Here at ExposingSMG Inc., we run an exposing blog about Selena Gomez and have been doing so, since 2013. Despite many who would disagree, we did impact her reputation on social media and her personal life (that only she would know about, not you stans reading). However, we never dug deep into WHO Selena is as a person, WHY she is the way she is, and everything behind all her reactions. 

This has been the most anticipated and highly requested post since our huge success with the “Justin As A Person” post. Without further ado, here is everything there is to know about Selena Gomez as a person


Disclaimer: Everything is according to reliable sources. This information is not done with the intention of harming anyone, but merely to reveal the truth. Anything revealed here is to be taken for the purposes of entertainment of ExposingSMG readers and with alleged intent.

This post was first written in 2017, but never published. Here it is now edited and polished for y’all in 2019.

Ugh my favorite topic. A whole post dedicated to Selena! In fact, it’s such a huge topic with many subparts.. it’s going to be broken up into FOUR PARTS (honestly maybe more at this point). An ESMG dream come true.

Honestly if there was an SAT exam based on Selena, I could pass with flying colors and get into Yale without any connections. Alright let me stop clowning.

This post will be really helpful in getting people to understand Selena, who is a very complicated and complex person.

This is a huge reason why I love writing about her. I should’ve made this post back in 2013 so explaining Selena’s mentality can be an easier concept to understand. But I am ESMG, therefore you guys get things a little… late lol

“a little…late lol“ 
*writes it in 2017*

*edits it in 2018 and 2019*

*posts it late 2019*

So let’s start with a bang - Selena’s mother.

Selena’s Mom, Mandy Teefey

Selena’s mom plays an important role in the way Selena came to be. 



Back in the olden days, Mandy tried to have a successful acting career; which obviously failed. Because of that failure, Mandy promised herself that Selena would have a successful career in the industry and Selena would come with the massive fame that she was never able to achieve. Basically she wanted to live through her daughter.


I give Mandy props. She was successful in chasing that dream for Selena and herself. 

Mandy put Selena in acting classes before she was even 10. 

She found a way to put her on Barney and she would pay at least $100 per acting class for Sel (clearly they didn’t help her tragic acting). 


And yes Selena ends up lying in the future playing the “I was poor :( !” act. She wasn’t, she was middle class. 

Post on that here: [click]

She had enough money to get by and a lot of it she got from little things such as starring in commercials:

She starred in huge shows and movies:

Mandy even paid for Selena to have professional pictures taken, which costs a lot of money for the “we only ate mac and cheese for dinner” gomez entourage.

I mean if they were so poor they could’ve probably saved that money for food rather than pictures. But what do I know? I’m just an idiot exposer!


Mandy taught Selena to go after what she wanted no matter who she hurt. 

And let’s not all think “Oh it’s all Mandy’s fault that Selena is crazy” Nope. 

Her mom had that mindset set in her DNA so clearly it wasn’t going to take Selena a long while until she unlocked it herself. 

Mandy just taught her earlier. But I do admit that Selena went through a lot in her childhood that made her prone to being this devious and Mandy played a HUGE role in it. 

Do I think if Mandy raised Selena completely different and wouldn’t mess with her head, she would have turned out to be different? Yes

As a child, Selena was very devious. She wasn’t as shy and quirky as she likes to say when reflecting on her past. 

I remember one of my sources, who grew up with Selena and Demi, said that Selena would eavesdrop on family and tend to try and mess up things by revealing certain shit. She was always that little kid that got involved in adult things and wanted to give her two cents.


You ever meet a kid and they’re like “Yeah my mommy was wearing this tiny read dress for daddy last night when I went to sleep and then…” yeah that was how my source explained Selena as a child.

I know a thing or two about those kinds of kids.

And for everyone rolling their eyes going “how dramatic,” there was some cheating scandal with one of her aunts and she ended up spilling major tea which is concerning for a 12 year old. 

Normal 12 year olds don’t eavesdrop and try to hurt their family, but Selena had an odd childhood and it caused her to be vile at a young age.

This info was told to us back in 2013. We just didn’t release it until... six years later. Makes ya wonder what else we know.

Selena also talks about having a rough time in school.


She didn’t get bullied at all and she constantly hung out with her older cousin Priscilla who was popular in school. 

After doing things that got Disney’s attention, such as the shows she’s starred in, Barney, all the commercials etc., eventually, Selena hit her big break with her Disney show “Wizards of Waverly Place.” 


Selena on Disney is where our sweet gal, Demi, plays a role. 

Selena’s Childhood: with Demi Lovato

Back in the ice age, Demi and Selena were best friends. The way Selena is as a person and the way Demi is, there is a clear reason to why they’re not friends now and why Demi actually doesn’t respect Selena. But that’s for another time.

Selena likes to ramble on about how her and Demi have been friends since the start of childhood!

Which wasn’t true.


Me to Selena. 

Demi’s mom, Dianna, always spoke to Mandy in order to set up playdates between Selena and Demi. 

Selena never really wanted to hang out with Demi because she was embarrassed of her and she isolated Demi like Demi just wasn’t “cool enough.” You know those bitchy ass middle schoolers? Yeah that’s Selena. This behavior follows Selena into the music industry as well which is a big reason Demi and Selena fell apart, but besides the point. 

The way Demi feels about Selena and Taylor now has a lot to do how with how disgusting they treated her during the start of Demi’s downfall regarding drugs, mental health, and more. Again, so much history there! Demi did not wake up one morning hating the both of them because she felt like it.

If you were wondering why there are some many photos of them back then, it was just because Mandy forced Selena to hang out with Demi. 

Isn’t Selena the sweetest? 

Oh and here is an interview of Selena getting caught in her web of lies. Selena and Demi knew each other at 7 years old, but weren’t really friends until Demi got the Camp Rock role aka when she was 13/14.


This was from our first post about Delena which you can check out below.

Selena’s Funny, Genuine Side. 


Yes. You read that correctly. My favorite villain, the peanut butter to my jelly, has a nice side.  

This is what usually confuses people. Selena seems so nice but I make her out to be some bad guy. 

Selena has two sides. Her nice funny side and then her wicked evil side. Let’s start with side #1 in this category. 

If you’ve ever watched Selena’s interviews, you can tell she’s a funny girl. You even find yourself smiling and laughing. 


That part isn’t necessary fake, she is actually a fun, cool person to hang out with. 

She’s extremely nice when she wants to be. 

She’s extremely supportive when she wants to be. 

She’s extremely friendly when she wants to be

She’s extremely fun when she wants to be. 

Do you guys realize a pattern? She’s only a cool, loving, friendly person when she wants to be; when it benefits her. When did Demi stop being “weird” and “sad all the time” to Selena? When she got the role of Camp Rock. 

Suddenly Demi was a golden gem! 

If you didn’t read our earliest Delena posts, you’re probably very confused. I suggest reading them. You can find them in our Delena tag here.

And also let’s take a minute to differentiate the difference between “I’m in a bad mood” and “I’m going to be nice to you since I just met you and you haven’t done anything to piss me off yet.” 


That’s literally Selena. 

If you’re a new and upcoming star in Hollywood with potential, she’ll be extremely nice to you and say great things about you in interviews. She’s an opportunist. Ugh a legend. 


Selena knows when to plant the seed and if the seed is worth planting. She won’t bother with you if she knows you’re going to be useless to her. This is why when celebrities meet Selena, they think she’s the nicest person that has ever walked the face of the Earth. Cardi B almost had a shrine written about Selena. Why? Cardi B is a huge star so why the hell would Selena treat her badly? Selena knows when to plant something that will be useful for her and she knows what connections she should have and which ones aren’t that important. We won’t get too much into this topic because we’re supposed to be talking about nice-Selena right now, but I’ll briefly discuss another example.

Take her relationship with Taylor vs. her relationship with Demi. She sided with Taylor and would always jump in front of a train for Taylor because Taylor is a living, manipulative genius. Taylor doesn’t function emotionally, but rather logically. Hence why Selena defended her publicly during the Kim Kardashian/Kanye West feud. She knew that no matter what, Taylor will bounce back and that she needs to kiss up to the big dog to prove herself worthy.


She never spoke up for Demi and instead she dropped her and stood by Taylor’s side because Taylor comes with more benefits. You won’t find Selena crossing Taylor because Taylor is more powerful and smarter. Demi functions emotionally and with hurt which is why you’ll find her lashing out in public - whether that’s on Taylor or Selena. Demi knows how calculated and conniving both of them are, but Taylor and Selena are smart because they keep that shit hidden and behind closed doors. They know locals, like their fans, don’t like the idea of an “aggressive” woman, but instead a “classy and shady” woman. Their fans are as dumb as they are, but besides the point.

Selena’s Wizards of Waverly Place cast LOVES her because she doesn’t have to be mean or rude to them. There was no competition at WOWP. No one said or did anything to bother her and they were all famous and Selena wasn’t going to be rude to them and risk getting shade thrown at her.

She was also the STAR and they treated her like the STAR!


Especially when WOWP took place in 2008-2012.

The whole show mostly took place when she was starting out in Hollywood, so it’s not like she had the power to be rude to them. Plus she had no reason to be mean to them. They all got along well. Again, Selena is amazing to you if you guys have a good energy around you. 

That “good energy” is code for “oh Selena is happy so there’s no reason to worry.” Things need to be on HER terms if y’all wanna have good vibes around each other. This didn’t need to happen with WOWP because it was a show with a cast she was cool with for the most part. 

For more on Wizards cast and their relationship with Selena, read below.

The WOWP cast has never seen Selena’s true colors. Only her closest friends and people she has had a huge feud with know.  

Selena’s group of besties are the ones that she went through everything with. She’s closest to a certain person at a time, but these are the girls who have seen her in her darkest moments. Her fans hate them and claim they are “mean to Selena, bad for Selena, have bad energy,” but they don’t know anything. These girls are her ride-or-die. If anyone knows Selena, it’s them.


With Selena, it’s basically walking on eggshellsYou have to watch what you say, filter yourself depending on her mood, and say what she wants you say.

So Selena is a hilarious, nice, supportive person... when she wants to be

This is why her friends put up with her. She comes with benefits and they also care. We had an in depth post about Selena and her friends and why they stick by her despite flaws, so you need to definitely read that.

Fun fact: when I was transferring this post over from my Tumblr drafts, I originally wrote saying “I don’t know why Tumblr deleted my post on Selena and her friends, but when I have it back up I’ll post it here. They be deleting so much shit now without a reason and no copyright issue. Jokes on them because we have everything backed up!” And here we are on a new platform where no random ass person can contact anyone and get anything removed. Told y’all I wasn’t joking!

Mess with ExposingSMG, bitch.

So Selena’s close group of friends get the benefits of the trips and the lifestyle, and they are there for her, but she can be an evil wench. Selena can be inconsiderate and yet they will still treat her like head bitch. If there is a misunderstanding, Selena is going to take that as a personal attack and it’s not easy to communicate with her. I mean do I have to explain her entire drama with Justin Bieber again?

Enjoy reading some more in depth on Selena and Demi’s friendship:


When it comes to Selena’s main group of friends which you always see her with, they play a big role in Selena’s drug addiction and when she lashes out due to alcohol. But all of that will explained in part 3.

Many of you guys always tell me, “You say Selena Gomez seeks attention and yet her besties are all not famous.” Good question.

Going back to the Taylor and Demi example, Selena sided with Taylor because Taylor was her head bitch and Demi wasn’t deemed cool enough (which is why Demi ended up cutting her ass off later). Now when it comes to Selena’s main group of friends, Selena is the head bitch. She likes having her own group in which SHE is superior, SHE is the richest, SHE is the most famous, and SHE is who’s in control. They answer to HER. I’m telling you, these Hollywood friendships are literally high school esque.

All her life and career, Selena felt like she was not good enough - don’t get me wrong, she’s not. So having this group of friends where she is #1 and they kiss her feet, does not humble her.

Taylor ignoring her ass, humbles her. Miley having the #1 billion dollar franchise on Disney, humbled her. Demi having the talent aspect and being more respected on their shared platform, humbled her. Justin outselling her every move no matter how many times she shaded him and tried to frame him as a cheater, humbled her. When Selena is around all these yes-people, that’s when she is at her highest mentally, but that comes with a huge downward spiral.

And on that note….

Let’s move on to something more interesting.... SELENA’S DEVIOUS SIDE. 


Which is part 2 of this series! 

What was covered in this post

  1. Selena’s relationship with her mother.

  2. Selena’s childhood.

  3. Selena’s relationship with Demi Lovato (extended part of the childhood) and Taylor Swift (briefly)

  4. Selena starting up in Hollywood - Wizards of Waverly Place

  5. Selena’s funny and genuine side + her main group of friends

Comment down below your THOUGHTS, QUESTIONS, and requests such as what you want to see in the upcoming parts or things you didn’t like. Anything! You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that!


It’s your fave exposers.


Selena Gomez releases "Lose You to Love Me" song about Justin Bieber.. again (Review)


Introducing the "Selena Gomez As A Person" Series