The Truth About Justin Bieber's Lyme Disease Diagnosis
Earlier this month, TMZ revealed that Justin Bieber got diagnosed with Lyme Disease. Justin confirmed the contents of the article on his Instagram. Despite Justin’s honesty throughout his decade long career, people are questioning the validity and the truth of this diagnosis.
Here at ExposingSMG, we have ripped apart celebrities for hiding their drug addiction and using a disease as a cover up. We are known for doing this with this with Bieber’s charity for his non-profit organization—Selena Gomez.
So let’s discuss. Does Justin really have Lyme Disease? Is this a cover up for other issues? And more.
TMZ’s sources said that, Justin was battling deep depression due to his Lyme disease diagnosis and this is something that he will be opening up about in his documentary. The sources who saw the documentary say that he contracted this disease in 2019 and he went the majority of the year undiagnosed, but suffered scary symptoms. Doctors didn’t know what was wrong with him—Lyme disease is very difficult to diagnose—up until late last year.
Throughout the year, there were always photos of Justin crying because he was battling severe depression, but no one knew the cause. They don’t know how Justin got the disease, but it does come from a tick bite; we will get into that later.
In 2018, the Ottawa Health Department tweeted that you can protect yourself from Lyme disease by wearing long articles of clothing and tucking your socks into your pants. They used a picture of Justin for demonstration.
What a situation of irony since Justin got diagnosed around the same time that tweet was posted, the following year.
Throughout 2019, Justin was also photographed with constant IVs in his arm.
TMZ // Backgrid
Everyone thought they were vitamin drips, but reportedly they’re used to treat Lyme disease. He was also prescribed medication that made his skin breakout.
However, with his diagnosis, he’s now being treated properly and is ready to start his new era which was previously delayed because of his condition.
Justin posted TMZ’s article with the following response.
Hailey also took to Twitter to defend Justin, while thanking the Hadid’s for being informative and helpful since they also struggle with Lyme disease. She also thanked Avril Lavigne for educating
The Hadids and Lyme… now that’s another story lol
And that’s the backstory!
By the way, just like I take the time to research and bring the whole story to my wonderful readers, I hope that you guys can offer the same in return instead of still questioning or being confused, at something that I explain thoroughly. I love when you guys ask things—hence us making sure we have an active ask box for you guys always—but sometimes it does get frustrating when we explain a whole in depth post and you guys ask something about what was already written. I ain’t gonna rewrite what I already spent time on explaining! But yeah, my little rant.
Is Justin using Lyme disease to cover up his drug usage?
Let me sing it for you.
Patience everyone, I know you’re all eager to scream “BIASED!!!!” and get your pitchforks on my throat.
Justin can’t use Lyme disease as a cover up for anything when he was out screaming I STARTED DOING PRETTY HEAVY DRUGS AT 19, without anyone asking him.
No one:
Justin: So I started doing heavy drugs
Justin Bieber via IG: September 2, 2019
This is something already admitted for. Justin isn’t saying his drug issues stemmed from Lyme disease. Instead, he is saying that Lyme worsened his mental health and the medication made his skin breakout.
Also, I don’t want to hear any “you’re biased” comments acting like I made any excuses for his drug usage. I had an in depth post breaking down his drug use BY YEAR. I have never said he didn’t abuse drugs and Justin never said that either.
This moves onto the next point.
Does Justin really have Lyme disease?
What I’m about to say next, may sound familiar.
We don’t have his medical records to confirm or prove anything.
When did I say that before? Oh yes, when you guys asked me if Selena Gomez had lupus.
Excerpt from our October 2017 post on Selena Gomez’s lupus:
My source tells me that it is standard media protocol to clean up the image of a celebrity before starting an era and often you’re not going to come shouting from the rooftops that you did drugs.
“But media protocol is when a celebrity comes back with a random comorbidities it’s code for they were out sick on drugs. It is weird that this was around the time Justin was struggling with drugs/anxiety and suicide.” - my source
However, around the same time that Justin—once again—confessed to doing drugs, is supposedly relatively close to when he got his Lyme diagnosis. He posted about it September 2019 and according to the story released by TMZ and confirmed by Justin, he was diagnosed late 2019.
I don’t see the correlation in using a disease to hide drug usage if you’re confessing to the drug usage to begin with. It totally defeats the point.
It make sense in Selena’s case because her team would scream that she’s in rehab for “lupus” in an article, but also scream that OH BTW IT’S NOT FOR DRUGS. The more you deny something, the more truth there is to it.
I know people will bring up Selena’s lupus vs. Justin’s lyme disease; and our stances on each so let me clarify before y’all run rampant.
Selena’s case is completely different than Justin’s. Selena went to rehab publicly and privately. She denies anything having to do with drugs. She states that all her issues arise from lupus. The rehabs she was at don’t treat lupus, but they specifically treat drug addiction. Lupus, an autoimmune disease, is treated at a hospital and not at a center for drug addiction. She confuses lupus with leukemia, a type of cancer. Even after her kidney transplant, she’s seen drinking and smoking—something lupus patients can’t do AND after a transplant? Come on. So obvious. She’s seen in tanning salons during her diagnosis and so on. There are many loopholes in her story of denial.
Then you have Justin.
He confessed to doing hard drugs SINCE HE WAS 19. He never denied it. Again, he confessed without a scandal surrounding him which is not something many can do. He did it in a way of forgiveness and owning up to your sins.
The following photo was taken the same month he confessed to his drug usage.. again. He already confessed during the Purpose era.
Justin Bieber leaving the doctor’s office on September 21, 2019 // Shutterstock
Take a look at Selena, she’s in and out of hidden scandals, but will make the biggest ploy to make sure it all goes back to lupus and not drugs. She was so intoxicated at the 2019 AMAs and high off her ass, but her team used mental illness as an excuse to why she sang so badly as if she could sing to begin with.
Justin having Lyme disease makes so much sense because many of us didn’t know why his mental illnesses kept getting worst. I always referenced his depression and anxiety as a result of all that he’s been through in the industry. Many of you clowns said that Hailey was causing Justin’s depression, but the reality of it—he’s obsessed with her and she’s the only one truly helping him. So that wasn’t it. Many sources and I even talked about it. Like is he just clinically depressed? Is this the aftermath of drug usage? Why is his mental health deteriorating? So for him to say he’s been diagnosed with Lyme disease, clarifies a lot.
Do I believe he has it? Yes. Is it an excuse for his past struggles? No. Is anyone making it as an excuse? No.
When Justin responded saying “While a lot of people kept saying Justin Bieber looks like shit, on meth.,” he wasn’t denying the drug use by any means—again, he confessed to that. He just meant that the reason I look like shit (even though he really didn’t) is because I was struggling with this disease.
Also, this all adds up because in our post that talked about his drug issues, we didn’t reference 2019 as being a major year for drug use. We talked more about his mental health and this adds up with his timeline of the Lyme disease diagnosis.
Is it damage control?
I saw many people saying that he’s just admitting to it to promote his era.
So many things wrong with this statement. It’s not like I’m going to go buy Yummy because Bieber has an IV bag attached to his arm.
I love talking about damage control. It’s one of my favorite topics. I am one to preach about celebrities cleaning up their image before an era and it’s the truth—they do.
Yes, Justin could have Instagrammed about his IV bag when he was constantly getting papped with it in September 2019 and made some long emotional post about it. However, big celebrities are always advised not to speak about “breaking news” without their management’s approval. The biggest male pop star today being diagnosed with Lyme disease, is breaking news in the celebrity world.
Why would he come clean about it in an Instagram post when the better marketing technique is to talk about in the documentary?
Also, I don’t even know if Team Bieber planned for TMZ to leak the story. It seems like a source who watched the documentary, spoke to TMZ and then Team Bieber just went with it like “I guess if everybody knows we should probably talk about it now.”
Knowing Justin, he was hesitant to even speak about it since people love to twist his words around and he learned that the hard way when he said he abused relationships, but everyone claimed he abused women.
On top of that, celebrities don’t owe anyone anything when they’re on break. During their workdays, they open up about their lives and yadda yadda. So that’s another reason why Justin didn’t go around broadcasting it. Lyme is a tricky disease. Maybe he was told that he could possibly have it or he could possibly not have it and time will just tell.
The start of an era is when celebrities start talking because that’s their job.
Why didn’t our sources know about his Lyme disease diagnosis?
We knew and told you all about Selena’s rehab stints as well as when she will go to rehab. We even knew she was getting something medically done in the summer aka the summer she got her kidney transplant.
So how didn’t we know about Bieber’s diagnosis?
If you keep up with me on my other social medias, Instagram and Twitter, you’d know I was dragging Team Bieber for keeping us in the dark about this.
If you’re not a veteran reader or you’re just unfamiliar with my humor, you’d think I was being serious. Instagram readers were going at my throat. I was like uh, issa joke.
However, is there some truth to this? Maybe.
But I made the same joke to my source and she said, “Justin having Lyme disease isn’t something he would’ve been screaming to the rooftops to all his close friends. He probably got diagnosed and began underground treatment.”
Selena always has an elaborate plan in motion, so it’s usually easy to find out what’s up with her.
Anyways, I’m not upset our sources didn’t know. But since Hailey is going to read for free, at least provide something since you’re capable of it and we are the only big source actually stating their truth. But that’s just my two cents!
What is Lyme disease?
Y’all really thought we weren’t going to delve into the medical aspects of this? Come on! This is ExposingSMG: your all in one type of source.
Lyme disease is an infectious disease that is spread by ticks.
This is what the Centers for Disease Control and Protection (CDC), say about Lyme disease.
It is treated by antibiotics and it causes a variety of symptoms, which you can check out here.
I think we covered all aspects of this situation. You guys should definitely read the messages between my source and I because we talk a little bit more about it.
After soaking all this information in, what do you guys think? Comment down below! You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that. I will be replying back.
Hope you enjoyed!