Camila Cabello's Racist Past That Still Exists Today (Screenshots Included). Should we forgive her?
The hot topic as of late is how Camila Cabello got exposed for her nasty past which included a ton of racism towards black and Asian people, joking about domestic violence, and so much more. This time she’s getting exposed for what she said on her Tumblr, as opposed to the leaked messages between her and her friend, on Facebook, years ago.
This new information, brings up the past where Camila called her ex-bandmate, Normani, a black woman, a “n—r.”
We will tell you the WHOLE STORY, all screenshots included, and so much more.
On this blog, we exposed Fifth Harmony back in 2016 in which was an EXPLOSIVE exposé. We had three huge posts on them and we go so much hate from everyone because Fifth Harmony was “in” at the time. Little do they know that ESMG comes with karma because after our posts, the group started falling apart and every week, something new got out that confirmed our information them. We’ll talk about this later.
Ramona Rosales / Billboard
A big portion of my Fifth Harmony exposé focused on Camila Cabello and how she wronged the group by sneakily trying to branch off as a solo star and just shit talking them. In that little part, we talked about Camila’s racist ideologies and how racist she was to her ex-bandmember, Normani. Camila’s racism was existent before the group’s formation, after, during, and now.
Time after time, I keep telling you that, and it keeps getting confirmed.
Let’s give the people what they want and that is: what is Camila getting exposed for now?
December 2019 - Camila’s Racist and Problematic Past Goes Viral
On December 17, 2019, a Twitter account made a thread that focused solely on Camila’s Tumblr and all shit that was said and reblogged on there.
The thread went… VIRAL!
I’m going to include everything that the thread exposed here. History has shown us that if it’s not on ExposingSMG, it will get erased from the Internet (so many stans using my 2014 Jelena screenshots that have been wiped clean off the Internet if it wasn’t for this blog).
Anyways, this person linked Camila’s Tumblr account which was and it was still UP when the thread was being written.
No need to prove that it’s Camila’s Tumblr because Camila’s apology confirms that and so much more. But either way, it was her Tumblr as the following screenshot shows.
That was posted before Camila even went on X-Factor.
As the thread posts a screenshot, they link the Tumblr post, but Camila’s team got a hold of the Tumblr and took it down. Nonetheless, the person behind the thread, made a web cache to make sure it lives forever. Legend LMAO.
Camila’s Tumblr had a picture of her in the icon as well.
She looks so cute and innocent in her picture, but her Tumblr reblogs tell otherwise.
Camila also has another main Tumblr account which is still up. Her team just made it unavailable to be searched for or linked, unless you are signed into a Tumblr account.
Literally my screenshot.
That Tumblr account was Camila’s main account in which she confirmed that her side account, vous-etess-belle, is actually hers.
Camila saying the N word
“check your fb” Lol we’ll get into Camila’s Facebook later on.
Camila reblogging racist “stereotypical” posts towards African Americans
She had a serious obsession with stereotypical, racist KFC jokes. Jesus.
Reblogging posts with the N-word, hard R included:
Reblogging an even more deterograty version of the N-word
Camila trolling that she’s a black independent woman
This was AFTER the formation of Fifth Harmony, by the way.
Making fun of Domestic Violence
Reblogging a post making fun of Asians
Making fun of Mexicans and Black People
Camila really covered all problematic and racist grounds. I’m shocked there wasn’t some “Muslims are terrorists” “Jewish people are cheap” jokes thrown in there.
As the thread quickly went viral, Camila’s team took down her Tumblr. The funny thing is, the person behind the thread, TOOK HER USERNAME.
So let’s talk.
“She was a kid.”
Camila Cabello was 15 years old in 2012 so I see a lot of arguments excusing her actions because she was a “kid.” To be honest, I was 15 years old once and I didn’t reblog posts with stereotypical racism or making fun of domestic violence.
And I was around Camila’s age when I first started ExposingSMG and y’all can go back see my posts from 2013. I didn’t even use the N-word when writing posts, I didn’t ever make fun of domestic violence, especially when writing about the Amber Heard and Johnny Depp situation, and so on.
I really can’t excuse Camila’s actions based on age.
Despite popular belief, I am a very rational person so I can look at where' she’s coming from.
For Camila’s “KFC” jokes, one can argue that Tumblr was filled with racism that is instilled in all of us. Americans have an instilled version of racism because of its fucked up history. But history is not an excuse to why you haven’t educated yourself.
Back on social media, it was “cool” to use the N word, but as we’ve seen above, and as we will continue seeing, Camila’s usage of the N-word was used in a HATEFUL MANNER.
Before I continue, it’s time we bring up 2016 when Camila got so badly hacked. The hackers leaked private messages between her friend on all platforms - Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and more. They leaked VIDEOS, SONG DEMOS, conversations between record label heads, Taylor Swift, and so much more!
I wasn’t aware of this hack when I wrote my 2016 exposed post on Fifth Harmony, but after looking into it, the hacked messages confirm EVERYTHING we exposed in that post. It’s literally insane.
Credit goes to ONTD who have kept receipts of this whole scandal.
Camila Calls Normani the N-word.. HARD R
I wish it was fake, but the worst part about all of this, is there’s literally proof it’s real since there’s a screenshot from a different device.
Plus the hackers posted VIDEOS and PICTURES that were never before seen. We’ll get into that in a moment.
Note how Camila is using the word. It’s not even a “jokeful” or “funny” manner. It’s straight out HATE.
Her friend: “But Normania is actually a n—r.”
Literally evil.
Seeing these messages and knowing that Normani felt isolated and hated because of the color of her skin, is so disgusting and disheartening. It literally gets worse from here.
She wanted to punch Ally Brooke (other band member) in the face
The hackers literally posted video proof I-
Camila thinking that she’s better than Fifth Harmony, she deserves the most solos, and how everyone else is annoying, plus she adores the fact that everyone loves her and I quote, “they forget about my group.”
Text messages or not, I already told you guys this in my 2016 exposed on them.
“Four ni—ers”
I just…
If you’re saying the N-word, you’re often ignorant. If you’re saying it with HARD R, you’re fucking racist.
The same messages, but from a different device:
The hackers also released private dms between Camila and her friends, that included never before seen pictures and of course Camila’s speciality, using the N word:
She also still communicated with her best friends Marielle and Sandra, on her verified Twitter account, where they regularly use the N-word.
Her bestie is also fucked up, making N-word, hard R, jokes about One Direction and making fun of Demi Lovato being bipolar and calling her the N-word with…. you guessed it! Hard R!
The hackers really wanted to end Camila once and for all, Jesus.
With all of this information, they leaked pictures that weren’t seen before; including those that confirmed that Camila and Michael Clifford from 5 Seconds of Summer, had a secret fling.

They also leaked this video of Harry Styles singing Happy Birthday to Camila.
They also released private messages between Camila and Michael, messages between her and Taylor where she’s crying over Michael, messages between her and the chairman of Republican Records, Charlie Walk, and so much more that proves that she was indeed starting her solo career behind Fifth Harmony’s back and so much more.
Camila’s bullshit apology, confirmed that these past screenshots were indeed REAL.
“I apologized THEN.” She’s talking about these screenshots because the thread that went viral, only mentioned her Tumblr posts.
Her fans really worked overtime to prove that those screenshots were fake, but the sad truth is SHE CONFIRMED THEM.
This would be a okay apology… IF SHE WASN’T STILL RACIST.
Here I’m focusing mainly on Camila’s racist past so if you’re interested in seeing the messages with her and Michael, Taylor, Charlie Walk, and etc., you can check out ONTD’s post on that.
The worst part about all of this, is Camila used the “Black Lives Matter” movement to try to make everyone forget about her racist past.

This piece of informaiton is something my sources told me about and I told you guys in the Fifth Harmony exposed post.
The Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement started in 2013 so what a fucking coincident that Camila posts about it for the first time, in February 2016, less than a month after being exposed for a racist.
This shit is low.
I am very passionate about the BLM movement and y’all don’t know what I do in my person life (Selena Gomez tease), but I have spoken in panels about it and tried to make ignorant ass people understand it. So for her to USE IT as a ploy to distract people from HER RACISM, is disgusting.
When you mention this to her stans, they’ll bring up the fact that Camila is passionate about things like DACA, the immigration issue, and etc.,
Camila only cares when it affects her.
Her Dreamer speech even says that.
She didn’t care about calling Normani the N word, hard R, because no one was calling Camila that. It wasn’t a slur used against her so why would she care?
Let me tell you something. I am personally not affected by the BLM movement, I don’t have family in Syria or Palestine, I don’t know anyone who is an Uyghur Muslim, nor do I know anyone held in detention camps at the borders, but that DOESN’T MEAN THAT I DON’T CARE. YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE AFFECTED BY SOMETHING TO CARE. AS HUMAN BEINGS, YOU NEED TO ADVOCATE OR AT LEAST GIVE A SHIT, ABOUT OTHER FELLOW HUMAN BEINGS.
Or the very least, the smallest thing you can do, so so tiny, IS NOT BE RACIST.
Just because Camila is a Latina, doesn’t mean anything.
Cubans themselves have a huge damn problem with racist beliefs. This is something INSTILLED IN THEIR COUNTRY.
This past September, I released a post that talked about Camila and her STILL RACIST TENDENCIES.
You know it’s still bad when, Cupcakke, a rapper, keeps dragging Camila for being racist.
Cupcakke came back to Twitter after Camila got exposed for being racist, after leaving in the first place when exposing that Camila is racist.
I feel like a lot of people are so riled up about Camila being racist and her racist past, because of Normani. Now that Normani is more popular and she has opened up with her struggles with racism, people are livid.
Imagine having to live and work with a girl who’s racist and be a victim of her ideologies that are spread by her fans who contributed to the bullying and racial slurs.
Their 2018 reunion was bullshit. Normani doesn’t want problems and at the same time, Camila was the next big thing since Havana was a hit, and if Normani said anything, people would just hate on her for being “jealous.”
Normani endured so much.
Listen, I am a believer in second chances.
If you were once a racist rat due to ignorance, a racist upbringing, or whatever your reason is, I believe in forgiveness because what can you do? Expect the person to kill themselves? What more can a person do to make up for their past?
My issue with Camila is that she is STILL RACIST. I HAVE BEEN SAYING THIS SINCE 2016.
My source literally said, “Camila is indefinitely a racist.”
Camila has done nothing to make up for her past as a racist. It’s not like she used the N word as a joke or lipsang the N word. NO. Sis literally used it for its purpose: A SLUR. SHE CALLED HER SO-CALLED FRIEND AND BANDMATE, A SLUR. She believed she was better than her bandmates and referenced the fact that Normani is a N—R.
Come on!
That is NOT the same as singing along to a lyric when you were 15.
That is not the same as calling your friends, your “n—s.”
It’s not.
And Camila has not done nothing for the black community to make up for years of torment or ignorance that she has portrayed. Instead, she used a sensitive movement to cover up her racist past.
When she does, maybe then her apology can be accepted.
Again, forgiving someone for CHANGED BEHAVIOR is different than forgiving them for behavior that still exists.
And wooo does Camila have a track record. Most celebrities have one or two tweets of them using the N word. Sis, got a whole CATALOGUE.
Fifth Harmony Exposed
What are your thoughts on Camila’s past? Should she be forgiven? What can she do to achieve forgiveness? Comment down below! You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that.