Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra Catch Everybody Off Guard With Baby Via Surrogate Announcement
Getty / Rich Fury
Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra… ah one of Hollywood’s most shocking pairs.
We’ve talked quite a bit about Nick & Priyanka; especially emphasizing their weird start and more importantly: the lies on how they started dating.
To keep everything cute & simple in this post, you can check out that post for more information. I highly recommend it so you’re not confused after reading this post.
A quick rundown:
Any source that I’ve talked to about Nick and Priyanka has said that their relationship is fake.
Some of my sources even allege that they’ve never even slept together… that’s how much of a “business” they are. It’s normal for PR couples to eventually develop romantic feelings or even just a work with benefits type of situation, but in the case of Nick & Priyanka, it doesn’t seem like that’s the case.
Nick and Priyanka are confusing to sources only because it seems like the act is kept up in a very specific way behind the scenes. This isn’t that weird because most PR couples in Hollywood keep up the act behind the scenes especially in front of family and friends.
That was the case with Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez in 2010… no one knew they were together only for the limelight until much later and it caused a lot of rifts between Justin & his hometown friends. I mean come on, there was a whole episode on Gossip Girl about this!
I’m mentioning this because there’s a similar situation that happened between Nick & Priyanka, according to a different outlet. We’ll get to that in a moment.
Now if you guys remember, I quoted a story that one of my sources shared about a friend’s experience with Nick & Priyanka behind the scenes. At an outing one day, she said that she was “uncomfortable” around them and their wives and that Nick and Priyanka were so “into themselves.”
Full messages in this post
Now let’s get into present-day news.
The announcement of a baby:
In a joint Instagram announcement on January 21, Nick and Priyanka announced the birth of their baby girl via surrogate.
It shook the world by stor—actually not really since it wasn’t the massive news that they thought it would be—it was actually pretty quiet. No drama, no talk, just shock because most celebrities aren’t open with the topic of surrogates.
It did catch everyone by surprise including me, the mainstream media, and so on.
TMZ was of course later updated and they revealed the gender of the baby—a girl—and that she was born on January 15 in a Southern California hospital.
Okay… what is so weird about all of this?
Many things my youngins. It’s my job to get the tea and the public information all in one place so we can discuss.
First of all, since the day Nick & Priyanka got married, they’ve been teasing the idea of starting a family. They talk about it literally every 3 months.
And I said it before, PR or not, they will have a kid. It’s not like the theory that their marriage isn’t as genuine as they make it seem means that they won’t have a kid.
So you can imagine my shock when I see that Priyanka talked about having kids in the FUTURE with Nick… 2 months before the announcement of the baby’s birth through a surrogate. The funniest part? The article came out on January 13, 2022, but the interview took place in November 2021. They announced the birth of their baby girl on January 21.
Priyanka did a whole spread for VanityFair in which she talked about having kids in the future, her career path, and so on.
Photographs by: EMMA SUMMERTON; Styled by: LEITH CLARK
I want to touch upon other points in the article that were 100000% put there as a REQUEST from Priyanka herself but let’s see if I have room in this post or I might dedicate a whole post to how Priyanka handles herself publicly. Let me know what you want.
Read this excerpt from VanityFair:
So many questions… so so many questions.
If the baby was born in January 2022, then OBVIOUSLY the surrogate had to have been pregnant for MONTHS beforehand. It’s not like Priyanka didn’t know she was having a kid… TWO MONTHS AGO. And let me tell you something, celebrities KNOW the time a spread will come out when they interview for it.
Photographs by: EMMA SUMMERTON; Styled by: LEITH CLARK
So if Priyanka did this interview in November, she should be aware that she’s having a baby via surrogate especially since one would assume they had to get Nick & Priyanka’s lil mixture ready for surrogate injection.
This poses the question… was Priyanka lying in that interview?
I know the privacy warriors are getting ready to write their novels in the comment section, but something about the way Priyanka was talking made it seem like she didn’t know that there was something going on.
Obviously, their biggest defense is privacy but here’s the thing with Hollywood, you don’t actually get that much privacy. A lot of what you say is public so obviously, it’s easier to catch a celebrity in a “lie” or a confusing moment because they say most things ON THE RECORD.
What she said in the VanityFair article wasn’t any different from what she’s been saying for over 3 years across a bunch of different magazine spreads & interviews. It was very on-brand for what she usually says when asked about having kids.
The VanityFair article talked about how hectic her work schedule is and WILL be moving forward (because the entire time they were trying to paint her as this extremely busy workaholic to the point where we should be gracious that she’s even sitting down for an interview) and she even says that when a baby is in the picture, her and Nick will decide to slow down.
If you read the article, it talks about how Nick is having a photoshoot and how Priyanka is like “hehe yAH our hOUse iS always THIS BUSY because yOU knoW after hAVinG a cAREer of 20+ yeArs, it’s cRazY.”
This is literally how the article starts
Nothing in that entire story hinted that they were getting ready to settle down which poses my next question: did Priyanka even know there was going to be a baby?
She even says that “we’re not too busy to practice” which is basically saying we’re gonna fck until we get a baby and assumingly, she should know that she’s having a baby via surrogate, right? And that one day she’s going to have to explain herself or that hey! this article is coming out in the same month that the surrogate is due so why would you not butter up the general public for the surrogacy announcement?
Usually, when a celebrity is to announce something like this, they lay low or butter up the general public so they can come off as authentic or whatnot. But Priyanka genuinely seemed like she didn’t know she was having a baby. I think she’s just as surprised as we all were with the TMZ notification.
Priyanka after finding out through TMZ that her surrogate gave birth
This wasn’t the only example that made us go ?????
During the one-hour Netflix comedy special, which premiered Nov. 23, Priyanka said:
"We are the only couple who doesn't have kids yet, which is why I'm excited to make this announcement...Sorry babe..."
Nick’s heart looked like it almost stopped:
Listen… Nick ain’t the best of actors so if he was lying here then… my apologies Nick. Someone give the man an Oscar.
But he looked genuinely confused and maybe that had to do with the fact that it was a “secret” ??
He literally looks like he’s about to cry.
After a long pause, she jokingly clarified and said, "Nick and I are expecting... To get drunk tonight and sleep in tomorrow."
har har har
Please, watch this play out for yourselves:
And then Nick proceeded to say that he was a bit CONCERNED… love the choice of words there. It wasn’t shocked, surprised, oh no, it was concerned.
Now, People is reporting exclusively through their teams that they spent MONTHS renovating the house for their baby.
And all of this is starting to remind me of one specific thing… hmm what is it?
Oh yes, the news of their engagement.
AFTER they got engaged, the media went overboard trying to fill in the holes of their relationship by substituting stories for the past that didn’t make any sense. In simpler terms, they started rewriting the past.
Now it seems like they’re going to go the extra mile to fill in stories about how they were totally eXpeCtInG.
Sipa USA via AP
Even VanityFair writes that Priyanka gave a hint that they were expecting in her February 2022 cover story:
Girl… ain’t nothing in that article tells me that Priyanka was “alluding” to having children. As I already said, it was very on-brand to what Priyanka would say when asked about having kids. It’s like she had a script constantly ready and knowing Priyanka, that was probably the case.
So what’s going on? Why is their story not matching up?
Gizelle Hernandez/ Netflix
I don’t know if they would be that fcked up to claim a baby via surrogate that isn’t their’s or if the baby would be another prop in their marriage. I truly don’t know.
There is definitely a lot more to the story that we don’t know about, but one of you guys messaged me begging me to elaborate on this blind from the CDAN blog. It’s not even revealed and it was published 3 days after the news of Nick & Priyanka’s baby.
So according to that outlet, some source of theirs claims that one of the family members of the Jonas family was asked about this surrogacy and they said that they couldn’t discuss it. Why?
It seems like all inside sources are confused. I will give it to them, Nick & Priyanka are working overtime to keep whatever the story is private because it seems like if it got out, it would be extremely scandalous.
IF the blind is about them and if it is true, then it’s an interesting add-on detail to what my source originally mentioned in my post last year—how Nick & Priyanka are very secretive behind the scenes especially about their relationship.
Their guard seems to be up at all times because there is a lot to lose.
My personal thoughts:
I don’t believe they sleep together and I think that there are 2 main reasons why they would have a baby via surrogate.
To avoid sleeping together and
Priyanka wouldn’t want to sacrifice her body at this point in her career
Priyanka is very career driven and it makes me feel like she would only get pregnant if promised a role that would win her 10 Oscars. It’s probably why they waited this long to have a baby.
Also, Priyanka is older and pregnancy gets more complicated as a woman ages. Take a look at Meghan Markle. She got married and right away she was pregnant. You can’t waste any time there (yeah there were also rumors surrounding a surrogacy with Meghan & Prince Harry…)
I really want to know what you guys think. Is there more to the story? If so, then what?
Or do you think everyone is just dramatic and these celebrities are just nOrmAl and they just want #privacy? Let me know! I’m interested in hearing everything you have to say. Hope you guys enjoyed this post!
Comment down below your thoughts! You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that! I will be reading and replying back ;)