Freshly out of rehab and with a buzzcut, here's the story behind why Demi Lovato is no longer California sober... besides the obvious
We’re back! I’m not gonna ramble considering I already wrote my hellos in this latest update which you can check out so without further ado, let’s talk about Demetria Lovato.
On December 2nd, Demi took to Instagram to retract their California sober lifestyle by saying that “sober sober is the only way to be.”
So naturally, everyone was like…
Lovatics were like PHEW because let’s be honest, with Demi’s well-known history of abusing drugs and constantly relapsing, no one believed that they could do drugs in moderation as they claimed in their 2021 documentary, Demi Lovato: Dancing With The Devil.
And before the year ended, it was revealed that Demi completed a secret rehab stint in Utah, in December 2021.
We all tried to believe Demi when they spent a lot of time talking about being California sober in their documentary because Demi sure knows how to talk and convince you that everything is okay. They are on candid camera calling themselves manipulative especially when it comes to this topic.
The documentary’s last episode aired on April 6, 2021.
It didn’t take long for my sources to tell me that everything has gone south, ironically a month after the documentary premiered.
My last post about Demi which was published in May 2021, had me quoting my sources saying that they all fear another OD coming—because that’s how bizarre their behavior was behind the scenes.
That was the last time I spoke about Demi in a full post on this blog because if I said anything else, it would have been a repeat of what we already know.
I also elaborated on the state of Demi’s sobriety by basically saying… it was not going well, when Alana & I were guests on the It Sounded Like A Good Idea At The Time podcast. Listen here.
If you paid close attention to Demi and their constant life updates on Instagram, you’d know that they were in rehab before it was officially confirmed.
When Demi debuted their buzzcut on Christmas Eve, the background looked a little too familiar…
What did it look like? The room that was shown in the documentary where Demi went to rehab in Utah when they overdosed in 2018.
What was going on…
According to my source, Demi reportedly relapsed and was doing more than her self-appointed criteria required to be CaLiFOrniA sObEr. It was also getting really bad and that caused a lot of drifts between people that Demi swore were her ride or die.
Anytime you guys asked me for a Demi update, I’d never say “they’re doing great! They’re using such incredible moderation, it’s admirable!”
I’d always say, everyone fears an OD.
What I want to emphasize is that it didn’t take long for Demi to go off the rails right after the documentary premiered and that’s what worried everyone. I know it seems like it only got bad at the end of 2021 because that’s when they checked into rehab, but that’s just when Demi reached their breaking point.
Also, it takes a while for an addict to go seek help. No one really seeks help hours after a relapse or when they realize they desperately need it. It usually happens after an intervention or when things get really bad.
So basically, it got really bad, Demi was cutting people off, and starting to party until dawn.
Many of Demi’s friendships were falling apart which led Demi to rely more on problematic friendships such as the one with Tana Mongeau.
Demi looked drunk out of their damn mind that night and watching the video of them and Tana leaving the Halloween party, it was hard not to notice how they were 2 seconds away from being carried by their security to the car.
You can watch it for yourself as I talk about it in my new video at minute 10:33 (just click play and it’ll take you to that minute):
As the paparazzi swarmed them, you can hear one say “A little drunk Demi?”
The second I saw that video, I knew it was going to downhill for Demi from there. First of all, Tana? It’s like Demi has no more credible celebrities left to hang out with. And second of all, nothing about that sight gave off “drinking in moderation” vibes.
Going back to Demi cutting people off…
Fans were quick to notice that Demi unfollowed their best friend and sober companion, Sirah, who was a HUGE part of the documentary AND someone who called Demi out when they first started relapsing badly in 2018.
Demi unfollowed Sirah sometime in May 2021 and then I assume they refollowed her again, because there were reports that Demi unfollowed them AGAIN (along with other people), in December 2021.
The whole thing just seems very immature. Y'all are almost 30.
I asked my source about the Sirah thing and she said that Demi & Sirah’s friendship did fall apart due to differences that have to do with Demi being ~~~California Sober~~~~
It’s not hard to figure that out considering Demi & Sirah both mapped this out for us in the documentary. That’s exactly what they fought about before, plus it’s not a good look that you and your former sober companion cut ties.
We don’t really know the details there and yes it could definitely be more, but as I said, it’s not a good look.
Also, Demi does this thing where they move on super fast from something hoping that it doesn’t catch up to them. It’s basically trying to escape from your problems and the issue here is that it’s covered up with this toxic positivity of “cUt pEoPle ofF if tHey dOn’T sErVE yOur pURpOse.” I’m not talking about Sirah only and the rest of Demi’s friendships that fell through, but it’s the idea that things are black and white.
And Demi even spoke about that in their documentary saying that they see things in black & white and they specifically said that in regards as to why sobriety doesn’t work for them—it can’t be all or nothing for them.
So do what you will with that information.
In my video, I also elaborated on a point that I mentioned in the May post and that is the obsessive need to post every bypassing thought on social media.
It’s great that Demi wants to let the whole world in on their journey by the minute, but it comes to a point where you have to ask yourself… is this doing more harm than good? Demi sharing everything about their recovery and lifestyle choices comes off as seeking attention to the general public because it’s not like coming clean about anything ended up helping Demi.
Instead, now we just have Demi on public record contradicting themselves every 3 business days. That puts even MORE pressure on Demi to maintain their “truth.” I’m all for self-growth and healing, but when it’s done to benefit your career MORE than to benefit you personally, then it’s not worth it.
Demi in their weird alien show
I’d love to say that it benefitted Demi when they rambled on about being California Sober for like 2 episodes AND on a song on their album only for them to retract the lifestyle LESS THAN A YEAR LATER, but all this shows is that Demi still has a lot of internal healing to do and hey! Maybe let’s not be quick to base our entire personality and focus on something that you tried for a couple of months only for it not to work for you.
It’s okay to experiment without claiming it as part of your ENTIRE brand!!!!!!
Here’s the other thing…
My source told me that Demi was apparently supposed to be in rehab for longer than they actually were, but they wanted to dip and spend time with their family during the holiday season.
This explains that video of Demi surprising their sister, Dallas on Christmas.
@thedallaslovato This was the best present I could ever ask for!! @ddlovato @azrag16 @diannadelagarza #merrychristmas #happyholidays #sistergoals #fyp #foryou #fypシ ♬ Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays - *NSYNC
Don’t get me wrong, it’s very cute and I would love it even more if I were to learn that Demi went back to rehab after taking a holiday break (do “breaks” count in recovery??) but now I see that they’re in the studio getting ready to debut Rockvato and go back to their roots.
And as iconic as rock-Demi is… what would be more iconic is seeing something new happen in Demi’s life for once.
Speaking of holiday breaks and recovery… let’s quote Demi from 2012.
How do we know that their little stint in rehab is enough and they are truly okay now? Or is this another attempt of throwing yourself in your work and using it as a temporary bandaid? And then what? Am I supposed to believe that Demi is going to be okay with their bandaid rehab stint after freshly coming off the California sober high and they’ll be good to go for a tour?
You know, the same place where every musician practically has a mental breakdown and almost kills themselves?
I don’t see any growth with Demi and everything I’m being told by sources points to nothing new, but impulsive decisions. I mean getting a buzzcut and updating social media while you’re in rehab? Usually, you’re advised to stay off social media especially if you’re someone like Demi who has been open with the negative effects that bullying, trolling, and everyone’s comments have done to them.
But hey! Demi now shaved their head and to be fair, they warned us in 2020 that this was coming, but is this another identity crisis where they’re trying so hard to be their authentic self on the outside, hoping that some of that authenticity seeps through to their inner self?
I’m not saying all of this to be an asshole, but my sources and I have come to the conclusion that Demi is far from okay. Sure they may be sober right now, but for how long? And it’s worrisome because of their track record.
And for the social justice warriors who are gonna hit me with the “and who are you to comment on their journey and their recovery?”
First of all, you’re in the wrong place because my entire brand is not only commenting on literally everything, but exposing it as well.
Second of all, Demi makes their personal life everyone’s business and public information—especially when it is intentionally put out by the source aka Demi—is free for everyone to comment on.
Third of all, again… wrong place.
In my new video, I went over 3 main things that happened in the public eye that were red flags in terms of Demi’s sobriety so if you guys want an additional analysis of the whole California sober thing, then go watch that video for more. I would hope that by seeing those things play out in public last year, it will wake up fans, Demi’s team, even myself, to call out the behavior earlier before it’s too late.
With that being said, I’m excited to see what’s to come from Demi musically, but I also hope that we see some sort of growth this year.
Everyone has been waiting like a decade to see Demi go full-on rockstar so I REALLY hope this era goes smoothly for them and doesn’t end short. I think rock Demi is everyone’s favorite and it’s truly their best choice at redemption from the general public. It’s the correct career move if executed correctly.
I know I said this about Demi during the DWTD era but the only thing that didn’t make that era perfection is the execution of it. Demi dipping on that era and releasing a podcast instead and then an alien show… well that wasn’t the rollout I had in mind for their return after the Tell Me You Love Me era.
Let me know what your thoughts are about this whole thing especially the part about Demi going back to work so soon after being in rehab. Am I alone in the part where I’m worried about Demi and their lack of growth or is it something that you guys see too? If you guys don’t agree and you do see some growth that I’m not noticing, feel free to let me know.
I hope you guys enjoyed this post and there’s a lot more to come!
Comment down below your thoughts! You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that! I will be reading and replying back ;)