October 2022 Tell All ... A special spooky one. Can you guess the blinds correctly?

This month is the revival of a lot of things! The revival of ESMG, the revival of Dark Hollywood, the revival of throwback tea, and the revival of Tell Alls! The last one was YEARS ago so make sure you appreciate this one ;)

The people in the pictures aren’t the actual subject of the Tell All!


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This A-list TV personality has been married to her longtime partner who used to work for her but she refuses to confirm the news despite being asked about it very publicly. They’ve been married for years and yet she still won’t budge on the claim that she isn’t, despite her own family asking about it. It’s weird considering she likes to trademark everything.


This A-/B+ singer has been public about her drug usage for many years. The only issue now is that she seems to have once again relapsed, but she’s scared anyone finds out because at this point.. she’s really pushing her luck. It’s like her resilience throughout the years made her stronger toward handling and hiding her drug usage even more.


This A+ beloved movie actor from a well known franchise who was open about his battle with drug abuse; did a secret rehab stint a few years ago. Not many people knew he was still struggling and it’s a question of whether or not he will bring it to the public eye or if he’s going to handle it privately.


This A-/B+ celebrity couple welcomed their first baby via surrogate and they didn’t take the “lying about surrogacy” route that some have. What’s funny though is the fact that not one family member knew about a surrogate. They were filled in just as the public was which confused everyone about the state of this marriage.

At the time, there were crazy rumors surrounding a divorce between the inside circle, but it’s like they switched out that script and said here’s a baby!

It’s almost like someone else is controlling them and the narrative isn’t really in their hands.


This American TV personality with a famous last name used to be associated with a huge family in Hollywood that’s well-known in pop culture. Ever since the family ties basically got cut, so did his relationship with the family.

This pissed him off more than anything… not because he cared about the family but because how is he gonna make his money now? Aside from that, he’s a huge douche and not someone who’s the relationship type. Each relationship of his has always ended in a big mess.


This B- model who used to be a well known name for this now irrelevant lingerie company and who was linked with high profile celebrities, is in a tough situation. She’s being controlled by this producer of hers and it seems to be another dark situation that might be made public.


Coming from the less famous royal family, this princess was being controlled in a facility the last time I heard. At one point, she couldn’t see her kids and they had to fly out to see her. She hates her husband and probably regrets marrying him. No amount of royal title makes up for what she’s been going through.

However, no one is talking about her and her situation is somewhat public if you look into it, because this royal family isn’t as popular as the one who just suffered a loss to the head of the family.


This B+ actress and more of a singer now who used to star on a show for a big franchise, has been through what we at esmg have described as “Dark Hollywood” situations. In her case, the obvious discomfort by this one executive was caught on by fans but he hasn’t been exposed the way Harvey Weinstein has… yet.

Long story short, whatever he did to her… fcked her up big time and her trauma is now an ongoing issue in whatever relationship she gets into or out of. Despite the cheating, she is still a good person at heart.


This A+ TV host always has a pleasant time with his celebrity guests mainly because he invites celebrities who are willing to go through with the bit and play the games. Yes that’s a thing… some celebrities hate playing certain bits so our TV host just avoids the drama.

Unlike this other A+ TV host. Everyone hates this man because he’s rude to people he works with INCLUDING his celebrity guests. If a celebrity is coming to promote a new project, it’s common sense that the host who is asking about it will be at least filled in with the minimum amount of details, but oh no… not this host. He doesn’t have any time for their content and he doesn’t respect the craft.

How long till his show gets canceled or gets the Ellen treatment?


This A++ celebrity power couple isn’t as happily married as most people think. Well, I guess we could assume that considering the wife exposed the husband for cheating on one of her songs. But still, they didn’t get divorced and their personal matters seem to always stay personal.

Why? It would require way too much effort for them to get divorced since they have a multi-billion dollar business and so many assets together. This divorce would be very long because of the assets alone, so why go through that when each person can just mind their own business and show face?


Unlike this celebrity couple we just spoke about, this other A+ list celebrity couple just got divorced and the drama has been at an all time high ever since. A surprise to us was that the divorce was in talks since 2018! Action was then taken years later.

Number 12

On the topic of married couples, this one A+ celebrity couple with constant scrutiny in the public eye were once expecting. Many people thought the girl lied to lock him down since it’s no secret he’s always wanted to be a father, but the truth is, the pregnancy simply didn’t continue and they felt as if that was best since they were already dealing with other issues.

Number 13

This popular star who used to be known for his hair, has recently underwent hair treatment surgery and is taking hormonal pills to help with the thinning.

This concludes this Tell All ;)

You guys know how this works! Spill your guesses in the comments down below and we will only reveal or elaborate on the Tell All subjects in the REVEAL. Remember, not everything gets revealed!

Enjoy! We’ll be lurking to see who’s on the right track or who’s painfully very wrong…

Are you excited that Tell Alls are back?

Make sure to stay tuned for the rest of our October special ;)

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