Let's talk about the mess that is Zayn Malik, Gigi Hadid, and Yolanda Hadid...

It’s been a little over a week now since the news of Zayn Malik hitting Gigi Hadid’s mother, Yolanda, broke out. Zayn is being charged with 4 counts of harassment which he plead no contest to and Zayn & Gigi finally broke up.

This story seems like something I’d expose through sources and be called a liar for because that’s how “unbelievable” it seems. But what do I always say? The secrets lurk deeper as the cameras go off.

What’s Been Reported:

TMZ first broke the story when they reported that Yolanda Hadid claimed that Zayn Malik struck her a week before the news hit the press and that she's seriously considering filing a police report.

Zayn was charged with 4 counts of harassment for allegedly berating Yolanda and pushing her into a dresser -- something he denies. He was also charged with harassing Gigi, who was in Paris at the time of the incident. And, he was charged with harassing the security guard, whom Zayn allegedly challenged to a fight. Zayn pled no contest, received a small fine and was ordered to take anger management courses.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... Zayn was at Gigi's home Sept. 29, where he was staying because he wanted to be close to his daughter. Our sources say on that day Yolanda "barged" into the house, without calling beforehand or even knocking at the door.

We're told this was an ongoing source of conflict ... Zayn felt Yolanda was acting like the house was hers and ignoring his position as the boyfriend of Gigi and father of their little girl. Our sources say Zayn made his feelings known once she entered, but Yolanda wasn't having it.

Here’s what the official documents that were filed against Zayn cited:

He allegedly called Yolanda a "f***ing Dutch slut," ordered her to "stay away from [my] f***ing daughter." He said this, although it's hard to know why, "the f***ing sperm that came out of [my] f***ing c***."

He then allegedly "shoved her [Yolanda] into a dresser causing mental anguish and physical pain." Zayn denies any physical contact.

As for the charge that he harassed Gigi, according to court docs, he screamed at her, "strap on some f***ing balls and defend your partner against your f***ing mother in my house." Sources with direct knowledge tell us Gigi was actually in Paris, but Zayn allegedly said this to her on a phone call during the incident.

There was a security guard on hand, and according to the docs, Zayn screamed, "Get the f*** out of my f***ing house, copper." The docs say Zayn tried to fight the guard.

Zayn pled no contest to the harassment charges and was fined, but had certain conditions that must be met. He is required to finish an anger management class and a domestic violence program. He's also on 90 days probation for each count, totaling 360 days. He is also not allowed to have any contact with Yolanda or the security guard.

Pleading no contest is the same as pleading guilty of your crimes, except for one notable difference—it means that Zayn [the accused] accepts the conviction but avoids a factual admission of guilt.

And in his official statement from twitter, he denies all the claims.

He also said that he pled no contest to keep family matters private because he doesn’t like how they’re publicized for all to poke at.

Here’s The Tea:

Firstly, Zayn & Gigi have been having relationship problems before the issue with Yolanda. They ended up breaking up shortly after the incident.

This is something that I said in the comment section of one of my posts and was later confirmed 2 days later.

They broke up shortly after the incident which took place on September 29.

Secondly, in the February Zigi post, we elaborated on the relationship between Zayn and Yolanda and clearly stated that Yolanda is not approving of Gigi’s relationship with Zayn anymore. I want to avoid repeating information, but make sure to read that post for more clarity.

Here are a few excerpts:

Did Zayn really hit Yolanda, harass her, and harass Gigi?

According to my source, yes. She even tells me that it’s something all insiders believe happened despite Yolanda being known for her dramatics BECAUSE, Zayn is known for his aggression.

Gigi has always been caught in the middle between her mom and Zayn because at one hand, she loves Zayn and wants to be with him, but on the other hand, her mom wants her with someone who is more beneficial toward her personally and career wise. We elaborated on this in the Zigi post where we talked about how Yolanda wants her daughters to bag billionaires, not washed up pop stars.

I’m not here by any means to claim that Gigi is innocent in this relationship or that Zayn is the one reaping in all the benefits, but one thing that all esmg readers know about Zayn & Gigi is that their relationship is TOXIC and fueled by… similar interests.

What do a model and a former boy bander have in common? You tell me.

I will say that Gigi hasn’t done anything “bad” to Zayn. As we’ve said before, she is very protective of him and quite obsessive. You can see this with how she always jumps in to defend him publicly. This same attitude is upheld behind closed doors, but this is what gets her caught in the middle.

Anyways, I’ve seen a lot of Zayn stans make excuses for his behavior and say that Yolanda barged into his house and she posted photos of baby Khai and blah blah blah. Basically, you are saying that Yolanda deseves to get shoved and verbally harassed because she walked into his house.

Raymond Hall/Getty Images

Yolanda is as annoying and attention thirsty as any other famous mom in Hollywood, but her going to her daughter’s home or even posting photos of her granddaughter, is not a crime. It ain’t illegal. Sure, leaking photos and news to the press ain’t morally ethical but it’s secondhand nature to celebrities.

Zayn has done his own share of PR with Gigi considering they started off as one of the fakest couples in Hollywood so he knew damn well what kind of family he was getting involved with.

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Another thing I wanted to talk about was Zayn pleading no contest instead of pleading guilty or legally denying the charges or even challenging them.

Here’s what my source said:

Zayn pleading no contest was a mutual agreement between all parties that he will deny the claims despite being guilty of them so each person gets their way. Yolanda gets her way by having him suffer consequences of his actions and Zayn will simply paint her as a liar.

But we all know that Zayn did harass her and Gigi since he usually takes out his anger on Yolanda through Gigi. He’s a very angry person and has been for years. Him lashing out shouldn’t surprise anyone.

A mutual agreement.

It’s basically the same as a tabloid publishing insider information that could cause serious damages to a celebrity image, but to avoid being sued, both the tabloid and the celebrity team will agree on 2 things: the tabloid CAN publish the information without being sued, but the celebrity will simply DENY.

If you guys remember, this is something that I’ve spoken up in regards to Selena Gomez and her relationship with the media. Several magazines printed out issues talking about her drug addiction, but what did Selena’s PR team do? Simply deny. This is the same case here with Zayn and this situation.

I promise you that if Zayn was NOT guilty of what he’s being accused of, his ass would have taken Gigi, her mother, and Baby Khai to fckin court. He is not the type of person to want to play peace and be like “for the sake of family, I’m going to take the hit.”

LMAOOOO NO. And if you believe that poor wittle Zayn is just taking the hit for the sake of privacy, you’re delusional… no offense.

No celebrity in their right mind will EVER take a hit for something they truly did not do. No celebrity team will ever stand for their client to take the hit for something they aren’t guilty of.

There is a reason as to why he’s dealing with FOUR CHARGES OF HARASSMENT. There’s a reason why he needs to go to an anger management class. There is a reason why he has to attend a domestic violence course. There are also a lot of details that happened behind the scenes that made them come to this final decision. There are legalities that he crossed.

Plus, we can argue that Yolanda is out to get Zayn but the fact that one of the charges are from a security guard too? Come on.

The Issue Is Zayn

We’ve talked a lot about Zayn and his issues in the past—it’s a common theme here on esmg. It’s one of the prime reasons why I don’t do updates on Zayn. There are no updates, it’s the same old story with him.

Because he has been living this sad cycle for years now, he’s shut people away from him and everyone ran away from him. No one wants to deal with him whether that is personally or professionally.

This is also probably why he developed this “obsession” or better yet, dependency on Gigi. She was the only person who kept coming back around.

She was with Tyler Cameron for a few months and then went back to Zayn like a week after and got pregnant. And at the time, we told you that he would consider marrying her and he has. It’s not because it’s true love, but it’s because of a toxic codependency.

I’m not saying that Zayn is a bad person. Any reader of mine who’s a Zayn stan knows how I feel about him. I think he has an insane amount of potential and he could be up there in status & fame alongside Justin Bieber and The Weeknd.

If he took his solo career serious and wasn’t crippled by his own issues, he would have been the most famous solo act from One Direction. It wouldn’t have been Harry Styles sorry Harry, love u, it’ aint personal.

But Zayn is crippled by his issues. Whether that’s his mental health problems or substance abuse, it cripples him. He doesn’t do anything else. He loves making music but he treats it as a hobby, not a career. He’ll also come back with an album when he needs money.

Zayn for GQ Spain

How many times did his team release information about him touring? They tease that sh!t like every week but what did I tell you? HE’S NOT GOING TO TOUR. And this goes back to everyone being fed up with him. Slowly, everyone will start walking away.

And what happened? His record label just dropped him.

According to the New York Post, Zayn was dropped by RCA after his third album “Nobody Is Listening” didn’t chart as well as expected.

The only truthful statement there is that he was dropped by RCA. He hasn’t been charting since his second album because most people don’t even know that he still makes music. His label doesn’t believe he’s worth the investment because:

  1. he never carries out what they want him to do

  2. he brings in no money

  3. they don’t like working with him. His team literally hates him because he’s impossible to control.

Everything that’s being reported by different sources to different media outlets are things that we’ve said on esmg for YEARS.

The Sun:


Also, literally in June he was fighting with some guy outside a bar in New York. TMZ reported that the guy provoked Zayn and whatnot, but what’s a consistent theme we see here? It’s always Zayn being “provoked” and not Zayn just casually lashing out.

And it’s come to the point where people know he’s unstable and a ticking time bomb in which one little situation could end up being a massive thing, and therefore it’s easy to provoke him. I fear that this is something that’s going to put a target on Zayn’s back because now he’s become an easy punching bag.

Don’t get me wrong, he made his own bed because he does have a lot of anger issues. The only sad part is that this will get exploited.

This brings me to Yolanda.

Yolanda’s Role

Gilbert Carrasquillo / GC Images

She will exploit the sh!t out of him. Is he an asshole that some might argue deserves it? Yeah, but Yolanda ain’t so innocent either. It’s why she ran to the media and had this whole thing publicized.

She will do anything to become the second reincarnation of Kris Jenner. When I say that Yolanda wants her daughters to bag billionaires, I need you to understand that Yolanda wants what Kris made for her kids. She wants to build an empire through her daughters.

That’s not happening because the Hadids are not as smart as the Kardashian Jenner clan.

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Because Gigi is a public figure who’s personal life made her this famous and relevant, Yolanda wants her relationship put to use. She wants Zayn at red carpet events. She wants the photo shoots. She wants them to attend fashion shows together. She wants what Zayn’s main purpose from the beginning was. Look at Zigi in 2016 and how overexposed they were (because they were literally a PR). That’s what she wants.

And listen, as her momager, that is understandable. She’s not her actual manager but she works very closely with her manager and influences all decisions tbh. Celebrities are only as interesting as their lives. The more interesting, the more they can milk it, the more they can benefit from it = $$$$$$$$$$$

What about Gigi?

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Gigi is in a tough place right now because she doesn’t want to ice Zayn out completely, but he also doesn’t treat her the best so there’s that. She’s in the middle between her mom and Zayn. As I previously stated in this post, he takes out his anger on Yolanda through Gigi. What he’s quoted saying to Gigi in the official documents is just insane.

"strap on some f***ing balls and defend your partner against your f***ing mother in my house."

He’s creative… I’ll give him that.

Zayn & Gigi BEEN toxic. This isn’t the first issue between Yolanda and Zayn and it probably won’t be the last. The happy couple that Gigi has been trying to paint for the past year is a lie as I have continuously said.

Gigi also likes putting on a front. She wants all the personal issues and bad things concealed from the public and her friends. Again, that’s understandable. But as we can see, it all came down crashing on her.

Celebrities and models specifically are all about trophies. Who has the sexiest wife? Who has the sexiest husband? Who booked the hottest modeling gig? It’s like high school. So in front of her friends, Gigi wants to flaunt. Yah I’m with the sexy Zayn Malik despite all the bad that literally comes spewing with him.

Everyone has their reasons as to why they stay in things that don’t work.

In my last post, I posed a question—did a baby make it all better?

Well, what is your final verdict now?

So that’s basically the story.

Feel free to ask any questions. I’ll be happy to answer and elaborate especially on Zayn & Gigi’s dynamic. I feel like there was a lot to address here so I can clarify any details you have because there is a lot more to this story. Let’s try to keep the comment section RELEVANT to the topic of this post. It’s hard enough as it is answering comments that are relevant to the post, let alone catering to other topics.

The blog has gained a wider audience and while I am very grateful that so many people enjoy reading esmg and being an active commentator, I do feel for readers and their frustration when we don’t get to all the comments. I hope that you can mindful of the fact that it is just 2 people vs. the readerbase. The comment section gets hectic to the point where it’s even hard to filter out the spam and sometimes our automatic system flags comments that aren’t spam. Just be mindful of that.

As always, let me know your thoughts in the comment section down below. Do you think there is more to the story? If so, what? What are your thoughts on the source info, the Hadid family, and Zayn in general? I’m excited to hear what you guys have to say about this because it is truly a mess.

Hope you guys enjoyed this post! Comment down below your thoughts and questions. You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that. I will be reading and replying back ;)

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