The truth about Selena Gomez and Justin Theroux
No that’s not a mistake, you are reading it correctly.
Justin. Theroux.
Not Justin Bieber.
For those confused which I assume are the majority, Justin Theroux and Jennifer Aniston were married. They split up in February 2018. Justin Theoroux’s first post on social media after the news of the split had to do with Selena. It was very random and not expected. Then, throughout March-May, news started flooding mainstream media that Justin and Selena had a little fling. What is the truth? We are here to tell you.
So after Justin and Jennifer separated, he posted the following on Instagram.
So homeboy is talking about adopting dogs and it’s hash tagging seemingly relevant topics, but then he says “… and #selenagomez” and then follows it up with “Yeah that’s right Selena I did it to you again but if you saw these guys you’d do whatever you could too also I know you’re chill like that”
Honesty the whole Instagram caption is suspicious and him writing “I did it to you again” “I know you’re cool like that.” Man, what does that have to do with adopting dogs? Since when were y’all friends?
A little background story:
Selena has always been a die hard fan of Jennifer’s. She ran into her a couple of times at public events, she plays a little bit of her known Selena charm, and kind of became friends with her. And they share the same manager, Aleen Keshishian.
Aleen definitely hates my ass.
But again, what does this background story have to do with Jennifer’s now ex-husband, seemingly flirting with Selena through an Instagram caption. “I know you’re chill like that.”
GIRL YOU JUST SEPARATED FROM YOUR WIFE AND NOW YOU HITTING ON HER FRIEND? Something must have happened to spike this caption.
Getty Images
To make matters worst, Selena was hanging out with him in May 2018 - well over post breakup with Jennifer.
Guaranteed it was a group hang, but I mean Paul Rudd and his wife Julie were there; a little date within the group. Aileen the manager, also doesn’t count. Some random chick. Two other dudes. Petra, who’s Theroux’s friend, and lookie look, Selena.
We know that Justin and Petra Collins aka one of Selena’s besties, are good friends.
You’re probably asking yourself, “but Angela, Justin posted both the Petra picture and the Selena comment when Bieber and Selena were still together.”
Yeah, and? It’s not like Selena’s the most faithful person like everyone believes.
Firstly, her long time ex, Justin Bieber exposed that she cheated on him on several occasions.
Y’all don’t wanna believe, but the proof is RIGHT THERE.
Secondly, Selena was out canoodling Orlando Bloom and helping him cheat on Katy Perry while poor Katy was at home tweeting about how she can’t wait for them to grow older together.
So once again, not the best track record with Selena and being faifthful whether that’s to her man or her friends.
Selena even looks suspicious.
I know everyone on Twitter thinks that Selena is some lil saint that makes cupcakes at home and gags at the thought of her two favorite C-words, cheating and coke, but once again what do Twitter stans-who-don’t-read-ExposingSMG know? Not much.
What am I getting at?
“Yes. Justin freaking Theroux. She’s bolder than I thought honestly.”
-my source
Whether that’s when both him and Jennifer were together, I don’t really know. Do I think they hooked up while Jennifer and him were together? Yes, Selena doesn’t really have morals.
Selena hugging Justin Theroux // BLAYZENPHOTOS/BACKGRID
Here she is excitedly hugging him yet didn’t have that same energy for everyone else in that group which they hung out with. Mind you, this is AFTER him and Jennifer broke up. They were never friends to begin with. I wonder how Jennifer feels seeing her so-called friend canoodling her ex, barely months after their breakup.
Definitely not good. I mean has Selena even been seen with Jennifer since this little situation? Nope! But she’s been seen with her ex.
Taylor Swift almost ripped Bieber’s arm off based on the lies Selena force-fed her with when they swore to girl code. Yet here Selena is with Jennifer’s ex-man? Someone who she wasn’t close to before they broke up, but suddenly is after? It’s obvious what’s going on here.
If Katy Perry being with Orlando Bloom didn’t stop her, and if her boyfriend at the time being the big and relevant Justin Bieber also didn’t stop her from cheating with some Dallas man, what will stop her from getting with Justin Theroux?
Besides, we have always told you that Selena is into older men. The only reason Justin Bieber was her main squeeze was because they started off dating on a PR contract and unfortunately ending up falling in love. After all, she did refer to him as her “little brother” at the beginning of their contracted fling.
I know for a fact that Selena was seeking comfort with other men after Justin proposed to Hailey since she practically lost it as we already told you. But with your friend’s ex-man? Again?
Yes yes she was seen with Theroux before the engagement was announced, but just because it didn’t happen publicly, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.
You may be wondering, if Selena is such the psychopath like you say she is, why are all these men into her?
Have y’all seen Selena? Or heard her sneak her way into our hearts during her interviews? My girl is a master mind in controlling people. Besides, if you don’t cross her in any shape way or form, she’s a very nice person. But again, unless you blink the wrong way around her.
Despite aging weirdly because of the drugs, she’s still very beautiful.
Anyone else’s eyes watering? God, ESMG and Selena have been through so much together. Selena sweetie, join the ESMG team.
Anyways, that’s all we have for you today. Once we unveil our “Selena As A Person” posts, you guys will get a better understanding of her. You’ll literally feel as if you’re living in Selena’s mind after you read that. God, we are just so obsessed with you Selly.
Any questions you have? Leave it in the comment section down below. You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that. We will be replying back ;)
If you’re interested in reading older posts, I have created a master post page that links EVERY POST by month and year, that we have ever written; it’s down below. Enjoy!
Here are the messages between my source and I.