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Over the course of the past month, we have done some crazy updates to “ExposingSMG” as a whole.

The craziest one being the migration from Tumblr to ExposingSMG.

The second being… AN ACTIVE EXPOSINGSMG. Veteran readers know that over the past two years, we come back for a month and dip for a year. Not this time.

The third being…


You can find this subscription box linked in every post from now on and it will always be in the sidebar.

If you subscribe, you will be the first to be notified when we post!


I suggest adding our email in your contacts that way our emails don’t get lost in the “promotions” tab and instead we’ll be in the primary tab. Y’all know we barely post as it is so I don’t think I have to remind you that we will NOT spam your email box.

If for any reason you don’t want to be subscribed to ExposingSMG afterwards, you can easily unsubscribe. We don’t ever force anyone to read tea.

Hope we got your subscription!

With that being said, enjoy some old posts linked down below!


It’s your fave exposers.


Chantel Jeffries STALKING Justin Bieber


The truth about Selena Gomez and Justin Theroux