Selena Gomez ADMITS to Manipulating Justin Bieber: "It’s the satisfaction out of hurting someone ... purposely bring down the person you are with..."
The year is 2045 and Selena Gomez is still explaining her side of the story. A side that has now happened 25 years ago. A side she has been telling us for 25 years now.
All jokes aside, it’s the year 2020 and Selena Gomez is STILL talking about Justin Bieber in interviews. He hasn’t mentioned her once during his entire Changes era, yet we have gotten plenty of interviews from Selen, where she still talks about Jelena or references Jelena times.
Now a million years ago, I told you guys Selena plays 2 narratives when it comes to Jelena.
She plays the “omg I’m so naive and stupid, feel bad for me” role aka Lose You to Love Me, Love Will Remember, Perfect and etc.. But, she also plays the “I’m a bad bitch, you can’t hurt me” role aka Look at Her Now, Same Old Love, Feel Me.
yeah her entire career is Bieber.
Selena was on GENUIS where she sin— I’m sorry, TALKS parts of her song and explains the lyrics. In Selena’s case, she didn’t sing the lyrics, but she read them in the most monotone voice ever.
Watch for yourself below:
As she monotony reads through the bridge to her song “Rare,” she explains a very detailed scenario of how toxic relationships can be, especially in the case of young ones.
She says the following:
“… men and women do it… especially teenagers and young people in love and it’s the satisfaction out of hurting someone because you know that they care. Purposely putting someone down because you wanna keep them at a level… it’s like to keep that person down so they never realize “oh I’m strong enough to actually get out of a situation or feel threatened”… and I feel like we BOTH do that, there’s like you know especially when you’re young it’s that whole thing of ‘oh I’m glad you’re crying over me and that clearly you still love me’… it’s a bit manipulative.”
Before we go any further, let me disprove a point that I’m not trying to see in the comment section below.
“Selena is talking about what was done to her, not something she did. And she could be talking in general.”
Now listen, Ms. Gomez is a compulsive liar. Anyone with regular understanding of the English language can see that from her quote where she’s already caught lying.
She starts off saying “In certain relationships, I’ve heard and I’ve experienced and whatnot..” and then in the middle of the quote, she says “and I feel like we BOTH do that… especially when you’re young.”
Like girl.. girl… pick one. Is it being done TO you or are YOU doing it?
So already we see that she’s a liar. And as someone who runs an exposing blog on celebrities, with Selena being the most written about topic, I can tell you that she has a lying tell. Over the years, my good sis has gotten better with the lying tell, but it still comes up here and now. And when she was saying that this behavior was something she experienced, she did her usual tell and then her voice got low and unsure. It’s just so painfully obvious.
SO point being here is, that quote confirms that she did indeed manipulate Justin in their relationship (where she was older than him and he was a minor at one point, but anyways), and anyone who disagrees, is just plain in denial. The quote still stands.
Going back to her quote, that last line seems a little familiar…
Selena Gomez in 2013.
Not to sound like a broken record, but she is literally describing everything she did to Justin. She’s describing that emotion, feeling and tactic VERY WELL and not because she was a victim to it, but because she knew exactly what she was doing to him all these years.
Even the way she talks, it’s like she talks as if she’s teaching a class on manipulation and not a VICTIM to manipulation. She’s talking about the psychology behind doing that so if it was being done to her, how would she know the psychology of how to enforce that manipulation on someone?
In comparison, check out what Justin has to say about his experience in his relationship with her.
Made by yours truly
DISCLAIMER: I’m not saying Justin was/is perfect. If anything, I drag him more than all of y’all combined. But clearly there are two sides to every story and Selena and her fans are trying so hard to bury pure evidence of Selena being toxic. Justin and Selena were both toxic to each other, but Selena’s level of toxic was much greater which is why I usually give her more heat about this topic. Like I said, comparing their toxicity is like comparing driving someone to sucide (Selena when she’s being toxic) and making someone jealous (Justin when he’s being toxic)—both toxic, but no where near the same level. However, I’m also not dragging Selena anymore due to heath related issues.
It’s like she’s admitting to doing all those things while disguising it in a way where she says it happened to her.
Especially since Justin has opened about emotional abuse in Jelena back in 2015/2016, and I’ve been writing about it since 2013, it all just seems to be something for the public to see now.
A lot of the things I spoke about in 2013, are all public now, so you can only imagine how the ESMG team and veteran readers feel when everything is being publicly spoken about.
Linked below is a post where I describe in detail exactly how Selena would manipulate Justin all those years. So everything she spoke about in that GENIUS interview is literally described in this post. And that post was written in 2014.
6 years ago and my information is still valid and reliable. Once again, you’re welcome.
I hope you guys take the time to read that post because it explains everything to great detail. Once again, if you have any questions, I am more than happy to answer them.
You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that! Tell me you thoughts about this entire thing, are you as tired of Jelena as I am? Let me know and I will be answering all questions!