Charlie Puth and Selena Gomez's Relationship Explained: Everything That Went Down Between Them
Kevin Mazur/Getty Images
“You Just Want Attention”
Can someone please remind me why Charlie Puth’s GENIUS interview didn’t get the recognition it deserved? I mean surely the interview has over 5 million views on Youtube, but why hasn’t anyone connected the dots that his song ‘Attention’ is about Selena Gomez?
Besides the fact that he practically screamed it’s about her, he also goes into DETAIL describing the tactics she used on him. Now obviously I wouldn’t be “ExposingSMG” if I didn’t bring this story to life and paint out a picture for you to all see.
Watch it now:
In today’s video, I use clips from Charlie’s GENIUS interview while also giving you a song analysis of both Attention and I Warned Myself. The way Charlie describes Selena is the exact same way I’ve been describing her since 2013.
Her fans have tried to brand Charlie as this obsessed hobo because once they saw him coming out to expose her, they got scared and did something they always do when someone claims Selena isn’t as perfect as she pretends to be. They dismissed it as “oh he’s so obsessed with her.”
The reason we are making this video in 2020 is to incorporate Selena’s words herself. Everyone always cries about hearing her side of the story so come on, let’s hear it from her mouth exactly.
Not only does Charlie expose Selena, Selena exposes herself in a GENIUS interview of her own. Her exact words are used to describe the art of manipulation which is the same exact way Charlie described her! So make sure to keep watching till the end to get a little play by play.
We had another post up this year that talked about what Selena exposed in her GENIUS interview in regards to her relationship to Justin Bieber.
“Well how are you going to use that interview for Charlie, huh?” Good question! Watch the video.
One thing you should understand about people in general is that the way they are in one situation is often the way they are in another. You can’t undo a person’s character (unless through extensive personality rewiring I guess).
So what’s interesting about Selena is that there is a consistent theme with her because a person doesn’t often change especially when they make no effort to. With Selena, you’ll see the same issues that she had with Justin arise with Charlie and arise with The Weeknd and so on.
In Selena’s interview, she was talking about HERSELF and HER tactics without even knowing she is. Also, GENIUS interviews tend to be raw and I’ve watched quite a bunch to realize that celebrities start rambling when talking about their songs. Even Charlie was rambling during his interview.
And with an exposing blog like this one, we love when they ramble because it exposes the truth ;)
Let me know what you thought of the video and the comparisons between both interviews. Do you have any other insight to add? Comment down below! You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that. We will be reading and replying back ;)