The Sad Truth About Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott's Relationship: Cheating? Abuse? And more revealed.
Kylie Jenner is a cosmetics mogul who has accumulated a franchise worth well over a billionaire dollars. Travis Scott is a #1 multi-platinum selling artist. Together, well according to the “facts,” they have a beautiful baby girl named Stormi. They’re rich. Seemingly happy in love and adored by millions. They even have matching butterfly tattoos.
They seem like they have it all, right?
Kylie and Travis have one of the most toxic relationships that Hollywood has ever seen and I’m here to spill the details.
To keep this post cute and straight to the point, I’m going to only expose Kylie and Travis, and leave fellow Kardashians/Jenners + extras, out of it… until the next post of course.
Back in July 2019, we hosted a “Tell All” here on ExposingSMG. For those of you who are new, a Tell All is when we expose about 10-15 scandlous celebrity secrets and we reveal the ones that are the least threatening to us. You know, exposer things.
Anyways, in the July 2019 Tell All Revealed, we spoke about Travis and Kylie’s relationship for the first time on this blog. Here’s what we said.
We told you that Travis has been serially cheating on Kylie and doesn’t even respect her nor the relationship.
The last time they are publicly seen together is during August 2019, but he graces her Instagram feed for the last time on September 10, 2019.
What happens October 1st, 2019?
TMZ reports they broke up.
You know, a lot of people would be scared with how many times we are proven right. A lot of people would be scared. And I’ll name them.
According to current news, the pair has been back together since March.
Cheating Claims
For anyone who doesn’t believe us for saying that he cheats on her, there is a lot of public evidence to support this. We’re going to quickly run through this and then we’re going to expose what our source said.
The story says that Travis has been in this relationship with Instagram model, Rojean Kar, who goes by the Instagram user, yungsweetro. Many believe that Kylie is indeed the side chick that he just uses for her career and that he only cares about this Rojean Kar.
Rojean pictured on the right.
Before we go any further, NO; Travis and Kylie are not a PR (public relationship.. for the newbies) under a contract.
Anyways, there is well over sufficient evidence to prove that Travis is cheating on Kylie with Rojean….. on MULTIPLE OCCASIONS. Popular media isn’t showing you these screenshots though.
Travis and Rojean go back all the way to 2013 and 2015 as seen from these screenshots from her Instagram.
In March 2019, when Travis and Kylie were still together, TMZ’s sources broke a story saying that Kylie has found evidence on Travis’ phone, that proved him being unfaithful.
Read TMZ’s story here.
So even popular media was reporting on the cheating.
In March 2018, Travis and Rojean were vacationing together according to these painfully obvious Instagram pictures taken at the same location.
At this point, Travis ain’t even trying to hide it.
It seems like Rojean was constantly with Travis on tour, as indicated by them always posing in the same area and of course, Rojean is letting everyone know it through her Instagram.
So it’s clear that Rojean and Travis have some sort of close thing because random locals aren’t being brought backstage to film stars as seen from this “backstage angle.”
It only gets worse.
Let’s talk about the following picture and how it seems like Travis is obviously spending the night with Rojean, as his sneakers are shown in the background of her seductive mirror selfie.
It’s as if sis wants to prove that he’s cheating.
And of course…. are you really gonna stay mute when you’re the person that they’re cheating WITH on the Kylie Jenner? Of course not. So Rojean had to let us know that Kylie is keeping her tabs on her by blocking and unblocking her on Instagram… while Rojean was showing off a fancy new watch given to her by Kylie’s “bd” aka baby daddy.
All I got to say is….. YIKES.
Response to Cheating Allegations
Of course they’re going to DENY.
Unless there’s a sex tape, no celebrity couple will admit to cheating or being cheated on…. unless of course there’s something in it for them (more fame, money, blah blah).
Travis posted the following on his Instagram story.
Even Rojean denied the rumors…. DESPITE BEING THE ONE TO PROVIDE EVIDENCE as seen from the timeline above.
confirmed by E! News that she did indeed post this.
Now of course Kylie is going to try to hold onto the last bits of dignity that the Internet left her.
Rojean held an Instagram live in December 2019 where she spoke about this situation a little bit more. You can read about that here. I personally believe that the way that Rojean handled the situation, was because she wanted the attention and drama of being the girl that Travis is cheating with, on Kylie. She states in that live that if she wanted the attention, she could have taken the opportunity to have a paid interview about this drama.
Yeah… sure… the Kardashians and Kris Jenner herself would let that happen…. IN HELL ITSELF MAYBE.
Anyways, it’s always cheating men that do the most.
Now that we got the timeline history out of the way, let’s get into the tea.
You thought the cheating was the bad part of it? Oh, just you wait.
Kylie and Travis pictured on August 27, 2019. // Shutterstock
My souce alleges that Travis is physically abusive and says that he has a bad anger problem when it comes to Kylie.
I’ve had a few posts on Kylie in the past and I focused heavily on how insecure she truly is. Sure it seems like she has the perfect life and that she’s everyone’s goals, but our sources told you that if she doesn’t find herself as the defintion of PERFECT, she’ll literally cry herself to sleep.
My source tells me that Kylie does actually spend a lot of nights crying because of her insecurities and how no matter what she does, Travis still looks elsewhere.
“Travis has never made it seem to Kylie like she’s lacking sexually or emotionally, so that’s why it confused and hurt her when the cheating was out of the closet” - my source
Was the cheating out of the closet when Kylie probably read our post? Most likely. I mean the dates are adding up a little too conveniently. Or maybe it just brought new information to light since Travis and Rojean’s obvious timeline, was suffocating all of us throughout 2018.
Also….. poor Kylie. According to what my source is saying, it seems like Kylie really gave her all to Travis only to be left shocked and confused when it still wasn’t enough for him to remain faithful.
My source proceeds to say that Kylie needs to learn to love herself.
Kylie is always looking for approval from the general public. In her mind, that translates to her doing something right. But the truth is, you don’t need the world’s approval. You need your own.
Whenever we’ve spoken about Kylie on this biog, we always bring up her extreme insecurity. This type of insecurity, is the type to make you believe that you deserve less or that you should settle for a relationship that doesn’t have trust or loyalty… which is probably the case for the duo now.
Why else would you get back together with someone whom you’ve given your all to, only for them to cheat and disrespect you (don’t forget the abuse as well), unless you truly don’t love yourself?
Now for all the social justice warriors who will jump on my throat, I’m not blaming Kylie for anything here. I’m just saying that often, victims of abuse will stay in the relationship out of fear, maniplution, and insecurity. And in Kylie’s case, it definitely sits on the insecurity side a little heavier.
However, it is important to note that they have a child together. Add that into the mix of not loving yourself and still wanting your child to have her father present in your life, and you have Kylie and Travis.
With the timeline history of Travis and Kylie, plus the heavy evidence behind Travis’ cheating, this post has gotten already too long. With that being said, we still have some more crazy information on the Jenners and even Travis’ history with Kendall Jenner and Jordyn Woods. That is to be revealed in PART 2 of this Jenner series, happening very soon.
Here’s the first half of the messages between my source and I. Anything blanked out is for the safety of our source or it’s just information that is yet to be revealed.
This was the day my source came to me with SO MUCH INFORMATION about so many celebrities that we are yet to write about.
Let me know if you guys like my little commentary on the messages itself.
That’s all for now!
Comment down below your thoughts and any questions you have or any specific things you want us to address in the next part of this post. You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that. We will be replying back!
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