Someone is out to get Ariana Grande CANCELED... Let's talk about Ariana's perfect pop star image and marriage with Dalton Gomez
Blackmail has been a hot topic as of late on ESMG. We’ve talked about it in regards to Justin Bieber, Hailey Bieber, Selena Gomez, and now… Ariana Grande.
Originally, this information was going to be grouped into a random HIP post because there’s not that much to the story. However, a lot of you have been asking about Ariana & Dalton and Ariana in general, so hopefully this post quenches your thirst.
Ariana Grande via Instagram
Let’s talk blackmail…
Blackmail is very common in Hollywood. We’ve seen it play out several times in the media and one thing you should know is that once the information reaches the media… the blackmail didn’t pan out. When a celebrity is being blackmailed, they will do everything in their power to AVOID the information going public.
Duh! That’s the whole point of blackmail, right?
Back in August, my source told me that “There’s a video of her and her husband that someone’s threatening to leak. It’s supposedly very controversial.”
“Someone’s out to have her get ‘canceled’ on the Internet for sure.”
So naturally, I’m like “what’s the context of the video?”
I even spoke about this to one of my other sources and she asked if it was the video of Dalton & Ariana mocking Native Americans.
But that wouldn’t be the video because it’s something Ariana posted on her story herself. She just didn’t realize it was controversial and would be taken in an offensive light or else she wouldn’t have posted it. Ariana cares way toooooo much about her image which we’ll talk about in a moment.
By the way, I had no idea she was getting called out for this video. Arianators and her team sure have a way of burying controversy.
Ariana Grande via Instagram
My original source told me that she doesn’t know the context of the video, but word is going around between inner circles that it has to do with her and her husband.
About the Native American video, she said “I don’t think that’s the one because it’s something someone has on her that they’re threatening her with.”
What do you think the context of the blackmail has to do with?
My mind always goes to drugs or in this day and age, saying a slur on candid camera.
Whatever is going on behind the scenes seems to be working because none of this has come to light… yet.
I know that Ariana is deemed as one of the more “woke” celebrities, but according to my source, that’s not really the case.
“You know, so many people tell me Ariana is very ignorant behind closed doors, like how the entire good girl persona is completely opposite in person. Another cliche artist.” - my source
Ariana Grande via Instagram
Veteran readers or even OG Ariana stans remember the image that Ariana once had. She was a well known diva who was not professional with anyone she worked with, she was really rude to fans, she was an alleged coke addict, and she was just labeled as a horrible human being.
This was something that was SO out of hand behind the scenes, to the point where it was not a secret. She was actively getting dragged in the media because of how much negative press surrounded her. And listen, negative press doesn’t come out of thin air. There is always a story that happened which usually has some truth to it.
Anyways, I don’t want to talk too much about Ariana’s image back in the day because that was something I elaborated on in BOTH Ariana AAP posts.
Ariana’s Modern Day Image
One thing I always said about Ariana is that she’s THE perfect pop star.
Now I’m not saying this because I’m that fond of Ariana. I’ve always said she was a diva and on social topics, I said that she’s willing to learn; but she does love the praise that comes with being wOkE especially since stan culture nowadays has taken social issues as how-can-I-get-my-fave-brownie-points-from-this?
Ariana does her job as a pop star. She’s not like Demi Lovato who has aggressively irritated me in the past couple of months (yall know what Demetria meant to me… rip the Lovatic inside of me… jk relax).
Ariana is there to serve. As a pop star or a celebrity, your job is to DELIVER what the people WANT. Did anyone want a sex toy from Demi Lovato? Or an irrelevant podcast? Oh no, but that’s what they delivered with.
… sorry, I’ll talk about the Demi thing in a different post.
The reason I bring up Demi in regards to this Ariana topic is because I always remember when I was told yearssss ago that Ariana has become the pop star that Demi always wished they could become. It wasn’t in an evil jealous way, but more inspirational.
So whenever I talk about how Ariana has crafted herself into being the absolute textbook definition of an ideal celebrity and pop star (nowadays… not back in the day when she was a fckin menace), I subconsciously remember Demi and how they do the actual opposite.
Kevin Mazur/Getty Images
Back to regular programming.
When someone is the textbook perfect pop star, it means that their image and identity are basically clean in the PUBLIC eye.
That’s Ariana.
She is extremely cautious and careful of who she lets into her circle. If you were to approach Ariana with her posse, you’ll see that she keeps to herself and is very secluded from the outside world.
I’m not talking about approaching her at Nobu in LA or at Madison Square Garden in NYC, I’m talking about approaching her in a low-key situation where she doesn’t think she’s going to run into anyone or get photographed.
Since day 1, Ariana has been very quiet when it came to paparazzi outings which should tell you one thing—when she is being photographed, she knows and she planned for it.
Examples: Ariana during quarantine hiking and that time when she was talking to Justin Bieber at the side of the road or whatever that was.
Photo: Diggzy/ & Backgrid
This works in favor of Ariana because it creates the idea of exclusivity which will make people more excited to see Ariana when she is photographed because they’re not used to constant candids. This is something that we talked about in regards to Selena Gomez and her constantly disappearing.
It also benefits Ariana because she’s getting photographed on her terms and therefore controls the narrative, her image, her perception, etc..
This makes us turn to one source for Ariana content and that is… Ariana.
Ariana Grande via Instagram
All of the Instagram content that she gives us isn’t often from professional photoshoots or paparazzi photos. This in turn results in her controlling her aesthetic as a whole and therefore her entire brand.
THAT’S what makes her a textbook-perfect pop star.
To fans, they only know what Ariana puts out there and the content she does put out there is NOT personal DESPITE the fact that she allows you to think it’s personal.
but lord has she been serving….
It’s the illusion of intimacy and she has perfected that with her fanbase.
Now I’m not criticizing Ariana for her image because, at the end of the day, a celebrity image is their brand aka their career. Ariana excels at that and it’s why she has been able to speed past the competition and book her dream roles and reach new peaks in her career.
Whatever Ariana does, she makes it interesting somewhere. I didn’t care for her being a judge on The Voice and yet she’s constantly serving looks and everyone is talking about it.
When Miley Cyrus was a judge on The Voice, it didn’t bring the social media engagement that I thought it would and honestly, I can talk about Miley’s downhill image in the industry for days.
I want to wrap up this image section by talking about her physical appearance as opposed to her reputation.
Physical Appearance
Ariana Grande via Instagram
Lately, she’s been looking absolutely gorgeous. I always used to find her pretty, but nowadays… she’s looking her absolute best. I don’t know if it’s the marriage glow or the lack of excessive tanning which led to finally embracing her own features without trying to change them, or it’s surgical.
I will say that there are a lot of obvious physical changes in her face. No it’s not weight loss because I don’t know how much more weight that the girl can lose.
She did something, I’m not sure what, but she did something.
The first row is 2020 vs. 2021. The second row is 2018 vs. 2021.
And I know I’m not the only one who thinks this because I’ve seen a lot of fans want to prove that she looks exactly the same. They posted the following comparison saying “no difference” when really it proves the fact that there are physical changes…
For starters, it looks like she got another nose job. And secondly, something is different about her chin and jawline and I know that many celebrities & influencers get botox in that area.
I’m not a plastic surgeon, but let me know what you think.
Ariana and Dalton
According to my source, they’re being blackmailed as we discussed. I don’t know any other details, but once I do, I will keep you updated.
Their marriage is very low-key.
We’ve talked in the past about how their relationship wasn’t spontaneous and it wasn’t a sudden engagement, but rather one that Ariana wanted. She felt that she was ready for marriage at that time and Dalton filled the role.
According to one of my other sources (not the same one that gave the blackmail info), she tells me that she’s been hearing things about Ariana and Dalton and “their marriage where I think she needs to keep a close eye on her money.”
In the past, you guys have brought up in the comment section how Dalton was apparently in a serious relationship with this girl whom he left or cheated on with Ariana.
If that’s true, that would not be shocking as that is Ariana’s track record with literally every relationship.
Messages between me and source 1:
Messages between me and source 2:
I hope you guys enjoyed this latest Ariana post!
For more Ariana posts, check out the Ariana Grande tag on exposingsmg:
Make sure you guys leave me your thoughts, insight, and questions! We talked about a lot in today’s post so I’m looking forward to reading the comments. Let’s try to keep the comments respectful and relevant to this topic so it can give me the chance to reply and interact.
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