Selena Gomez releases "Lose You to Love Me" song about Justin Bieber.. again (Review)

Yes, I know. It’s been almost 8 years since Jelena officially broke up in November 2012, and yet Selena Gomez still can’t stop singing about Justin Bieber. Every era she starts she must drag him once again.

On October 23rd, Selena released her new single called “Lose you to Love Me” a song conveniently released a few weeks after Justin Bieber’s wedding. How convenient for her!


“Lose You to Love me” (LYTLM) sounds EXACTLY the way you would think it sounds; an extremely basic sad girl song that we’ve already heard from her about the same issues she’s been singing about for a decade.

If you read our other post on this, you would already know what the song was going to be about because we literally told you.

Literally, we are always the winning team. Nothing new, nothing changed! Remember that when you keep doubting us.

Now let me clear something up, I have no issues over Selena singing about her ex. I have no issues over ANYONE singing about their ex, their fling, their mom, their dead goldfish, etc.

But Selena has marketed the victimizing act since 2013! Over a relationship that ended OFFICIALLY IN 2012. Over a relationship that she has constantly been in control of. Over a relationship where she did not let the other person (Justin) move on for EIGHT whole years and now that he finally has, she doesn’t like it. They were NEVER officially back together during their little reunions throughout the years - NEVER.

Every single time they reunited it was ALWAYS for a release around Selena’s career and it always lasted like two weeks out of 365 days. There is an exception to their 2017 reunion in which Selena left him to “get him more attached” but little did she know Justin wasn’t here for the mind games.

Selena has released:

  • Dancing to Taylor Swift’s “I Knew You Were Trouble”

  • Covering “Cry Me A River” by Justin Timberlake

  • Love Will Remember

  • The Heart Wants What It Wants

  • Perfect

  • Sober

  • Camouflage

  • Same Old Love

  • Feel me (a song she LIED about writing)

And God knows how many other songs she has bashing Justin and playing the “heartbroken-i-got-manipulated-cry-for-me” ACT. And this list doesn’t include the songs about Justin where she plays the “HA!-i-don’t-need-him!” act.


Lose You to Love Me

The song itself is something that grows on you, but it gets old fast especially if you are familiar with Selena’s music since this isn’t the first black & white song she has crying about Justin. They all sound the same. It has nice lyrics, but overall it’s nothing special. I didn’t hear it and think of its composition as something unique and like woah. It was just like… oh this is gonna be funny to see live.

sis could star in a horror movie but very pretty!

sis could star in a horror movie but very pretty!

The video was boring as hell and it was once again the same crying over Justin narrative. She looked pretty and that’s all.

“You promised the world and I fell for it/ I put you first and you adored it” I’ll give her credit, she has guts bullshitting this much. So Jelena ended in 2012, was on/off from 2012-2014 (around her releases), met up once in 2015, met up again in 2017, that’s practically their timeline.

When did he promise you the world?? Was this during the Love Will Remember era?? The Heart Wants What It Wants era?? Perfects era?? Feel Me era???? Do you guys realize she’s singing about a relationship that hasn’t had any growth since the stone age? Don’t let those random Jelena reunions trick you because they were never in a relationship from 2013-2015. Jelena then dated in 2017 AND SHE LEFT HIM.

“I saw the signs and I ignored it” Justin literally has a song in 2012 called “Thought of You” where he basically sings about all of Selena’s red flags, and his assistants even came out and practically said the song was about Selena but yet no one paid attention to THAT SIGN.

“I gave my all and they all know it. You tore me down and now it's showing” LMAOOOOO Imagine thinking Justin who has proven himself SPINELESS than ever, tore Selena down??


Selena who sat there and publicly bashed him for EIGHT years, shaded him like 400 times, created an ENTIRE AGENDA destroying him and giving him a public false character description to fit her WEEKLY narrative, HAD 3 ERAS ALL ABOUT HIM, had all her friends PUBLICLY DESTROY HIM but yet he’s the one who tore you down????

Yeah okay. He has YET to give her a negative reputation.

If him staying MUTE during your shade parade was “tearing you down” then I don’t want to know what your version of supporting you is sis.

“In two months you replaced us/ Like it was easy” This one is my favorite lyric. Why you may ask? Because it shows what a deceitful lying ass bitch she is.

By the way, when Jelena broke up in March 2018, SHE WAS THE ONE WHO ENDED IT.

Also let’s think back to a far away time when Abelena was a thing.

Getty Images

Getty Images

Remember him? sweet man.

Selena ditched The Weeknd and ran back to Justin TWO WEEKS LATER


So who is she to talk about time?? When she dated The Weeknd for a year and left him to go running back to Justin TWO WEEKS LATER. TWO! WEEKS! LATER!


The goddamn dog Abel and Selena adopted together (which by the way she named Charlie, aka after Charlie Puth who fell in love with her, got manipulated by her AND THEN EXPOSED HER) was running around in Justin’s house because that’s how fast Selena left Abel for Justin.

Here is the dog Selena and Abel adopted together running around in Justin’s house. WHO IS THE CLOWN NOW???


A few weeks later after this day, here is the dog with Justin.


So she built an entire era shading Justin and how he was the worst thing to ever happen to her, meets up with him 78345 times later (conveniently met up with him every time before releasing a project), continues shading the shit out of him, manipulates Charlie Puth, gets exposed by Charlie Puth, dates The Weeknd, tries to manipulate him but he’s like a wall, he ends up shading her on his album, and she runs back to Justin.

Follow us on Twitter if you don’t!!

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So Selena, if you were shading Justin in 2013 and released songs just like LOSE YOU TO LOVE ME (as you can see pictured above), what signs are you singing about now? What signs did you suddenly see in 2018 that you didn’t see in 2013?? I mean you’ve spent so many years SHITTING on him, I would’ve thought those signs would’ve been embedded into your brain by now.

Now let me get a few questions clear that I know you’re thinking of.

  1. Oh so everyone can sing about their EX besides Selena? Kill yourself whore.

    • ONCE AGAIN cause I know I’m gonna get this question 4,000 times on my ask box, SELENA CAN SING ABOUT HER BROKEN TOE AND I WOULDN’T FLINCH. I’m not even flinching now. But Selena has been singing about the same “I need to love myself because you hurt me” shit for 84 years now. Literally since the day Jelena broke up she was on a rampage. The victimizing act is getting tiring especially when she’s bullshitting it like she has been ALL her eras. Beliebers have not felt peace since November 2012 when they broke up and Selena refused to leave him alone like a pathetic washed up troll.

  2. Justin has exposed Selena in songs too, why aren’t you crying over that you fat ugly troll???

    • There is a difference between Justin singing songs about Selena and Selena MARKETING an entire era and painting a false picture of him to fit her narrative of the week. Selena has been marketing the idea that Justin is a pig since 2013 with The Heart Wants What It Wants. But yet that still hasn’t let her stop meeting up with him for another 35 years. Justin never played her. And God forbid Justin writes a song about Selena in 2019, Selena’s fans wouldn’t stop crying over it ever.

“And now the chapter is closed and done And now it's goodbye, it's goodbye for us”

I made this gif btw lmaoooo

I made this gif btw lmaoooo

BUT! Knowing Selena this actually won’t be the last Jelena related thing. But of course we will update you guys on any new Selena/Jelena/Jailey changes.

We have started our Selena As A Person series so go read part 1 up now!

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Hope you enjoyed this post ;) If not, we don’t care. Y’all know that.


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