Rest In Peace, Mac Miller

On September 7th, 2018, it was reported the tragic news that the great rapper and producer, Mac Miller has passed away after an apparent overdose.


Picture licensed under “free to use or share” usage right. 

In this post we are going to talk about Ariana Grande, addiction as a whole, and what we need to do moving forward. 

First of all, this is something that no, did not take me by surprise based on the circumstance, but I was in complete shock when I found out. You hear about celebrities abusing drugs all the time and it’s so normal…

It is so normalized in their world. 

But when they overdose, it still comes as a surprise

Picture licensed under “free to use or share” usage right. 

One day I hope to expose the dark hollywood secrets of the world based on drug use and how celebrities can fall victim in times like this, but that’s for another time. 

Mac was not shy about his drug addiction. He has told the world about it and something that we as a community need to start doing, is to know that talk about drug addiction and personal problems, are a CRY FOR HELP. 

I thought the world learned that with Demi Lovato, but boy were we wrong. 

Secondly, we need to understand the fact that addiction is a disease


It’s not something that’s cured easily nor quickly. We’ve talked about addiction several times on this blog. 

Thirdly, we need to stop attacking others and putting them at fault in tragic moments like this. 


Ariana is not responsible for his addiction. His addiction started long before they got together. Yes, heartbreak is a trigger and it can lead to things like depression and situations like this, but even then, we can not attack and rip apart someone for a problem that’s bigger than their role in their life!


You guys know we have revealed crazy information on Ariana before and she’s not some saint, but she has been through a lot. And she takes things to heart. 

  • Manchester last year.

  • Mac this year.

It’s not easy for her. 



And allow us all as a community to learn from this and move on. 

Rest easy, Mac Miller. Gone. But never forgotten. We hope your legacy lives on. 


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September 2018 Tell All