Selena Gomez Says PDA is Cringey

Selena Gomez, queen of PDA and public relationships, just said that the thinks PDA is cringey. This comes in her series of shady comments towards her relevance machine—Justin Bieber, who left her and proposed to Hailey Baldwin in 2018.


Everyday, Selena embarrasses herself more and more. The more you listen to her, the more you can see right through her. All her comments and actions are hidden by a shield of manipulation, bitterness, and pure sadness.

During her Heart interview in the UK, she was asked about things that make her cringe, and she said the following:


Selena isn’t touring for “Rare,” but she sure is on a tour of being bitter and jealous over the Biebers who have shown PDA in the past with Justin constantly claiming Hailey publicly. And as he should.

To clarify, PDA is defined as the public display of affection—something that Selena is not new to.

Gomez was out groping underage Bieber in 2011 on the beach, but wants to cry about PDA.

Her entire relationship with Justin was built on the foundation of PDA because most of the time they were papped, it was for publicity reasons.

You have to be delusional to think otherwise.

Selena and The Weeknd debuted their relationship with a PDA-filled night behind a dumpster.


Anyone can see that in most cases, she’s imitating the PDA.

She has so many other PDA filled moments that no one really checks for unless it’s with a bigger and more relevant star, such as Justin or Abel.

Enjoy this tweet that plays a video of PDAlena with circus music in the background because that’s exactly what Gomez is—a clown.

Nothing is wrong with PDA. I’m not attacking Selena for her PDA filled years. I’m saying she’s a compulsive liar and a bitter hypocrite.

I’ve been telling you that Selena has been and IS STILL bitter for years! Selena even admitted to her extreme bitterness earlier this month.


Again, get on the winning team.

She claims that she mistaken her bitterness for vulnerability… which doesn’t make sense at all. There is not correlation between being vulnerable and being a bitter psychopath, but then again Selena isn’t that smart so I wouldn’t expect her to differentiate between the meanings.

She wasn’t crying about PDA when she was out kissing Abel on the red carpet.

The truth of the matter is, Justin and Hailey Bieber are out chilling and moving on like full grown adults. Selena is still crying over a teenage relationship because it’s her only form of relevance. Regardless of your personal opinions, it’s Gomez in public interviews showing her complete hypocrisy that she’s trying to conceal by vulnerability. Make no mistake—it’s sadness and bitterness. She sounds like she’s on the verge of tears in every public appearance she makes and that’s because that’s the harsh reality.

I’ve been telling you. I’ve been telling her.

At this point, it’s just sad.

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P.S. Here’s another funny tweet about Selena x the Grammys.

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