Going back to that time where Justin and Hailey Bieber almost called off their wedding, Hailey and Drake's sus past, and what is yachting... also, the comment section is out of hand
Hello everyone and welcome back to your yearly Jailey post. I will try to update on the Biebers more frequently, but sometimes there isn’t much to update on since it’s usually the same story with these two.
This information will range from messages I received from my source from November 2021 to March 2022. So my apologies if the information is a little outdated, I am not the best at updating frequently. This post will be broken up into 2 parts and will also address the novels that commentators have left in the comment section.
You can check the schedule here for more information.
Almost calling off the wedding:
Let’s take it back to when Justin and Hailey were on Judah’s podcast where Hailey said that she did something to Justin that made him rethink their whole relationship when they were engaged and they almost called off the wedding.
Hailey said:
“It was actually very sad when we didn't speak. I did something that really hurt him, and I think that kind of maybe took that idea (of marrying me) out of his mind at that point.”
"There was really one solidified moment where I think it damaged the idea of me for you," [Hailey said to Justin].
"I remember I called [my mom] a few different times, one particular time [when] we were in Brooklyn and I was calling her, crying, and I was like, 'I just can't do it. There's no way that I'm going to be able to do this if it's going to be like this forever. And I just remember she was so calm on the phone and she was like, 'It's going to pass, you're going to be fine and he's going to be healthy and we're here for you.' But I also just think I was in it. I made a decision. I know for a fact that I've loved this person for a very long time and now would not be the time to give up on him. I just wouldn't do that to him."
Photo by David X Prutting/BFA/REX/Shutterstock
"Imagine abandoning somebody in the middle of the worst time of their life, potentially. I'm not that type of person. So I was going to stick it out no matter what the outcome was going to be. It was really hard. ... There were days where I literally was like, 'I don't know if he's going to be OK.' Something really deep down inside of me was like, 'He's going to be through it.' I just didn't know how long it was going to take."
Justin then said:
"I had experienced so many things in my life. So many milestones and traveled the world And I just got to a place where I could be in a healthy, serious relationship because I had a lot of trauma and scars. So I just committed to working on those things and getting healthy."
I have to note that when this drama was first circling around… I was under the impression that it was Justin who was talking about how he was mad at Hailey and viewed her differently, when in reality & after fact-checking what was actually said, it was Hailey saying that SHE felt that she damaged the idea of her for him.
It’s just….. I ain’t trusting you guys anymore when you summarize things and fill me in on something I don’t have time to go through at the time lol
Many of you guys assumed it was about the rumors that Hailey slept with Drake who is one of Justin’s close industry friends… even though this makes no sense considering they were talking about a different time period.
June 2016
There was a moment of time when Hailey and Drake were super close.
u tryna tell me they didn’t sleep together??
To avoid confusion, I want to state that I did say in a comment section that I believed the rumor, but this specific source of mine who has been the OG Bieber source for basically the past decade, hasn’t had a reputable source confirm it for her.
But we don’t believe it’s far fetched.
Even though Hailey was talking about an event that happened during their engagement period, it was misinterpreted as the time when Justin and Hailey were on and off in 2016 which makes it more relevant to bring up Drake.
Justin and Hailey have done enough in their past to the point where neither of them would be in the right to bring it up.
Nonetheless, this brings up the conversation of yachting because of the time period when Hailey and Drake were spotted. But to emphasize this again… Hailey was talking about the engagement period in the podcast.
What is yachting?
Yachting is when young female celebrities & models are flown out overseas by powerful rich men to… entertain them… usually sexually.
Women often take this opportunity because they can make an insane amount of money in one night. There is one female musician who was once offered around $140,000 a night to sleep with this one man.
I’ve also heard of stories of celebrities canceling appearances for being “sick” when in reality they were offered a better price to go yachting. Why go to a radio show to promote your song when you can make what your song will make in 3 months, in 1 night?
Yachting is a popular sport in Dubai. You may remember me mentioning yachting on Ask back in the olden days when Selena Gomez, Kendall Jenner, Gigi Hadid, Shay Mitchell, & etc.., went to Dubai for New Year’s.
Sources say that they were flown there by rich men who gave them a…. good feel of the country.
If you realize, a lot of these celebrities go yachting fairly early on in their career because they need to make connections and make money to finance the lifestyle they desire. Them Disney & ABC Family checks didn’t seem to be cutting it back in the day.
In regards to Hailey, my source said that yachting could have been possible mainly because back in the MISFIT days with Jaden Smith and Kylie Jenner, it was reportedly “a thing where you have to sleep around to stay in the crew and be invited.”

Why did Kylie act like MISFITS was some exclusive social club? Please ✋🏼
As for the theory that Justin is mad at Hailey for reportedly sleeping with one of his friends and him finding out at the time of this fight, my source calls out Justin saying that he can be hypocritical and manipulative.
“He’s definitely the type to feel like he can do something but when it’s done to him, it’s the end of the world.”
“I don’t think sleeping with Drake is far fetched either, but Justin definitely slept with friends of Hailey and even had Hailey around girls he was sleeping with so for him to say that is what changed his view on her would be insane, but not out of character.” - my source
I later clarified that it wasn’t Justin actually speaking and it was Hailey in the podcast, but even then, he doesn’t feel that way considering he’d be insane and hypocritical to hold that against Hailey when he didn’t leave a girl in Hollywood that he didn’t sleep with pre-Christian-husband Justin.
What do you think?
In this section, I’m going to address the comments that brought up occasions when Justin and Hailey were spending time apart and not attending events together. You’ll even see that I brought up your concerns to my source. This was back in November, but I still see these concerns now whenever Justin and Hailey aren’t photographed in a week or if they attend an event or 2 without each other, or even if they don’t post each other on social media.
Spending time apart:
Robert Kamau/GC Images
I told my source, “Fans have brought it to my attention that Justin & Hailey have been spending time apart. He’s photographed going to church and dinners separately while Hailey is attending a wedding and different events alone.”
I remember the wedding that she attended without him, the comments had a meltdown. How can you not bring your significant other to a wedding… usually you always take a plus 1… this is so embarrassing for Hailey… Justin didn’t wanna attend… and so on.

That was the theme.
The issue with the meltdowns is that you guys will say this because Justin and Hailey haven’t been spotted in like 5 days. I think the longest was 2 weeks and even then I’m not taking the commentators’ words for it because some of you guys will get me to trust you, then I’ll go and fact check and stalk an update account, only to see that they were spotted together 48 hours ago. Aka you’re wasting my time.
And you’ll see that I clarify to my source that it’s not that serious, it’s just the wedding that they didn’t attend together.
Justin and Hailey like to take a break from each other from time to time and that is healthy. On top of that, they aren’t always photographed professionally. There are days when they want to purposely stay lowkey while there are other days when the paparazzi will be notified of where they’re going to be.
February 2022
Just because you don’t see it happening, doesn't mean that they aren’t together. For the occasions that they aren’t together, I don’t see that as a big deal.
Justin and Hailey have a complicated past and spending a few days apart is healthy and I’ve seen it’s beneficial for them so one partner doesn’t become too overbearing. Hailey sometimes falls into that trap which I’ll discuss in part 2.
And since Justin and Hailey are no strangers to problems, it’s good for them to take a few days apart so they aren’t down each other’s throats with annoyance.
I remember when Hailey wasn’t attending a few Justice tour shows after her health scare when she got hospitalized, you guys had a MELTDOWN in the comment section.
Why would she want to be on tour with him directly after her hospital stay when she was advised to take it slow and easy? Being on the road isn’t exactly healthy for anyone let alone someone who just got out of the hospital.
But no… let the essays begin in my comment section.
The comment section under Jailey posts have gotten out of hand and aren’t enjoyable to entertain.
He doesn’t want her there
She’s done with him
He’s gonna cancel the tour
But she was looking forward to it
It’s a bunch of nonsense because ain’t nobody canceling this tour and it’s not like she wasn’t going to come to shows anymore.
Lo and behold, she came back to attending shows with him and Justin spammed us with content of them on IG.
Like seriously…
The second she came back to attending shows…
We got three thousand photos….
Enough with the dramatics.
If he didn’t want her there or she was done with him… I WOULD TELL YOU. I don’t benefit from telling you that’s not the case. If I wanted the views and clicks, that would be the more controversial and appropriate topic but that’s NOT TRUE.
Also, tour depresses Justin a lot and one of the main things he was looking forward to is touring WITH Hailey. He gets really depressed and lonely on the road and Hailey is his safe space.
If she disappears for a couple of shows, that’s fine… you know… she does have her own career after all. And in her case, she’d probably want to take a break from touring as well. How many times are you gonna watch the same show? LMAO
The comment section isn’t enjoyable when it’s filled with delusions. Are you guys not embarrassed about writing those novels only for Hailey to show up on tour or for both of them to be photographed on top of each other by a fan? Most times it’s not even done for the cameras or magazine shoots as they aren’t aware they are being filmed.
A lot of the time you guys are under the impression that there is a low-key divorce happening behind the scenes and that’s what you fill the comment section with… it’s been like 2 years and I’m telling you the same thing… there is no divorce and it has not been brought up between them.
You can have your opinions on whether or not they should divorce or if you think they’re more compatible with other people, fine, but time after time I tell you they are not talking about a divorce and for the past two years, you have filled the comment section with novels and theories of a divorce.
Once I got word from my source saying divorce wouldn’t be too bad, I told you that in a Jailey update, but I clarified that there’s a difference between a source opinion vs. something that is actively happening behind the scenes.
I’m going to keep this post at this and I will continue the information in part 2 because I want to discuss what was said in this post now, instead of making a huge post with 3 million different points.
I hope you guys can leave me viable questions to answer that won’t waste my time repeating something I’ve already stated. I hope we can have a nice conversation in the comment section without having it filled with delusions and theories. You’re welcome to have your own opinions but I am not responding to 8-thousand-word essays about what you feel will happen in 4 years or what you think should have happened.
Also, I will not be answering comments that are not relevant to this post so save your energy. I can barely filter out the comments that are worth responding to, I won’t have the time to answer other topics as well.
As always, I am doing my best with responding to commentators and moderating the comment section, but this isn’t some media outlet with 50 writers on deck and 10 supervisors. We have a professional team, yes, but it’s not for what you think.
And if you think the information that’s to come is repetitive, it’s because you are making me ask my source the same questions. Honestly, justice for my source. How many times is she gonna have to answer my “how is Jailey doing now, are they talking about a divorce” question?
Let’s have a productive conversation about Jailey for once. See you in part 2.
Excerpt of messages between my source and I: