The Story of Michael Jackson: Childhood Upbringing & Trauma, Fame, and Accusations (part 1)
Today ladies and gentlemen, we are going to further our exposing knowledge by going into detail about a very complex and controversial topic, that is on a much bigger scale than melodramatic pop girl drama.
We are going to start by talking about one of the biggest names in Hollywood history; branded as the king of pop:
Michael Jackson
This post is going to be exactly what the title states because there will be follow up posts that will go more into depth about different topics, specifically the controversial topics. We are going to be laying out the facts for you and hopefully we can start a meaningful discussion in the comments. Without further ado, let’s start.
Growing up, Michael Jackson was always in the news. Since I was pretty young during his peak, I never understood anything about the allegations or the industry even.
In regards to the MJ allegations, something seemed off at the time it was happening and even after his death. On top of that, how and when he died is a story of its own. I never went into detail researching it or him, but a few months ago I suddenly had a random burst of interest in Michael Jackson and when my readers saw me answering questions about him in my ask box, they requested a post on him.
For those of you who have no idea who I am and are reading this only because Michael Jackson is your favorite star or because you are stuck in the 80s/90s pop star eras, welcome! This is ExposingSMG, where we uncover the truth about the celebrity world; the ins and the outs, those guilty, those innocent, the fake images, and much moreI am ExposingSMG and my name is pretty clear as to what I do. I’ve exposed the ins and outs on all things Hollywood for the past six years. My credibility is my biggest companion as you can see for yourself. My credibility page is still in progress though.
You can call this part of the post as part 1, which will be dissecting Michael’s life. For those of you who don’t know about the Michael Jackson allegations (most of my readers are from 2011+ drama era, so please MJ fans hold the eye rolls if you see me explaining things about him that seem obvious to you lol) let me briefly explain what they are.
In 1993, Michael faced allegations that he molested a child and in 2005, those allegations came up again because of the ‘Living with Michael Jackson’ documentary that projected suspicion on different children. Then, the “Leaving Neverland” documentary aired in 2019, bringing back all those allegations up again.
I don’t want to spoil the ending for you all, but is any of this true? NO.
BUT we aren’t going to get into those allegations yet so keep your theories to yourselves until you’ve read all parts of the post. In order to UNDERSTAND why these allegations even came up in the first place, you are going to have to understand how they came up.
Let’s start!
Michael Jackson’s Childhood
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*shivers* It’s always the “childhood” that comes back and haunts you.
Michael Jackson had a very tragic and traumatizing childhood. He was a child star at the age of 7 and was a member of The Jackson 5 (styled as The Jackson 5ive), with his other four brothers; Tito, Marlon, Jackie and Jermaine Jackson.
The Jacksons started singing and performing at many theaters, talent shows, and clubs. Everyone loved how happy and talented they were.
They had huge hits that charted on Billboard Hot 100 and this got them a record deal with Motown. The Jackson 5 have sold more than 100 million records worldwide, making them one of the best-selling bands of all time. They were inducted to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1997 and the Vocal Group Hall of Fame in 1999. They were also the first group to debut with four consecutive number one hits on the Hot 100 with I Want You Back, ABC, The Love You Save, and I'll Be There. They also have huge Grammy award credibility.
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Seems incredible, right? Sure, but here’s what went down behind the scenes.
The Jackson 5 were founded and managed by their father, Joe Jackson.
Joe Jackson was determined to have his children succeed and achieve fame no matter what they got exposed to. Joe overworked his children and didn’t see anything wrong with that.
Michael would get tutored for three hours a day then record in the studio until it was bedtime. He did this along with his brothers every single day. If it wasn’t recording, it was practicing or preforming or touring. Either way, they didn’t get a break.
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Here’s what Michael said about his childhood:
“One time we were getting ready to go to South America and everything was packed and in the car ready to go and I hid and I was crying because I really did not want to go, I wanted to play. I did not want to go.”
-Michael Jackson
“I remember going to the recording studio and there was a park across the street and I’d see all the children playing and I would cry because it would make me sad that I had to work instead.” -Michael Jackson
He’s explaining moments from his childhood when he was 7-9 years old.
Michael being overworked as a child isn’t the most terrifying thing about this situation. It was their father who constantly abused them.
Joe Jackson would beat his children if they missed a step, a beat or even did an overall good performance instead of an excellent one.
Joe was a very violent person and anyone who has worked with the Jacksons or has sat with them long enough, has a story to tell about how violent he was to his children.
A flight attendant once witnessed how Joe treated Michael and said “whatever problems Michael had later in his life, I place at least some of the responsibility at his father’s feet.”
Michael was also incredibly scarred by him, not just from the physical abuse, but from the emotional abuse as well. Joe would threaten to drop all of them like “hot potatoes” if they ever stopped singing and performing. He would tell them this while they were still children so you can only imagine the great emotional trauma that came with it.
Joe showed no mercy when it came to emotionally and physically beating his children. Michael would say his mother, Katherine Jackson, would come running in saying “Joe stop it! Stop it you’re gonna kill him!”
Joe also didn’t allow his children to call him dad or daddy.
“We weren’t allowed to call him dad or daddy when we were growing up. He would say ‘don’t call me dad, I am Joseph to you.” -Michael Jackson
Michael would stand up to his father which in return made his father even angrier.
“[I would say] ‘Joseph, if you hit me again, I’m not performing’, he would said “don’t you know I will kick your motherfucking ass’… and I said ‘you hit me again and I won’t perform!’ and he knew I was the star performer…my brothers used to say ‘Mike you crazy man, you crazy.’”
-Michael Jackson via a phone recording.
“We were terrified of him… so terrified… I would regurgitate just seeing him… sometimes I’d faint and my bodyguards would have to hold me up” -Michael Jackson
“One day, he [Joe] said to me ‘why are you scared of me?’ I couldn’t answer him. I felt like saying ‘Do you know what you have done? Do you know what you have done to me?’” -Michael Jackson
Now some of y’all may be wondering “Why is she giving us a complete rundown of Michael Jackson’s relationship with his father?” And for that I say, his childhood greatly impacted him as a person, in his adulthood and in his fatherhood.
Many of us wouldn’t be able to comprehend the information I’m going to give y’all later on without at least having some sort of knowledge on his childhood and his personal beliefs.
The Jackson 5
This section is just going to give you a quick rundown to why Michael wasn’t into clubs, drinking, partying, etc., in his adulthood. Some people find it weird that the most famous celebrity would rather spend his time at Disneyland instead of partying with 45 girls around him. Here’s why.
Like I previously stated, their father didn’t have an issue with exposing them to inappropriate scenes in order for them to achieve fame, success, and recognition.
Here’s how Michael describes his times at these clubs and bars.
“When I was little, I grew up in an adult world. I grew up on a stage. I grew up in night clubs. When I was seven, eight years old, I was in nightclubs. I saw striptease girls take off all their clothes. I saw fights break out. I saw people throw up on each other. I saw adults act like pigs. That’s why to this day, I hate clubs. I don’t like going to clubs - I did that already, I’ve been there.”
DISCLAIMER: Joe Jackson did not expect nor allow his children to be apart of these nightclub activities. He made sure their only purpose for going there was to perform. After that they would pack up and leave.
Many people that judged Michael for the child-like hobbies he enjoyed as an adult, didn’t seem to realize there was a reason he enjoyed certain things and hated other things. Most people don’t even realize that The Jackson 5 was literally a group made up of children who were exposed to the adult side of the world and the twisted industry, at a very early age.
Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images
On top of that, Michael achieved stardom in a world that was still racist and more upfront about it, than today. That played a big part in the upcoming allegations and his life in the limelight in general. Not saying Amerikkka still ain’t racist. They are.
“So when I became sixteen, seventeen and guys were like ‘Let’s go clubbing’ I would go, ‘Are you crazy’ and the guys would say ‘No, are you crazy? We can get girls, we can get liquor.’ But I had done that. I did that when I was a baby. Now I want to be a part of the world and life I didn’t have. Take me to Disneyland.”
-Michael Jackson
Most of us see celebrities going to parties, doing drugs, drinking, hooking up with everyone, and then we look at a person like Michael and go ‘“oh something has to be off with him.” You don’t realize that he spent his entire childhood living a scene that most people live in their mid 20’s, not when they’re seven.
I don’t think he could have made it ANY MORE clearer as to why he enjoyed more of the “childish” stuff than he did enjoy the “adult” stuff.
Also let’s not get it twisted, Michael did have girlfriends and he would go out to clubs, after parties, and go out on dates with other women, during his adulthood
Here’s just a few examples.
Michael Jackson and Madonna
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Michael and Brooke Shields
Michael and Whitney Houston
Michael with his then wife, Lisa Marie Presley
So the stereotype of him not having an actual adult lifestyle with people his age, is completely exaggerated.
For the most part, he liked to keep that side of his life private and so he didn’t actively talk about it in interviews, but it did exist. Honestly I can keep listing people and other dates, but you all get what I’m saying.
He just personally didn’t enjoy clubbing and that party life style as much as celebrities at his age do. All of it has to do with the fact that he was already exposed to it very early.
He didn’t have a childhood growing up because he dived straight into adulthood, so obviously he payed more attention to what he didn’t have.
Which brings me to my next point…
good god LMAOOOO
In 1987, Michael bought a ranch which he renamed Neverland, for 19.3 million dollars (some people believe he bought it for $30 million). Neverland is currently on sale for a discounted price of 31 million dollars.
Lmao “discounted.” It actually used to be on sale for 100 million dollars and I’m not sure why it was that high.
Neverland is a world that Michael decided to create where he can share all the fun and joy with family, friends and fans.
Michael with his cousins at Neverland.
Most- if not, all celebrities wouldn’t buy a 20 million dollar house and think “oh! I can make an entire attraction site where my fans, family, friends and sick underprivileged children can visit.” But then again most celebrities don’t got Michael Jackson money.
Here are different quotes from Michael and what he had to say about Neverland. Here you can see how his childhood impacted his adulthood.
“When I was creating Neverland, I was creating a world the way I would like to see it. I wanted it to be a place to bring sick kids who are deprived and underprivileged from around the world … A haven for them, where they could feel safe and have some escapism.”
- Michael Jackson
“It was me being myself, creating things that I love. And what I love, kids happen to love, or the child that lives inside the adult happens to love…you know?” -MJ
“There are grown-ups who come to Neverland and they say to me: ‘You know, I haven’t done the the thing I have done here, in years… you can let your guard down and be a child again’ I say: ‘That’s what Neverland is for. To return to your innocence. To have fun.” -MJ
“People always say ‘why is he always with children?’ Well you know, I was raised in a world with adults… we worked, we worked, we worked, there was no Christmas, there’d be no birthdays… So, I’m compensating, nature made sure that I compensate for the loss…” -MJ
The thing is, Michael never made it a secret that he related more with children than adults. Society just decided to turn that into a weird/bad thing, when in reality there was nothing mischievous about an adult making up for his robbed childhood, that was filled with abuse.
All throughout Michael’s life, adults have used him, judged him and disappointed him.
The biggest example of this? Oprah Winfrey.
Washington post
Oprah Winfrey kissed Michael’s ass so much in the 1990’s, you would’ve thought she was running a secret fan page for him. Not only did she idolize him to his face, she also idolized The Jackson 5. She said growing up, The Jackson 5 were great representations for black people in America.
Oprah cares so much about victims in Hollywood and justice, but here she is kissing long time friend and accused sexual predator, Harvey Weinstein.
So years after his death, what is Oprah doing now? FUNDING the “Leaving Neverland” documentary.
For those of you who don’t know, the “Leaving Neverland” documentary accuses Michael of sexually assaulting these two guys and basically their story. All accusations will be discussed later, no worries!
This happened to Michael many times. People, record labels, producers, and award committees started to have it out for him randomly. No one ever really had beef with him, but one by one, they all turned against him.
Michael has expressed his feelings towards this by saying “they don’t want a successful black man in the industry and they didn’t like it when I broke records after records and had white girls all over me.”
Talk ya shit king.
Anyway back to regular programming,
Here are some things people have said about the Neverland attraction.
“It was unreal, like you were on a different planet. Neverland is designed to make you feel like you don’t have any responsibilities.” -Leon Jones, an artist who worked with Michael.
“The most remarkable outcome from working at Neverland is how much we became a family. In working with him, he made me understand that being able to give to other people is not something everyone can do. Most people don’t know that Michael took so much time to every detail and the purpose of Neverland. The message was “You are very special” for each visitor of Neverland.” -Violet Gaitan-Silva, head of security and worked for Michael for 16 years.
Yes he was just that nice, I don’t know what else to say. I know we are all used to celebrities spitting on us, but every once in a blue moon, you actually get a normal one.
Also I remember this quote from Violet Gaitan-Silva, talking about Neverland:
“Very few times did Michael come out to greet event guests, if he did, the day would suddenly become about him and he avoided attention. He wanted the children to enjoy themselves.”
I’m going to come back to this quote later.
Michael Jackson leaving a positive impact
I’ve heard the expression “the abused, abuse” many times before. It’s an expression which means that people who grow up in an abused household, tend to abuse others when they’re older.
Many people like to use the fact that Michael got abused by his father to say that’s why he later on “abused” children. However, this statement isn’t based on facts because the expression isn’t 100% accurate. There are many people who end up pitying themselves and tend to lead negative lives, but then there is the other outcome. It’s the people who learn from others mistakes and learn what not to do.
“I always said if I ever had kids I will never behave this way. I won’t touch a hair on their heads. Because people always say the abused, abuse, and it is not true. I am totally the opposite”
-Michael Jackson
Michael did learn from his childhood and he understood the unfortunate lives of others.
Michael was a one of a kind humanitarian that has given around 300 million dollars to charity, and holds the record in Guinness Book of World Records for “Most Charities Supported by a Pop Star.”
Here are some memorable times he’s left a positive effect on others. (I’m putting this in this post because you don’t spend hundreds of millions of dollars making the world a better place for you to be a player in making it evil. And these are public records but were never advertised to the public.)
- On December 13, 1984, Michael visited the unit for burn victims at "Brotman Memorial Hospital" in Los Angeles. Among the victims, he meets Keith Perry, who burned over 90 percent of his body in a car crash. The surgeons declare that Jackson’s visit at Perry’s bedside was the main reason he had pulled through: "Michael encouraged him, talking to him for hours," Los Angeles hospital spokesman, Judy Davis, said.
- On January 6, 1990, Michael organized a festivity for 82 deprived children at his residence via "Childhelp USA," who are offered a tour of the ranch, games to play, a barbecue as a meal, and a film representation to watch: "The Little Mermaid" and "Back To The Future II".
-August 18, 1990, Michael welcomed 130 children from the "YMCA" summer program in Los Angeles and Santa Barbara, treating them to a barbecue meal, video games, a free pair of footgear and the permission to visit his private zoo and watch films.
Keep in mind that whenever the children came to “Neverland,” their parents were there and so was the work staff. For the majority of the time, Michael was on tour, but he allowed “Neverland” to be open for the kids and families.
- On February 3, 1992, during a press conference at the New York Radio City Music Hall, he said that the mission and creation of "Heal The World Foundation" is to provide rescue to children worldwide; protection against abuse; caregiving; delivering medication for children, fight world hunger, and convey awareness on children’s rights and necessities in order to improve world’s life standards.
- Between February 11 and February 18, 1992 - and on occasion of Black History Month - Michael toured 30,000 miles of the African continent in 11 days (covering Gabon, The Ivory Coast, Tanzania, Kenya and Libreville), where he visited medical centers, schools, churches, children’s housings and educational NGO’s for disabled children.
These all come from the site I practically covered about 0.1% of the “Charity” section. Read more for yourself.
With all of this information, I can’t believe some people are letting Michael be used as a Hollywood scapegoat when in reality he did more good than our faves COMBINED.
The next example is the most impactful in my opinion.
“On August 8, 1994: Michael and his then wife, Lisa Marie Presley, met a the four year-old boy (Bela) during a visit to the Bethesda Children’s Hospital, when MJ was in Budapest, Hungary shooting a music video. Doctors at the hospital told MJ that Bela’s mother had abandoned him and that his father rarely visits him. MJ and Lisa Marie were so touched by the boy who had been in the hospital since his birth, that they returned the following day for several hours to visit and sit with him. Bela was diagnosed with a congenital liver disease that discolored his skin and prevented him from digesting food. Without a transplant, doctors gave him one year to live.
Bela’s transplant was to take place at a Western hospital, as those in Hungary did not have the necessary equipment for the transplant. The estimated cost for the transplant was $120, 000. MJ pledged funds from Heal the World, the charitable foundation he created in 1992 to cover all expenses related to Bela’s transplant.”
Bela is currently now healthy and living.
All I’m saying is NO ONE dedicates this much time, energy, and MONEY to end up being the bad guy. This is where some common sense needs to come into play.
All the facts will be in the next part, but for right now let’s come to an understanding.
From the site that I previously listed, there is god knows how many examples to choose from. There’s like 200 experiences listed, probably more??? I don’t know.
But you don’t dedicate free time out of your life, to orchestrate an entire world for children and adults to enjoy (Neverland ranch) and then make it your mission to save children and pay for hospital bills, funeral expenses, transplants, foundations, etc., just for you to be a child molester in private.
This industry is the one that abuses its stars. Those who manage the stars are who abuse them, for the most part. Plus the time that Michael started his career, he was shining through a very racist industry. Running this blog and hearing all these accusations about Michael made me think twice. “Maybe he is the abuser and the roles are reversed,” but how when Dark Hollywood runs its stars? Dark Hollywood abuses its stars and then plants stories about them in the public to get them in check. You ever heard your fave celebrity had a “fake death” news story? Yeah that’s Dark Hollywood sending them a message saying “Get yourself in check before we make this a reality for you.” We will elaborate more on Dark Hollywood in the forthcoming posts (read the Miley post day 3, it’s insane) and the allegations, but please keep this in mind.
Just from this observation alone, it doesn’t make sense. You don’t spend most of your free time trying to make the world better for people only to contradict your millions and then end up hurting children in private.
Now like I said, this is an observation and a statement. The facts and all that bullshit will come into play later. Just keep it in mind that,
No person spends 300 million dollars healing the world, just for them to end up taking away what they’ve given.
Even a psychopath wouldn’t sit there dedicating hundreds of millions and hundreds of hours helping people out for some sort of public act. Real Hollywood pedophiles don’t even do that.
Humans aren’t that smart LMAOO
Also take a look at Hollywood’s known child molesters. None of them have a history of dedicating time, money and effort to making the world a better place. They’re too busy ACTUALLY molesting people behind the scenes. And who’s being exposed nowadays for being Hollywood molestors? Executives. Producers. Those who run the show.
Not only did Michael save strangers he didn’t know, he extended his charity to his former brother in law, from trying to kill himself by jumping off a roof.
James DeBarge was briefly married to Janet Jackson (Michael’s sister) in 1984.
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“One time I was on the roof of his house. I was going to jump and everyone was losing it, he was the only one not freaking out. He seemed to be familiar with my pain. He knew I needed someone to talk to. So we just talked all night and I forgot that I was even on that roof and that I was going to jump.” -James DeBarge.
Once again, a bad person such as a child molester, wouldn’t give a single shit about who was threatening to kill themselves and what not. They probably would’ve just watched in amusement.
Now listen, I’ve been running this blog for six years now. SIX YEARS. I have seen, heard and wrote about some of the most fucked up shit that has happened in Hollywood. They have special locations for certain things so they can get away with everything. You really think billionaire Michael Jackson is gonna molest you in his home? With your whole family next door? With all his employees working? 3+4 = fish????
Make THAT make sense. And I will explain the true Hollywood evils in our dark Hollywood posts. You’ll see what I mean by “they have special locations for certain things.”
Also, I can sit here and blab about how Michael Jackson is innocent, but that’s not the ESMG way.
The ESMG way is bringing all facts to the public eye with timelines, pictures, and explanations. Which you will all see soon in the follow up posts.
History has shown how much Michael cared about people and communities that it wouldn’t add up for him to contribute that much if he didn’t mean it. If you took a look at real Hollywood child molestors none of them would have contributed the effort to help people the way Michael did.
Another positive impact regarding Michael was when he forgave his father.
Read the full speech here.
The fact that he found it in his heart to forgive his dad for years of abuse and robbing him of his childhood, is strong. Not many abused children can forgive their parents and they will always look at them with hatred and disgust.
But Michael didn’t have it in his heart to not forgive his dad. Even if their relationship was always tense and painful. Which shows you that NOT ALL ABUSED CHILDREN END UP ABUSING.
I think Joe Jackson was a very strict father who handled things in a bad way. His way of raising reflects on his children and I can honestly say the Jackson family members all turned out to be decent people. If only he had a better way of communicating with them since abuse on children is one of the most cruel things a person can do.
But Michael did forgive him and you can read the full speech (it’s long, but heartwarming) in the link above.
Now that we have a background on who Michael was as a person, and we understand a little bit more of his upbringing and fame, we can address the allegations starting from the 1993 case.
If you entered this post believing that Michael is guilty of the accusations, you have every right to your own opinion. However, if you believe this because it’s popular belief and it’s what drenched our media, then you need to be aware of the facts which again, we will tackle in a future post.
Leave your comments down below where you guys can talk to each other about your opinions. In the next post we are going to be showing FACTS about the 1993 allegations and case. I know in some parts of this post we use common sense to disprove some of the thoughts about Michael, but in the next post those facts will add on to what we already know from this post.
Now a cute little message for the Michael Jackson Estate: get your checks ready, cause NO big social media platform with thousands of readers is sitting there giving their audience an APB on all things Michael Jackson, like I am. No one has dug up the shit I have and is putting it all on a platter for their audience to eat up.
Just kidding Michael Jackson Estate, pls don’t hit me!
I hope you guys enjoyed this post. If you are new here and are coming from the Michael Jackson fanbase, welcome! Hope to see you guys for our follow up to this post. Follow us on our social medias to be up to date with new posts. Don’t forget about the continuing end of the year marathon.
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