Proof that Selena Gomez is actually very bothered about Jailey

Some of you guys may be rolling your eyes at the tittle of this post BUT it’s true. Selena is actually a very very bothered girlie and she does the same shit every time to prove she’s unbothered and happy. Keep reading to see what I’m talking about.

In order to show you how Selena is bothered about Jailey, I first must show you how bothered she is when Justin is around any girl, let alone his fiancé. 

First up, we have Barbara Palvin.

lmaoo legend. 

Anyway we all saw Selena’s mental breakdown over Barbara and Justin taking a photo backstage at rehearsals for the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show. 

Selena posted “…..” with a link to that photo above. Now I know what some of you are thinking..”omg dumb whore! Clearly she was upset her (EX-)boyfriend was taking a photo with a model you troll!”

Now I get it. This was a few weeks after the Jelena break-up, Selena was probably very bitter over him being around models and Barbara literally just being in the photo pissed her off. 

But what was Selena doing when Jelena was still alive??? How was Selena acting when Justin wasn’t around BUT HE WAS STILL HER BOYFRIEND?? 


All Justin did was take one or two photos with Barbara WHILE HE WAS SINGLE backstage at the show and Selena went ballistic, but in the photos above not only is Selena still with Justin, she’s actually engaging in some suspicious activity in these photos. Oh btw, the guy in the first photo is Alfredo Flores aka Justin’s (at the time) best friend. Classy Sel!

Next: Your Boyfriend is a Douchebag


Basically Mature Unbothered Sel starred in Dustin Tavella’s music video “Everybody Knows (Your boyfriend is a douchebag).” I’m starting to think Selena set the whole music video up and PAID for it, because who the fuck is Dustin Tavella? AND her rat friends are ALLLLL casted as the girls who dance in the video. And the guy (the douchebag) is dressed up as Justin…. the NIGHT HE HUNG OUT WITH BARBARA PALVIN.


I mean what!!! He also acts as the stereotypical Justin Bieber


After watching the video, he even mimics Justin by taking selfies and basically looking like a fuck-boy. 


Just look at her…..looking all vile and shit. 

Now of course mature-unbothered Sel wasn’t gonna stop there. 

She also (before this music video was filmed) uploaded a video with a CHOREOGRAPHED dance to this song. 


Look at her….just standing there….so unbothered

Next: Cailin Russo


Now this one is the most pathetic one of all…. well that can be argued BUT mature-unbothered Sel actually went after a girl that was casted for Justin’s music videos. 

The girl was playing his love interest and Selena decided there are no rules to who she’s going after. 

Because Cailin is white, and Justin is constantly rambling on about how he likes Latina’s and all that shit, Selena, after the music videos went up said: 

LMAOOOOOOO mature-unbothered Sel actually was jealous over the fact that a white girl got casted (well jealous over the fact that she was a girl anyway, but used that as an excuse to drag) and decided to attack on her Instagram. (This was in 2014 aka about a year after Jelena broke up). 

It was so obviously pointed at Cailin, that she even had to respond. 

Next: Chantel Jeffries

Don’t worry Chantel…. you’re about to have your own post separately but for now I shall use you as another point. 

Now unlike the rest, Chantel came back and forth and lasted a few months. 

In Selena’s mature-unbothered mind; single Justin trying to move on is the worst thing that can happen to her bitter ass so of course she involves herself in shit that doesn’t concern her. 


Here is mature-unbothered Sel attacking once again! God… she’s like a tornado. Go to sleep sis, drink some tea, do some yoga….. cause this… ain’t it

LMAOOO okay let’s go on.  

Oh btw Selena meets up with Justin after ever single thing I just talked about. According to her… he’s the worst thing that ever happened to her…. yet she can’t leave him alone…… and doesn’t want him to move on….. and she overall sure does like involving herself in his shit. 

And ironically… she had something to release… every time… true love huh?

Next: Yovanna Venture 

Everyone knew Yovanna as the “butt girl” or “ass chick” (lmaoooo) whatever but in 2014 having a huge butt wasn’t the most common thing people shared, specifically on Instagram. So of course she got a lot of attention from it. 

Many believed it was fake, she photoshops it or wears butt-pads and others believed it was real. 

Two of Justin’s ex-things got very bitter towards it. 

1. Chantel Jeffries 


LMAOOOOO fucking loser. 

Chantel… sweets… you were never even an option. 

Also this isn’t the first time Chantel shades Yovanna but we shall talk about that in Chantel’s post. 

And of course the most mature-unbothered-unbitter queen of all. 

2. Selena Gomez. 


Selena posted this on Instagram (and later deleted it) with the caption “blah blah blah haha cheek. Day 20 #squats” or some shit like “blah blah blah haha #day20 #squatchallenge.”

Because she deleted it and no one cared, we don’t remember the specifics (i’m sure it’s somewhere on our blog) but it most definitely dealt with her saying she squats and she’s on day 20. 

Anyway I know what you all are thinking “okay???? you fucking dumb troll she’s just showing us her progress you obsessed literal animal.” 

Yes out of all the fuss Yovanna’s ass was making on Twitter…. Selena suddenly started preaching about her own ass progress. BTW this was like her first/last fitness post on Instagram ever. So clearly yah girl wasn’t posting it for fitness progress but more for “ha look at me, I have an ass too” etc etc. 

Again bitter, crazy, and obsessed with who he hangs out with/whatever he’s doing. 

Yovanna’s butt got so much attention and hate (again this was in 2014) so she even posted this: 

Basically Yovanna posted a picture on Shots of her posing saying “He [Justin] knows it’s real” because she was getting mocked/hate for it. Yeah Selenators are stupid and psychotic.

To summarize: Yovanna was known as the ass girl during her era with Justin and Selena being unbothered, had to post about her ass for literally the first and last time ever. At the time, everyone related it to a Yovanna because there was an ongoing comparison because that’s all Selena is known for, comparison. 

Yovanna wore this Dolce & Gabanna dress that Justin bought for her (I remember back on IG he said some shit like “how u liking that Dolce & Gabbana dress) and Selena wore that same exact dress in 2013 for her Spring Breakers premiere. 

The funny part is ½ of the designer for that dress called her ugly.


Anyways, so with the on going comparison with Yovanna and Selena, Selena felt the need to be superior. Hence her posting that ass challenge or whatnot. She also would take selfies just like Yovanna. Again, to prove that she’s better. Because her fans would go on 15 day rants about how she is better. Delusional like their idol.

In the beginning of August, Yovanna posted the following on IG

And then at the end of August… unbothered ladie posted an eerily similar selfie with even the same makeup that Yovanna was known to wear at the time.

Anyways this concludes Selena butting into Yovana’s life since she was around Justin, at the time. 

Next: Models in general 


Selena proves time after time that when Justin SINGLE Bieber hangs out with a model of any kind, she flips her shit. 

Here is mature-unbothered Selena flipping her shit on Instagram AGAIN 

“He’d rather models” 

“Nope. Happier with models he is” 


“He’s rather models. I’m just too normal” 

LMAOOOOO I’m sorry…..what. 

Selena in 2014 (Jelena breakup was November 2012) is crying over Justin hanging out with models. 

So after she attacks his friendsattacks him on national television and just shades him in general, goes after him in music videos, makes two whole dance videos shading his asskeeps up with everything/everyone he’s around and then….. she wonders why he might wanna move on away from her? 

We know the Jelena story. They break up –> Selena shades –> Justin stays silent –> Selena drops a project –> bam, Jelena reunion and the cycle repeats. That’s how it always goes. So clearly it’s not Justin who is running away from Selena, it’s Selena who is STILL pushing him away, gets mad when he moves on, then she drags him back to her. 

Here are some more times Selena drags Justin for simply trying to move on after her tyranny. 


Saying that she needs a guy who only has eyes for her.


“He’s a big fan of butts, females” again another Yovanna attack. 

Also she’s pretending she’s talking about her dog, Bailey but….. she seems to be very bitter and detailed about “””””BAILEY”””” Also Selena…. no one gets asked about their dogs and spends five whole minutes insulting the dog. You’re insane. She’s obviously talking about Justin like the mature-unbothered queen she is!11!. 

Another one with models! 

So in 2016 Justin goes on a vacation with a bunch of friends/models. 


So Selena… the same day or the next day has a concert in Australia where she sings “Feel Me” (a song she lied about writing) and she’s extremely pissed off. 


Mommy….i’m scared

Good lord lmaoooo

She’s AGGRESSIVELY singing this song, it’s very different when compared with previous performances, and she’s shaking her head in disapproval, and ALLLL this bullshit. 


And the best thing after that she ends the song saying “I’m so disappointed.” 


Also if you don’t believe me saying that she’s this mad over Justin the person who uploads it, tittles the video saying…

The best part about this whole thing is the following part of this post where it’s her IG fight with Justin with her PLANNED comment. This whole soap opera was anticipating this PLANNED comment. You’ll see next in this post. 

Honestly guys, do yourself a favor and watch the video. It will have you cracking upppppp!!! Don’t you love mature-unbothered exes???? 

Next: Sofia Richie 


Selena unbothered-unbitter-mature Gomez personally went on Justin’s photo with Sofia Richie and decided to add her rotten two cents. 

Btw! Selena wasn’t following Justin when this happened but we been knew she stalks his ass!! 


LMAOOOO you all think Selena is the unbothered one when in reality she’s having public hidden breakdowns over Justin’s every move. 

And Justin himself just called her out for being the pathetic attention seeking bitch she is. We stan! 

So out off all of that…. you genuinely think she doesn’t care about Jailey??? Selena got so pissed off over Justin hanging out with some girls on vacation… you actually think she’s not bitter over Hailey being the future Mrs. Bieber????? Lmao! Can’t relate. 


Using this gif just to bother you guys lmao

Also Selena has been M.I.A and all the sudden now that Jailey announces their engagement she’s cracking up on the streets, in a yacht, posing, active on Instagram again lmao trust me…. unbothered is the LAST thing Selena Gomez is. 

I’m not saying that Selena can’t be happy, I’m TELLING YOU she’s not unbothered and she posts certain things so her fans can hype her up and say “look at her beauty, Justin is so pathetic for moving on!” in order to feed her psychotic mental state which is NOT normal. 


When Selena starts her next era, she’s going to do something involving being HURT over the engagement. Because we all know how Selena likes to play both sides (pun intended), both the “unbothered carefree ladie” and the “I’m depressed hurt and crying myself to sleep bc Justin Bieber is such a trashy man”

And that’s the fucking tea

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed!

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