Recent Scandalous Posts * Recent Scandalous Posts*Recent Scandalous Posts*Recent Scandalous Posts*Recent Scandalous Posts* Recent Scandalous Posts * Recent Scandalous Posts * Uncategorized ExposingSMG 2/5/17 Uncategorized ExposingSMG 2/5/17 You just don't get it. Donald Trump banned Muslims from USA because he fear that they will make problems. They made problems in the whole world if you didn't already know. I know all Muslims are not ISIS, but ISIS are Muslims based on their religion. Trump doesn't know if the Muslim who enters the USA is ISIS or just normal Muslim so he have to ban every Muslim FOR NOW. That won't last forever. Read More Uncategorized ExposingSMG 1/28/17 Uncategorized ExposingSMG 1/28/17 A #MuslimBan is unconstitutional, hypocritical, and WRONG. Muslims don’t claim ISIS. Read More
Uncategorized ExposingSMG 2/5/17 Uncategorized ExposingSMG 2/5/17 You just don't get it. Donald Trump banned Muslims from USA because he fear that they will make problems. They made problems in the whole world if you didn't already know. I know all Muslims are not ISIS, but ISIS are Muslims based on their religion. Trump doesn't know if the Muslim who enters the USA is ISIS or just normal Muslim so he have to ban every Muslim FOR NOW. That won't last forever. Read More
Uncategorized ExposingSMG 1/28/17 Uncategorized ExposingSMG 1/28/17 A #MuslimBan is unconstitutional, hypocritical, and WRONG. Muslims don’t claim ISIS. Read More