New "CREDIBILITY" Page Up Now + What to expect for the upcoming posts

Those who keep up with us, keep up with us for two main reasons: the juicy drama and the fact that we’ve been proven right about almost everything we say.

I’ve had over a 100 blogs created trying to expose me. I’ve had viral tweets attacking me and huge mass reporting parties created for me. But I’m still here and no matter what, my readers are still here. Why? My information speaks for itself.


I’ve had a couple of posts and a couple of Twitter threads on the validity of our information. Basically posts that showcase the date we say something and the date it gets confirmed.

We have been proven right SO MANY TIMES, to the point where I lost count. I’ve created posts that list all the times we’ve been proven right, but the posts just gotten SO LONG and I kept forgetting to update it and the Twitter threads, because that’s how often it happened.

Now with this beautiful new website, I have created a new page where I can post about every topic I’ve been proven right about.

Just like the Ask page, there will now be a page called “Credibility." 

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This has been a page I created since August and I wrote a couple of posts, but I was too lazy to update it. However, with this blog growing, it’s very important for it to be updated.

Here’s where y’all come in.

9 out of 10 times, YOU come to me telling me that my information has been proven right. So whenever that happens, or if I forget a specific time, let your girl know!


Many of you guys have spread this blog to your friends (we love you so much) and you guys have asked me to make an updated credibility post/thread to show your friends! Well here we are.

For the next couple of days, until Tuesday, I have scheduled a new post to go up. Some of them are longer than others.

The first post just went up and it’s the topic about Selena and rehab. We are known for being proven right about that topic - TO THE DETAIL! Go read it now.

Let me know how you guys feel about the credibility page!

And to all our new readers OR our doubtful readers, enjoy.

What are the new posts?

I have been working super hard on keeping this blog active for you guys. My goal is to post everyday, but let’s see how I do.

The following are the posts you should expect before the new year:

  • Selena Gomez as a person part 2

  • Miley Cyrus feat. Dark Hollywood information

  • Selena Gomez & Taylor Swift’s Friendship

  • more more more

Those are the top 3 that I know y’all have been waiting for.

You guys will kill me when I tell you that the Selena As A Person series was written in 2017 and we have withheld the Miley Cyrus & Dark Hollywood info from y’all since late 2018.

However! I have turned a new leaf and we are trying our best to post the information once we get it.

You love this blog.

We love running this blog.

Comment down below any thoughts or questions you have. You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that!

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