out my video:

Also, don’t believe any of that BS that Taylor isn’t on the flights. She’s not just lending her jet to the homeless man down the street or her mother. She actually does take these unnecessary flights from one studio to another and just these random trips.

It’s not that she’s an environmental menace… or maybe she is, but I don’t like how her PR team made excuses for her. “She’s not even on most of these trips” oh yeah George??? Then who’s taking the flights???

And it’s not like that makes it any better! It’s still HER JET.

But she had the audacity to say she was inspired to write the song Only The Young in 2020 because of the mid-elections and how horrible things are for young people in which she lists climate change and calls it horrificcry me a sob story somewhere else.

The excuses… the performative activism… bleh. It’s such a turn off.

Going back to staged paparazzi photos, you can tell when Taylor wants to be photographed vs. when she doesn’t. The photos of her hiding as she got off her private jet in July 5th, resurfaced after the drama

It’s just interesting to see that the photos weren’t taken by Backgrid this time around… hmm.

Don’t you guys like how I put little puzzle pieces throughout the post for yall to solve?

With all that being said, I think that climate change and carbon footprints are bigger than celebrities and their private jets. It’s the same thing as persuading the masses to not use plastic straws only for plastic straws to be like 0.00001% of the problem. 

I believe that this all has to do with corporations and it’s definitely a bigger conversation than simply Taylor Swift using her jet. However, official reports are coming out to say that celebrities are a huge part of the problem.

Also, it doesn’t change from her ugly PR statement. It’s always someone else’s fault in Tay Land and that’s my issue.

Anyway, that’s all for this post. Let me know what you guys think down below.

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