Selena Gomez's roller coaster life, her team contacts us, Cara Delevigne, strict team, and ripping off other people: Rare Beauty Controversy and lackluster mental health brand
I’ve been gatekeeping some Sel deets so this information ranges from October 2021 to March 2022.
You guys are going to enjoy this post because we are going to discuss a few main topics, such as:
What’s going on with Selena’s drug addiction? Is she still on drugs?
How’s her mental health? Where did “Bad Bitch Selena” go and is she coming back?
update on the leaked photos fiasco from October
Selena being accused of ripping off other brands
So let’s get started.
The leaked photos:
In October, I published a post talking about the undercover scandal that Selena is facing. She was suffering major leaks of what seemed to be PERSONAL photos being posted on Reddit. It wasn’t just photos as there were several videos too of Selena walking around topless, her peeing in a bottle, laying in bed topless with a friend, and so on.
The leaks are still continuing with new additions being her laying naked in a bathtub filled with blue water.
For years, we talked about how Selena’s close friends have this type of intimate content on her phone and that she’s known for her “X-rated content” amongst her peers. So obviously the photos being leaked weren’t a shocker considering we been knew Selena chills like that around her friends.
It shocked her fans, but many people don’t know about the scandal considering Selena’s team is ON IT.
They are so on it to the point where they contacted us to remove the photos. Now before y’all get all moral police on me, we had the photos censored and cropped only to show her face and her peeing in a cup isn’t illegal to post, but we were like honestly it’s messed up, it’s an invasion of privacy, I don’t even feel comfortable having the cropped/censored photos up.
I don’t know why you guys thought I was lying about being contacted by her digital media team—celebrity teams contact us all the time, but here’s a screenshot of the short, tense interaction:
two best friends… they might kiss.
I told my source about this and she found it funny that they didn’t say anything else about the rest of the information in the article, but they only wanted the photos removed.
“I can’t say I’m surprised because they’re SO big on her image being squeaky clean and like I’ve said previously, her mom has a lot of journalist/news connections to make sure her image is good in the press.”
David Livingston/Getty
About who’s releasing the photos, my source said:
“I feel like it could be an OG. A lot of them have a lot of disdain for Selena and when she was withdrawing from drugs, her mood swings became wilder. I could see the resentment leading to them trying to expose her little by little to change the narrative. It would almost HAVE to be someone close because with how strict her team is, they catch onto things and stop it from release so quickly. It would have to be someone who has everything on hand because of how close they’re to Selena.”
Basically, it has to be someone close and not someone distant because her team squashes all of that.
The way they’re protecting Selena you’d think they’re protecting the United Nations or something… it’s crazy because the teams of bigger celebrities don’t even act like this.
What is Selena’s relationship with drugs as of now?
Getty / Kevin Mazur
For as long as I can remember, I have never seen Selena in a stable relationship with her drug use. It has been a long nine years of Selena struggling with drugs. I’d like to point out that any time she stopped to take a break, her breaks were never designed to last that long because she genuinely couldn’t go a long period of time without going back to drugs.
My source has stressed that Selena wasn’t just using cocaine, cigarettes, and alcohol, it was much deeper than that. So here is the official update as of recently.
Selena with a fan in New York City, March 23.
She isn’t as bad as she used to be.
The last post that went in depth about her drug usage was from June 2021 where we talked about how she was taking drug stimulants that help keep her alert, give her energy, and are supposed to be raising specific chemicals in her brain. My source also said that her team wants her to start taking placebo drugs that keep her under the impression that she’s still taking the drug stimulants.
I’m not sure if it’s her team that is providing the stimulants and they can easily hand her placebo drugs and just say “here’s your weekly dose” or if she is also aware that she’s going to take placebo drugs to try and trick her mind into think it’s the regular stimulant. My guess is that it’s the first option.
She has tried to keep her distance from partying and being in a scene where she can easily take drugs again. She’s even had a few successful times at work related events where she declined anything that wasn’t water, which is amazing to hear.
This information was the latest update… at the end of 2021. We are nearing mid 2022 now.
When I noticed her hanging out with Cara Delevingne and even getting matching rose tattoos, that’s when I was like oh this can’t be good for anyone. We all know that Cara Delevingne is a rumored well known coke user and partygoer.
Remember that coke bag scandal back in 2013 where everyone was like omg what is that mysterious white powder in a small tiny coke bag?? Is it chips???
The last thing Selena needs is to hang out with bad influences who can easily trigger her to go back down drug lane.
January 2022. Getty Images
And they’re still hanging out and going out to dinners as recent as March 23.
And reportedly… Selena already went back down that lane already. Maybe if I updated information regularly, I wouldn’t confuse myself but if you fast forward to March 2022 where she’s rocking the red carpet and looking incredible…
My source alleges that “Last I heard, Selena was doing cocaine at a friend’s house. That was like 2 months ago, too.”
Honestly, anytime I see Selena looking skinny and pretty on the red carpet, the first thing I think of is cocaine.
Amy Sussman/Getty Images
Celebrities do this thing where when they prep for a major event, they will do whatever they have to do to look good for that event. Their lifestyle comes with temporary fixes.
For example, a quick snort here and there and boom… you’re good to go!
There are also A LOT of beauty procedures that are temporary that celebrities do the night of a big show. I don’t know the names and remedies, but a lot of them get these collagen things that tighten their skin and have them looking good for 24 hours.
Frazer Harrison/Getty Images
It’s a temporary fix.
For example, Selena’s face was looking snatched and not the usual… fluffy puffy Sel that everyone is familiar with as she films her Hulu show in New York City.
Of course that can be the result of filler and botox which Selena is no stranger to.
Notice how once the red carpet is over, she goes back to looking more… normal. This shouldn’t be a shocker to anyone because you don’t look the same for a regular day vs. a huge red carpet event.
This is Selena on March 13 at the Critics' Choice Awards:
My homegirl all botoxed up. Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty
And this is Selena March 23 in New York City, ten days later…
She does look better than she did throughout 2021 which is good for her…
But with the latest update being my source hearing back that she’s back on coke it’s like… how many times is she gonna repeat this cycle?
What’s the update with Selena’s mental health? What happened to “Bad Bitch Selena” and is she coming back?
Whenever I think of bad bitch Selena, this is how I am picturing btw
A few Selena updates ago, we said that Selena was feeling like she was not in her element and hasn’t been in a long time. Her confidence is a million miles down, she didn’t feel pretty, and she thinks the way she’s starting to look physically is her own karma.
You’ll see now with her current day TikToks, she’s doing all these videos about how she’s a bad bitch, she’s perfect, and basically OVERCOMPENSATING because she doesn’t actually believe that.
My source said that her being bipolar is causing her a lot of insecurities and she doesn’t like the way her face is changing. My source also mentioned that in the past, Selena was always paying attention to her weight and when she was doing a lot of cocaine, she wanted to gain the “coke skinny” look. This is probably the reason why Selena is back on coke…
2015 / TGB / Splash News
“I’m glad Selena is gaining weight because when she was doing coke, one of the main things she wanted was being “coke skinny.” I think her not being too stuck on body image is healthy due to her past.” - my source, December 2021
2015 / GC Images
This also stems deeper into her relationship with fans and the expectations they have for her. That will be discussed in a different post that is on this schedule.
Selena’s other business ventures:
I really didn’t wanna talk about this since I find it BORING, but it is worth mentioning and that is Selena’s 2 brands ripping off other brands.
Rare Beauty
If you don’t know, Rare Beauty Cosmetics was a thing (it still is) before Selena came and decided she wanted to take the name. Actually, Selena’s brand is currently the reason why this black, female-owned business is having some issues.
And if you search for Rare Beauty Cosmetics, you will be bombarded with the more famous and global brand, Rare Beauty.
Here’s an excerpt from the founder of RareBeautyCosmetics:
I filed a Petition to Cancel Trademark against #RareBeauty in September of 2021. This mark was wrongfully obtained by #RareBeauty when they filed in November of 2017 AFTER my brand #RareBeautyCosmetics had already been in business for more than six months.”
I refuse to allow this company to break or silence me. For the past 48 hours I have been harassed by #SelenaGomez fans and supporters. I have worked hard on and for my brand #RareBeautyCosmetics. I take pride in being a black, female-owned small business. I will see this through. The spokesperson for #RareBeauty, #SelenaGomez, recently shared with the #NYTimes how her company aims to help and support mental health of others YET this company has displayed nothing but toxic and aggressive energy toward me since I decided to speak up. Her fans have been constantly messaging me disgusting remarks while the FACT still remains, #RareBeauty wrongfully obtained the trademark registration. I launched and made my first sale in Spring of 2017 which gives #RareBeautyCosmetics PRIORITY rights to the trademark name. I have receipts, bank statements, and customer testimony to prove everything. #RareBeautyCosmetics was used in commerce prior to the filing date of #RareBeauty and is the rightful owner of the RARE BEAUTY name. I will not give up. I will see this through!
Read more here.
Selena also launched a mental health fitness company with her mom and Daniella Pierson called Wondermind.
However, a different account that goes by the name wondermind_online said that it seems like they are creating something similar to their platform which was founded two years ago.
Here’s a side by side of both accounts:
Hmm… what do you guys think?
I called this thing lackluster because that’s exactly what it is… lackluster. I’m bored just writing about it.
Also, Selena doesn’t really care about any of these mission statements that her brands are committed to. They’re just business ventures to Selena and she’s the face of them. God… I’ve seen her grow into such a smart businesswoman. But at what cost?
Here are some messages between my source and I:
time jump
I’m going to elaborate more on business-Selena and acting-Selena in a different post, but I hope you guys enjoyed this little recap of what Selena’s been up to as well as a personal life update.
Let me know what you think in the comments down below!