The Psychology Of Meghan Markle
The way Meghan Markle captivated Prince Harry is something that should be studied by many psychologists. Lucky for you guys, one of us has a Psychology degree and can easily tell you why he was so ready to ruin his life for her.
Use these tips carefully and maybe one day you’ll snatch up a prince too 😉 just try not to ruin his whole life while you’re at it. The ending to this fairy tale doesn’t seem good.
Their first date
When you're trying to impress someone, one of the most essential rules in social psychology is to appear to match their energy about certain things, and then when it’s time to get them hooked onto you, you must give them what they don’t have and take it away at random times.
Sounds insane, but you’ll see exactly how this plays out for Meghan and Harry.
Meghan met Harry as this super successful, independent, humble working girl, and that’s how Harry still sees her today. This is important for later.
How you first appear and what you do has a very long-lasting impact on the people you meet. You can meet the President of the United States and trick him into thinking you’re somebody you’re not just based on how you act.
Meghan was CLAWING and feening to find an A-list boyfriend but Harry will sit here and tell you their relationship existed solely on fate. It’s not shocking seeing that all of her ex-friends have exposed her to using people and then dropping them when it no longer benefits her.
She was going around asking friends while staying in London if any of them knew princes or single English men.
When a mutual did know Prince Harry and set them up on a date, she did not come to play.
When she first met Harry, she wore his mother’s favorite perfume. Scents and smells, in general, can be powerful memory triggers and when used correctly they can literally transport you to a different time.
If Harry’s mom wore a certain perfume around him as a kid, and then what he appears to think is his soulmate is also wearing the same thing, he’s going to subconsciously group them.
A very common theme we see with Meghan and Harry is Princess Diana.
Let the record state that Meghan’s power solely comes from a broken man. So it’s not that she instilled issues into him, it’s that she knew how to work HIS issues in order to favor HER dreams and goals.
Meghan secretly does things to appear as if she’s the second coming of Princess Diana and Harry sits here 24/7 saying, “she’s just like my mum!”

Harry stop comparing your wife to your mother challenge.
Obviously, Meghan knew who Prince Harry was and it’s been exposed that she did in fact have an obsession with the royal family, Catherine Middleton, and most especially Princess Diana.
Their first date was anywhere between 1-3 hours (they change up the story of how long the date lasted every time). Meghan made a point to end that date early because she was “busy” the next day.
Two things: Notice how the date is not longer than 3 hours and she ended it early. And notice how vague she is about why she needs to leave.
Meghan didn’t give the date enough time to get stale. The second to third hour in most hangouts is where the most fun is and not letting the date run long ensured Meghan that Harry would want to see her again.
Appearing to be busy
If there was one thing Meghan Markle wasn’t, it would be busy.
Meghan used the fact that she was on a TV show to make Harry think she was established in Hollywood and had all these projects lined up.
It’s not like Harry was going to go snoop around and find out that Suits was on its last legs by season 4. He probably wouldn’t even know what that means, seeing as he isn’t the brightest.
Realistically speaking, he probably didn’t know how Hollywood functions as a society until he moved to LA. So Meghan used his ignorance to fluff up her career, which in return made him think, “oh my god, this beautiful Hollywood actress is making time for me in her crazy schedule 🥺.”
Honey, all she got was time.
One of the first things Meghan says in her documentary with Harry was “right before we met, we’d gotten another season of the show suits, I was single for a couple of months. I was like, ‘this is it. We’re gonna travel’.”

Notice how she needs to remind the viewer and Harry that before she met him, her super successful show was getting renewed for another season. Even though by this time Suits had naturally lost many of its viewers, Meghan used the show to prove she was someone before Harry.
As in a, “why would I need to use him, I was on a show, I was traveling, I was living the life, I didn’t need him.”
In the statement I mentioned above, she had no reason to bring up Suits because she goes on to talk about how she was single and wanted to travel but she made sure to include her one main thing before getting ready to talk about their relationship.

By appearing busy and successful, Meghan tricked Harry into thinking she had no reason to use him. Why would she? She’s on a successful show. Why would she need to use him? She’s a famous actress. Is marrying Prince Harry her dream? Oh, of course not! She’s just a brainy American, who knows nothing about the royal family. In fact, she’s never heard of Queen Elizabeth before in her entire life!
She’s too quirky for the British Royal Family
Sure, I’m mocking the situation but everything I just said is what Prince Harry believed. He believed Meghan was her own established person who didn’t care/know anything about the royal family.
He says it at the beginning of their soap opera, his famous one-liner “it just shows how little you knew.”
Netflix, no Harry—it just shows how little YOU knew.
He couldn’t think for one second of the possibility of her using him because she made herself seem fully established, honest, and vulnerable. Whenever they spoke about the royal family she would laugh in amusement like she was hearing this for the first time.
You can see this when Harry says, “how do you tell someone that you bow down to your grandmother” and then right away we see Meghan making a joke out of it to show Harry that she’s in it for him, not for his “strange” lifestyle.
By making jokes about royal tradition, Meghan made Harry feel like, she’s willing to outlook the difference and foreignness of his traditions all because she loves him 🥺👉🏻👈🏻. It’s soooooooo weird and fascinating, it can’t possibly be her dream come true.
Because a girl who’s chasing attention from the royal family would die at any opportunity to partake in their traditions because it means she’s one of them, but Meghan is sooooo different and loves Harry for himself and not his family’s fame and 28 billion dollars.
Even though she once begged her friend to get her in the headlines back when she was a D- list star.
But oh no! Meghan miraculously being a Prince’s dream girl was not suspicious at all.
Anyway back to the appearing busy part, in their documentary they almost beat the viewer up with this idea that Meghan had the whole summer of 2016 planned to take trips all throughout Europe and just have a fun single-girl summer.
Mind you—she wasn’t single one bit.
She literally met Harry when she was already in a relationship and that’s something we’ve exposed as well.
But Harry and the viewer aren’t supposed to know that. They go into detail about how single Meghan was and she even says “I was really intent on being single.”
Her random, probably hired friend Lucy then says “she had plans to go all around Europe” which then Meghan chimes in with, “I had my career, I had my life, I had my path, and then came H.”

I’m going to have to hold in as many sarcastic comments as possible, but it’s really hard when you can see through someone very easily.
She doesn’t even do a good job of manipulating the viewer especially if they read ONE article about her past. Of course Harry or should I say, H wasn’t reading anything about her and by the time he was, she was already whispering in his ear.
Chris Jackson/Getty Images
He literally admits to going to her whenever he read something in the press and he got his own explanations from her. Gee what a smart move… “H”, she’s totally not gonna lie to you or anything.
This one line— “I had my career, I had my life, I had my path, and then came H” is supposed to trick us and Harry into thinking she lived this amazing fun life and then unexpectedly had to sacrifice it all for him.
Ah… the dramatics of it all. (Netflix)
They show a bunch of happy pictures of Meghan from her Instagram to show how carefree she was and now she can’t even step outside because of the imaginary paps that hound them. More from this theme of “I sacrificed everything for love” when in reality she would sacrifice her own mother for fame if she had to.
She leaves their first date after an hour and tells him, “I have to go, I have plans.” Again, tugging on the idea that she isn’t using him and she has a whole life that has nothing to do with him. Which just made him more interested in her and she knew that.
You can see how he felt about her from his views of their second date, (pictured above) where he’s like, “you can be as late as you want, I wasn’t moving.”
Before we move on let’s talk about Botswana.
After Harry met Meghan twice he asked her to come with him to Africa for some charity work he was doing. When he told her the ONE week he had off that he was set to go, she suddenly had the same exact week off. Which Harry thought was more proof from the universe that Meghan was the one.
Not once did he think she was free because she was on hiatus from work (which was a fact, she even said she it) and was willing to move everything around to make this relationship work.
To him, it appeared more natural and he even says, “I was astonished she said yes, this woman who I’ve only met twice… she’s coming.” Red flag, but who are you gonna preach to?

Fundamental Lies and Tricks
This section alone could probably have 15 parts.
Meghan has set up the majority of her relationship with Harry based on fundamental lies and tricks. It’s very sad to see that this is still their dynamic today.
The first fundamental lie is that she didn’t know much about the royal family. She truly has him believing it was love that blinded her into jumping into a world she knew nothing of.
As we know now, she knew who Prince Harry was, she knew how his childhood ended up being, she wrote about princess dreams on her blog, she blogged about Prince William and Princess Catherine’s wedding and she was completely obsessed with Princess Diana.
To lie this big to someone and have them feel like they are at fault constantly because they didn’t prepare you well enough to be a part of their life is absolutely crazy.
To this day Harry will correlate his mom marrying into the royal family and knowing nothing to Meghan marrying into the royal family and knowing nothing.
Netflix. Hm… I wonder what other car chase has had Harry paralyzed for decades.
And that’s why he feels the utmost responsibility for Meghan. As if, it’s his fault when she suffers because it’s his life and family rules that make her suffer.
When in reality she pinned for Harry and wanted the glamour, the flash, the fame, the money. The only thing she didn’t enjoy was being “forced” to do some royal activities.

Harry says he hates himself for bringing Meghan into a world that made her feel “suicidal.”
That’s exactly what a manipulator would do, make you feel bad for their choices. She was never gonna kill herself, but she would definitely benefit from Harry thinking that. She literally told him something along the lines of, I’m not gonna actually do it, but just to let you know what I’m thinking… while pregnant!
I know we talked about her feelings of suicide before and how when everything she worked for was crumbling against her, so let it be known I’m making the point of when she said she wasn’t gonna actually do it.
To use suicide as a pawn in your game when you don’t actually have thoughts of killing yourself is another fundamental lie that has Harry fearing for his life. “Another woman lost in my life due to the institution” is what he screams at night.
Harry maybe if you’re lucky, Meghan would get lost.
Another fundamental trick: pretending to be a humble girl who would love to live in Africa.
Back in early 2020 when more people started learning that Meghan was a fraud, there were a few rumors going around that got confirmed by my sources that she painted him a picture of how sometimes she needs a break from the fame and fortune and spending more time in Africa would bring her peace and serenity.
Which caused Harry to be like, “omg this is crazy, sometimes I think about living here.”
Appear to match their energy
Harry was tired of the constant fame…. suddenly so was Meghan
Harry viewed a life filled with glamour and fame as meaningless and without purpose … suddenly so did Meghan.
Harry felt peace and serenity doing work in Africa because it honored his mom and made him feel good on the inside, to the point where he expressed thoughts of living there… suddenly Meghan would love to live in Africa.
Pool/Getty Images
She made him believe in a world filled with hungry money leeches, they were the perfect two. She used his trauma with fame and paparazzi to make him feel seen.
You can see this when she lies in the Netflix documentary and says she “didn’t want to stand out” so she wore a lot of “muted colors” during her time as a royal. That, and the fact that she made up some “dress code color” protocol.
The muted colors in question:

Then comes the trust and faith aspect.
She put a lot of faith and trust in him, while most people might’ve regarded him as the “younger brother… the one who isn’t William…. the one who isn’t going to be King.”
In Harry’s mind, Meghan could easily be asking him to go to Paris or some other luxurious spot like most girls would if they were dating a prince, but Meghan had the same ideals and morals as him.
Hm… I wonder where they did end up moving to. Hint: it wasn’t Africa.
It’s funny, the humble girl who wants to live in Africa had a $200k baby shower.
Another fundamental trick: acting childlike.
When Harry and Meghan described the beginning of their relationship they used two key words: fun and childlike.
This is where Meghan gives Harry something he didn’t have. Remember earlier on in this post, I said the best way to imprint on someone is to give them something they didn’t have.
Harry is a big crybaby. Before and after Meghan. Call it trauma or whatever but he views his life as this complicated, fake, unfair prison that he was born into.
When quirky, carefree Meghan came around, it lifted his spirits. He couldn’t get enough of it.
Then came the childlike aspect.
When seducing someone, it’s best to find out what they’re missing in life and then be the human imagery of that.
Harry lost his childhood after his mother died. He had to grow up quickly and be like William who was ready to sacrifice his own emotions for the union of their country.
William always had it in him to put on a brave face and realize his fate. Maybe it was something in his DNA or from hearing, “you’re gonna be future King” since the day he was born.
Antony Jones/ Getty Images
Harry had it easier because he had less pressure and had less to sacrifice than William, so you think he would remember that when he’s ripping his family apart on national television with his American actress of a wife.
Anyway we will talk more about Harry’s resentment but for now let’s go back to childlike.
Give them something they lack in life:
Harry lost his childhood and Meghan gave it back to him. She imitated his mother during his actual childhood. Where she nurtured and cared for him but also was playful and fun.
I remember when this interview came out… smh I rooted for you two.
If we can all see how broken Harry is from a screen, you can only imagine how easy it is to use his own vulnerability against him in person.
Sharing their differences
Leave it to trauma-filled Harry to also feel like he didn’t belong growing up.
He’s like a sack overflowing with issues.
In order to spare this post from getting longer than it already is, let’s cut the details.
Harry always felt out of place. He wasn’t gonna be king, he didn’t have what William had, he lost his whole life at a young age, he was a ginger, he simply was lost.
So then comes Meghan with her fake self-image issues as well.
“I was too white for the black kids and too black for the white kids.” Who even knows how true that statement is? Because according to Meghan and her mom, Meghan didn’t know America had such a racist overview and didn’t know what the N-word meant because her mom didn’t teach her.
She sounds so bratty and tone-deaf… “tHaT tAlK DiDnT hAvE tO hApPeN tO mE”
She was white passing and for the majority of her life race didn’t matter to Meghan. She never experienced how much race mattered until she was in the UK. But when she met Harry, she also needed to relate to his struggles with self-identity.
That’s when she gave him the “what am I 😔” show probably in the fall of 2016.
And Harry seems to have taken a hit to his ego by constantly hearing that he is a ginger and looks different from the rest of the family.
When talking about Meghan meeting his family, he says some of them were so pleased by her (sure Jan) they didn’t know what to do with themselves, because how could a ginger get such a beautiful girl?
You know they say to get someone to open up to you and trust you, you need to be vulnerable and open with them.
So while Harry berated Meghan with stories of his insecurities and self-identity issues, she gave back.
She would tell him tales of also having divorced parents, growing up and not knowing who you are, struggling with how you looked, and not feeling good enough and she made him feel safe.
This would be heartwarming if it wasn’t all an act. She knew Harry’s issues before she met him. A simple “Prince Harry” google search and you got all his dirty laundry aired out.
That’s what makes their dynamic so dangerous. He learned about her from her, while she learned about him from the press. She was going to be anything he needed her to be and because he was so broken and traumatized, it made him an easier target.
She communicates with her eyes… she looks like she’s going to eat him.
Misery loves company is all I’m gonna say and yes that includes fake misery. We as humans hate feeling like we are going through something alone, so when someone comes along and shares our struggles we feel seen and safe with them.
Weaponizing the loss of Princess Diana
Meghan can get Harry to do almost anything she wants with the simple hint of, “I don’t wanna have the same fate as your mommy” tease. This is the part when you take back what you gave them.
How did Meghan get Harry to leave the royal family? She made him feel like by staying, she was gonna suffer the same fate as Princess Diana.

She also played on his insecurities about not being good enough in the family. This is how I picture her speeches to Harry:
“And why can’t we move to the U.S. and start our legacy there and also work for the royal family? Where is the freedom for YOUR choices, nobody knows how smart you are, they don’t want to see your potential because they know you’ll be bigger than William…. imagine that, you in California bigger than the King of England.”
Like c’mon a man doesn’t one day start destroying his entire family on the precedent of “truth-telling” unless he’s been poked enough to explode.
He’s had years to “expose” William but never did. Everything was fine before Meghan came and started putting salt on his wounds and setting him up to break his closest bond.
She needed William out because she knew he didn’t like her and was powerful enough to influence the family and Harry. So how do you cut out the enemy? You don’t. You have your victim do the dirty work for you and make them think it was their choice all along.
The saying goes, if you don’t want someone to break out of prison, don’t make them know they’re in prison.
She admitted in the documentary to telling him, “it’s on you to protect us.” If anyone put the responsibility of the press on me, I’d simply tell them they’re crazy. You want him to do what exactly? The only thing Harry could do was fight with his family about the press because he had Meghan in his ear.
Harry went crazy accusing his family of leaking and planting stories about him and Meghan in the press simply because Meghan gave him the responsibility of pRoTeCtiNg them.
His dad tells him, “my dear boy you can not control the press” and because Harry was like “I fundamentally disagree” he has been in a 3-year-long goose chase with his wife battling the press WHO ISN’T GONNA GO ANYWHERE.
And every 20 minutes Harry is correlating the loss of his mom to the future possibility of the loss of Meghan which would ruin his own family.
She used that fear and trauma to get him to excuse any behavior of hers and that’s why he famously said “whatever Meghan wants, Meghan gets.”
He thinks Princess Diana has been reincarnated into Meghan and by protecting her he gets to control his present because he couldn’t control his past.
The first half of that was sarcastic, I know I said I wouldn’t but it’s so painful not to troll two idiots.
He also sees how different-minded Meghan is from the rest of the royal family and can’t help but think, “the only ever woman in my life to break the rules was… ma mum”
She’s breaking royal rules because she doesn’t respect you or your family. She got what she wanted. You to be tied down to her and now she doesn’t need the rest of y’all.
Also, let it be known that Meghan does aim to be the modern-day Princess Diana. When she copies her ideology and breaks free from the royal family she wants to same support and pizazz as Princess Diana.
But news flash: Princess Diana didn’t get off easy and was HIGHLY criticized all the time.
She wants to be what Princess Diana would’ve been if it hadn't been for that car crash. So it’s very hard to see someone’s truth when they are imitating a person not just for you, but for the whole world.
Weaponizing Family Resentment
If a person comes into your life and suddenly you’re at odds with everyone else in your life, just know that person is bad news.
Tell me why Meghan came into Harry’s life and suddenly all these family issues have been made public and Harry has burned all family bridges?
Do you think if she really cared about him she would watch him destroy his relationship with his family? I’ll do you one better, do you think if she really cared for him she would be THE REASON why he’s fighting with his family? No.
It’s obvious Harry has resentment toward his family. That’s what happens when you move past an issue without getting to the root of the problem.
Ever since his mom died he has blamed the royal family for not protecting her better. In a way, he probably blamed his own father for driving her away.
Getty Images
Even though he doesn’t have what it takes to be King, he could easily be storing resentment towards William for being the firstborn. After all, it isn’t William writing a book called, “Spare.”
And what does Meghan do? She pokes at all these little issues and riles him up to insanity.
“You have more to offer than William, they just can’t see it”, “take charge of how we are being treated and they’ll finally take you seriously”,” Our children deserve the same type of treatment and titles as your bothers kids, what makes them better than ours?” She whispers.
Suddenly it’s midnight and Harry’s choking William.
And Harry has always wanted to leave the royal family. I’m not sure if this was public fact or source information but he always viewed the institution as an inconvenience to his life and it’s the reason why he would be away most of the time. It’s the victim mentality and complaining for me.
But he never left. Because deep down he didn’t want to, it was his family and no matter how much of an inconvenience he felt like they were, he simply didn’t wanna leave all he’s ever known either.
Until she came.
Eddie Mulholland/Pool via Reuters/File Photo
It’s almost painfully easy to use someone’s insecurities as a way to benefit yourself because everyone is deeply insecure and we spend the majority of our lives fighting our insecurities.
When someone comes in and makes a simple comment aimed to trigger us- suddenly it brings out all years of resentment, anger, pain, etc.
Why else do you think he is willingly ripping apart his family? He’d rather blame them for all his issues than realize he has them.
And Meghan will never let him get powerful enough where he’s going to break free. You keep someone in prison by never letting them know they are in it in the first place.
And Meghan doesn’t have Harry in her best interest either. She has him propped up on these interviews all alone. So the narrative for the UK changes from “Meghan tricked our favorite Harry” to “how dare you to talk about Britain like this, to hell with you after all.”
She needs him to crash and burn justtttt in case the plan fails, she wants to be the only person in his life. She turned so many of his supporters on him to decrease any power he could have. At this point, he’s embedded in her and can’t think without her thinking for him.
It’s absolutely horrifying to see how she’s setting up his downfall just in case. There’s a reason he’s out there taking the punches for her while she hides back.
She’s ready to throw him into the lions den.
He thinks he’s fine and that these are also his choices. He thinks by taking out his anger on his family publicly he’s also in control when in reality Meghan has been setting him up.
And on top of that, she has him holding himself accountable for EVERYTHING. Including bridges, she burns on her own.
She NEEDS him fully on her side because without him there, there is NOBODY supporting her.
That’s why anyone who talks bad about Meghan or complains about her—let’s say his own brother, won’t even get the time of day. She has convinced him everyone is out to get them.
Well that’s it for this super long post! I hope you guys enjoyed reading this, let me know your thoughts down in the comments below.
I decided to use their Netflix soap opera as a way to visually explain how Meghan does the things she does, because you can really see her work on Harry to the point where he is now this person waiting hand and foot on Meghan… or should I say, “meg 🤪.”