Selena Gomez and the Dilemma Behind NOT Voting: Did you not vote because of "mental health" or just pure ignorance?


I wasn’t going to talk about this, but it’s like Selena Gomez was practically begging me to by the amount of inconsistencies in her statements and lack of ability to take responsibility for anything.

Fine, that was a bit dramatic, I’ll give you that.

On October 25, Selena was on some Zoom call where she said, “Honestly I’m not ashamed to say this… but this was my first time voting” [about voting in the 2020 elections].

Why did this upset people? It should be good that she’s voting now, right?

All this shows is that Selena only advocates just so she can say she did. This is known as performative activism. It’s basically when you do something for your own benefit or image as opposed to your own devotion.

For example, the Black Lives Matter movement has become “socially acceptable” and popular to post about in 2020 so what happened? A bunch of celebrities who didn’t open their mouths a couple of years back decided to hop on the trend.

What did Selena do in 2016? Oh right, dismiss the BLM movement (and never apologize) and said “you don’t know what I do” when asked about why hasn’t she said anything on the topic of BLM since she wants to talk about things that “f-cking matters.” I mean it was a valid question, Selena!


Selena saying you don’t know what I do insinuates that she does something, right? Well whatever it is, it ain’t voting as we see in 2020.


Performative activism is also benefitting from advocating when you yourself don’t actually do anything to help. It’s also doing crap like posing in a “vote or die” shirt, but not actually voting….

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Follow me on instagram at exposingsmgblog

Celebrities in general (not just Selena) will utilize whatever they can to benefit their image or so they can get a cashout.

I dragged Camila Cabello for this same thing—being actively racist behind the scenes but only posting about BLM when she was exposed for being a racist (first scandal in 2016).

Selena’s robot fans responded to people rightfully criticizing her and said “well she does charity!” Yeah moron, we all do charity. In the case of celebrities, they get a huge tax break because of it. Also, doing charity is “socially acceptable.” Advocating for “tough” topics isn’t and when it is, you can see which celebrities hopped on the bandwagon.

Demi Lovato coming at Trump’s throat with “Commander In Chief” wsn’’t socially acceptable because most celebrities don’t want to target Trump directly. They want to showcase a cute and neutral standpoint which is why Demi released that song knowing that it could bite her in the ass at any moment in time. None of her fans wanted it, the Trump supporters dragged her by using her struggle with addiction, but at least she got the uncomfortable message out there—your presidnency cost us the lives of countless Americans (and many other local civilians in the normalized bombing of the Middle East). I’m getting off topic.

Back to my sweetie, Selena.

Back in 2008, Selena did an ENTIRE EVENT urging teens to vote. The event was literally called “ur vote counts” and Sel was over there signing autographs and posing.

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Then four years later, she was in ANOTHER campaign urging teens to vote in 2012.

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Here she is being “quIRKY” and “reLATABLE”

Zac was in the same campaign too

Zac was in the same campaign too

And yet she said in her Zoom call that she didn’t feel like she should vote because she didn’t think it mattered until she researched it.

You think it didn’t matter, or was it not socially acceptable and “cool” to vote, Selena?

The stage is open for all of you to answer!


Regardless of Selena’s case, take a look at the example of Selena in 2008 doing a press event urging people to vote. What can you learn from that? Just because a celebrity is actively promoting it, doesn’t mean they’re actually doing it. I mean this can be applied to all the skinny tea that influencers promote on Instagram too lmao

Anyway, it’s okay. PEOPLE CAN CHANGE! She was a dumb teen in 2008 and it finally took her 12 years to educate herself (ironically when it’s cool to be ‘woke’), right? Is that the excuse y’all are starting to write in the comments? I beat you to it.

Realistically speaking, I’ll give it to her. Maybe she did get educated and she does really care. Okay… so why is she now going on Instagram talking about how she didn’t vote back in 2018 due to “mental health.”

GIRL, huh?

The main issue I have here is that she changed her story from “I didn’t vote bc I didn’t think it would matter but then I educated myself” to “well my mental health was so bad that’s why I didn’t vote :((((“

After she got (rightfully) dragged, she changed her story and used mental health as a pity motive and I’m telling you this as a fact.

I’ve written about Selena all these years and I know how she operates. Selena will never do something that will break barriers (besides breaking the record for how many times you can shade an ex) or advocate for something that is meaningful UNLESS there is a beneficial factor that goes into it. And that’s fine, I guess. Get that coin and support girl, but why base your entire image as a person that cares?

I really wasn’t going to write about this until I saw her change her narrative and use mental health as an excuse. It’s something that her team milks all the time and it’s tiring.

“She couldn’t sing live because she uhhh… had an anxiety attack!”

“She couldn’t complete tour because uhh… depression from her nasty ex!”

I don’t like excuses, but Selena is a victim in every narrative so it’s not like I expect her to take responsibility for any of her actions. I was actually impressed by her by about 3% when she said that she finally educated herself to learn about the voting process which is why 2020 will be her first year voting at her grown age. You go girl, admit to your faults!


But then… she had to go and make a whole video about why she didn’t vote and how this is her “story” right after getting dragged…..

She really couldn’t handle the responsibility for her actions.

Follow me on Instagram at exposingsmgblog

Follow me on Instagram at exposingsmgblog

Girl what story? You’re a privileged white celebrity who will never be impacted by politics and by who’s a president, unlike most people.

Share their story instead. Maybe she should have listened to their story back in 2016 when the BLM protests were at another high but it wasn’t “cool” to post about it back then.

Now she’s involved in all of these little events that urge people to vote. People are going to her as if she’s the expert in anything meanwhile Selena will just say whatever is popular to say. She even released an EP today that consists of her popular songs and said “now you can listen to these songs while on the line to vote.”

Ummm okay?

It’s crazy because Selena’s making her whole brand about how authentic she is, but she’s the farthest from that statement.

Let me know what you think in the comments down below. You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that. I will be replying back!

P.S., I’m trying to use the “pop culture news” tag on here more often. I used to always make little posts like this about what’s new in pop culture but then stopped even though everyone loved it. This is me trying (folklore anyone??)

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