Exposing Demi Lovato As A Person: Who She Really Is Behind The Scenes


Demi Lovato is one of pop’s biggest stars today and she’s known for sharing her personal story, uncomfortable struggles, and advocacy work. With a celebrity like Demi who is constantly exposing herself every year, what more is there to her? To that I say: there’s so much more to Demi.

Welcome to the Demi Lovato: As A Person post. This post has been anticipated since 2017 so I’m happy that you’re all finally here and reading. Quick shout out to all the new Demi fans that we have made into readers throughout this crazy year. You guys are a great audience and a wonderful new addition to the reader base of this blog. Let’s start, shall we?


Trigger warning: This post is going to talk a lot about some heavy topics such as mental illness, depression, suicide, drug addiction, and more.

Demi has been very candid about her life so I’m going to do my best to shed more light onto that as opposed to repeating what is already out there. This post will mainly focus on how those things impacted her and resulted in the Demi that we see today.

Her Parents and Childhood

I’m a big science gal so I’ve done a lot of studies with genetics and even more specifically, epigenetics. Epigenetics focuses on heritable changes that aren’t based on altering the gene sequence itself but moreover on how that is EXPRESSED. What this means is that according to several studies done, drug addiction and mental illness can be genetic. Environmental exposures or the choices that people make can actually affect the structure of DNA which in turns affects your day to day life.

Thank you for attending biology class with Angela.

But no seriously, I mention this because both Demi’s parents come from a history of drug abuse and mental illness.


It’s reported that Demi’s mom, Dianna De La Garza, wanted to be a big country star when she was younger; but her dreams were derailed when she developed an eating disorder very early in her life. On top of that, she struggled a lot with body image and developed an obsession with the need to be perfect. Dianna later developed a problem with alcohol followed with a pill addiction that lasted a very long time.

Demi was estranged from her birth father, Patrick Lovato (RIP). Demi has said that he was mean and abusive despite wanting to be a good person. He was mentally ill and Demi believes that that’s the reason as to why he was incapable of raising a family. Patrick had his own set of mental illness and trouble with addiction.


Nearly every album that Demi has released, she has included a song about her father. She nearly got a b!tch in tears when she’s out here belting about him.

Demi look a little british here to anyone??

Demi look a little british here to anyone??

Demi’s sister, Dallas, has been to rehab before and struggled with not feeling like she was enough in comparison to the big star that Demi was.

What all of this means is that Demi comes from an extremely broken home and all of that has impacted her in way where she probably couldn’t have avoided it even if she wasn’t a big celebrity involved in the toxic Hollywood scene.

Demi has a lot of daddy issues (that’s literally the title of one of her songs) and so her father’s history with drug addiction made her compelled to do drugs to see what is that was so good about drugs, that her father left her for them.

She says that her first encounter with drugs was when she was 17 and it was during her Disney channel days. Surprise surprise. One day I should make a post about how drugs are actually encouraged with young celebrities.


Since Demi’s family has always been so broken especially when it comes to the topic of drugs, it plays a huge role in why she has continuously relapsed. It’s the idea that it’s all she knows.

And when it all wasn’t enough, she would self harm.

Let me tell you about a story.

Back when Demi was filming Sonny with a Chance, her drug addiction was at its peak during that time. It was to the point where her family knew about it and just hoped that they wouldn’t find her dead in her sleep. I believe Dianna spoke about this specific story where she was waking Demi up for work one day and found a bloody rag next to her on her sheets. She shouted at her so she can wake up because she was terrified that she was dead and when Demi did, she literally said “I’m sorry, I won’t do it again.”


The reason I’m emphasizing Demi’s family dynamic is because it’s kind of all she knows. That lifestyle is her “normal” and in a way, normalcy comes with comfort. You know what to expect when doing xyz. We see this type of behavior reflected in Demi’s day to day life. She doesn’t know when to leave an abusive relationship. She doesn’t know what type of friendship behavior is normal. She thinks she can handle her drug addiction. It’s all these aspects of what’s NORMAL to Demi.

For Demi to attempt a life of sobriety or even little things like understanding loyalty or loving yourself, it’s like she’s rewiring who she is at her core. This is why Demi’s struggle with addiction and mental health is always such a fragile thing for her that she can easily return to at any given moment in time.

Demi had the unfortunate luck of experiencing that life before the crazy fame. I talk all the time about how celebrities develop a drug addiction and a lot of mental health problems in the industry that’s built to work against them, but with Demi… being a part of the industry kind of HEIGHTENED what she already knew.


Suddenly, everything was extreme. This is why she has continuously relapsed (no she wasn’t completely sober until 2018 sorry to burst your bubble).

Before we move on to the section of how Demi was on drugs, for context I want to say that she suffered from bipolar disorder, Anorexia nervosa (that’s the specific type of eating disorder), depression, and self harm.

Demi’s Struggle With Drugs


When a person develops an addiction, that addiction becomes part of them. It becomes part of WHO they are as a person because it affects their personality.

According to many sources I’ve spoken to, when Demi is on a drug binge or just isn’t sober, she can be insufferable.

If you’ve ever heard any bad stories about Demi or her just being rude or difficult to work with, she was most likely on a bad drug binge.

An addict will do anything for another high. With Demi, that was the case. Whether she lashed out at someone who tried to help her or did anything in her power to contact her drug dealer, she wasn’t the nicest person to be around.

This is what led to her hitting her backup dancer back in 2010 which led her to leave tour with the Jonas Brothers and go to rehab.


Alex Welch, the girl she hit, exposed Demi for being on drugs and when Demi found out it was her who outted her… she beat the b!tch up.


Keep in mind that I’m talking about Demi when she isn’t sober.

Demi can also be a very conniving and deceiving liar when she’s on drugs. Like I said, an addict will do anything for a high. Now this shouldn’t shock any Demi fan reading this because our girl has admitted to this. She was the one to say that she would drink vodka out of a Sprite bottle at 9 am in the morning.

Back in 2009 and 2010, Demi had a really bad cocaine addiction. She said that she was able to smuggle coke on planes and wait until everyone in first class would go to sleep so she can do it right there. In her words, “I couldn’t go 30 minutes to an hour without cocaine.” The crazy part? She would have a sober companion traveling along with her and she was able to hide it from them.

She literally said, “I would manipulate everyone around me. There were times I would just lie, so that everything looked okay on the outside.”


Damn Demi… you ain’t leaving me much exposing here!

Basically, she was a nightmare. She would get paranoid if anyone questioned her about her drug usage so she would gaslight them on the spot.

In her 2017 Simply Complicated documentary, she said, “I was not easy to work with. I was using while I had a sober companion, and I went through about 20 different sober companions. I didn't feel anything. I didn't feel guilty. I didn't feel embarrassed. I would sneak out, get drugs. I would fake my drug tests with other people's pee, and I'd lie straight to their faces. It's embarrassing to look back at the person that I was."

When Demi did manage to get sober at different parts in her life, she would put her ENTIRE LIFE AND WELL BEING into these other people because she knew that she couldn’t handle herself. She was an A list manipulator and a great liar so if she didn’t put herself in the hands of someone else, she wouldn’t be able to get better.

Photos: Billy Farrell/BFA/REX/Shutterstock & Startracks Photo/REX/Shutterstock

With Demi’s unfortunate luck, that’s how people were able to take advantage of her.

I have a theory that Demi would have been truly sober a long time ago and mentally in a better place years ago, if Wilmer Vladerrama (aka scum of the earth) wasn’t in her life.


He was basically living off of her while being the absloute worst. He had her convinced that he was going to propose and never did. Instead, he kept digging her downfall further and when he finally left, he proposed to someone else after playing Demi for 6 years. I just…

I expose a lot of celebrities, but you have to be a special type of low to really resonate with me calling you the scum of the Earth. Anyways, my explosive post on Demi and Wilmer from 2016 was confirmed by a leaked song of Demi’s in 2020. You can check it out now:

Let’s go back to the part where I spoke about how Hollywood encourages drug usage.

Imagine this: you’re a cool 17 year old on Disney channel with your own show and you’re going out to clubs and parties with the industry’s newest little celebrities. Club promoters will 100% give you drugs because they want you to enjoy yourself and come back with your other rich celebrity friends who can also take more drugs.


Demi spoke about this in an interview in 2012 where she literally said, “Promoters gave me drugs and alcohol in restaurants or clubs. They wanted me to come back so I would be seen there. They were basically kissing my ass. I thought they were my friends. I thought I was having fun. Being a celebrity can be dangerous. Nobody says ‘no’. That’s why so many end up overdosing and dying. It could definitely have happened to me.”

Everyone needs to start paying more attention to Demi interviews. She exposes things to a degree that your usual celebrity does not cross.


When a celebrity is surrounded by yes-men, it’s easy for them to get anything they want. Private planes? Luxury handbags? And what else? Elite drugs.

That’s one way that drugs are promoted in the industry. Another way is through overworking them. It’s no secret that a lot of celebrities can be overworked. The younger you are, the easier it is for you to be forced into working too much. So what’s a line or 2 every hour to get you through the day? To get you through the tour? To get you through the interviews?


That’s the mentality.

Justin Bieber had a very similar experience in the industry and with his struggles as Demi. In the video I recently put up about Justin, I spoke about the highs and lows of fame.

In that same interview from 2012, Demi said, “What I can say is that I was depressed. I would come off stage in front of 18,000 people and suddenly be alone in a hotel room. I’d come crashing down and would try to find a way to recreate that feeling, to stay ‘up’.”

That literally ENCAPSULATES celebrities on tour. This is why a lot of celebrities have a fcking mental breakdown on tour and that’s what I spoke about extensively in the video.

Demi did drugs for a lot of reasons. She wasn’t just some crazy partying celebrity. She came from a history of drug abuse and addiction. Her mental health was the second driving factor behind her doing drugs. Demi also had a lot of body images issues and she was bullied because of it. She didn’t have friends that cared about her nor did she appreciate how she looked so she found solace in drugs. When you mix all of those factors in the industry setting, you get Demi’s outcome.


When Demi overdosed in 2018, she did so because she underwent a lot of change and things that were consistent for her for so many years, finally changed. 2018 was her breaking point.

For one, her management team wasn’t treating her the way she should have been treated. She literally hired people to take care of and help her get better, but they did the complete opposite of that. She spoke about it on Ellen this year where she said that her team would would have her hotel room phones removed so she couldn’t order room service. They even controlled her Starbucks order. She didn’t even know that her dressing room had snacks in it until she dropped them and she was like whoa, you guys always have snacks here? For her birthday, they would get a watermelon cake and put fat-free frosting on it and call it day.

Ellen Show

Ellen Show

That is not how you deal with someone who has an eating disorder and quite frankly, it sounds like they were almost MOCKING her eating disorder. They took certain measures with Demi that were extreme. There was never any moderation in her life and that’s exactly what she needed.

So she would go out alone and eat…


Dropping her old team was one thing. Dropping her longtime friendship with the Jonas Brothers was another thing.

Her fallout with them was… hard. Demi likes to act unbothered and tough, but that little protective wall is up for so long before it crumbles down. A friendship where you give it your all only for them to walk out on you the way they did takes a toll on your mental health.

So yeah her 2018 overdose was brewing for a while. She wasn’t being treated for her sickness like an actual medical professional would her treat and so, it’s not shocking that she relapsed because the foundation itself was SH!T.

After falling out with everyone, Demi started getting in touch with people who are practically known as drug dealers within the inside celebrity circle.

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G-Eazy… always an unpleasant time.

According to my source, he allegedly was supplying her with drugs during that time. I mean they were literally spotted together a few days before her overdose.

They never dated by the way. He even spoke about her in an interview saying that she was just a friend. This doesn’t mean that they didn’t hook up though.

She was also hanging out with Bella Thorne a couple of days before. Bella took this heartbreaking picture where Demi literally looks dead in the eyes.


Bella also deals with her own fair share of personal struggles.


Austin Hargrave

Austin Hargrave

Demi has had several outpatient rehab treatments. What that means is that she would be treated as if she was in rehab except… she wasn’t. A lot of celebrities do that because they don’t want to deal with the scrutiny of publicly going back to rehab. Usually outpatient rehab treatments don’t last that long and it’s why they’re not the most effective (in my opinion). It’s like a Band Aid in place even though you should be getting sutures.

After rehab in 2010, Demi relapsed a lot before she was sober. I think this is something all fans know because she spoke about it in her Simply Complicated documentary. After she left rehab in 2011, she wasn’t ready to get sober and didn’t follow what her program told her to do. Instead, she had a phone full of her drug dealers and was able to fake the drug tests she was taking. She almost overdosed during that time too.


After getting out of rehab in 2018, she wasn’t sober than either. It took her a while to get back on track and the reason why most people relapse after rehab is because of the environment they’re in. The mind is programmed to act in certain ways at certain times.

In rehab, you obviously can’t use. Once you get out, you’re back in the environment where you were initially using. It’s psychology. I know that a lot of people will be shocked to hear that she relapsed after almost dying, but things like this are often out of your control.

Sometime in 2019 when Demi was on her savior high and was dming randos to be better, she told one of them that she had been sober for a couple of months now and the timeline didn’t match up to when she got out of rehab, in comparison to now. Some people assumed that that was her saying that she relapsed.

Angelo Kritikos

Angelo Kritikos

According to my source, Demi did enter some sort of rehab facility in 2019. It happened when Demi was off social media for like a month. I remember her disappearing, but I didn’t know she was in rehab. I believe it was rumored that she was too.

I feel like she will confirm this in her youtube documentary in 2021.

ooooof okay so we spoke a lot about drugs and rehab in this post because it was a big phase of her life that impacted her to her core, but let’s move on to Demi’s personality.

Demi’s Personality (Good & Bad)

literally her best look

literally her best look

Demi is actually really strong and powerful in terms of how she holds herself. You may not think it, but a lot of her peers are intimidated by her. A big reason for that is because Demi doesn’t lead a lie. It’s like how are you going to expose Demi? Reveal her drug addiction? She can do that for you and include crazy details. A lot of celebrities have praised Demi behind the scenes because she’s doing what most of them can’t—tell the truth.

It’s why Selena Gomez put all her faith in Demi when Demi was there for her drug issues and rehab stints. There’s some sort of different trust that you put into a person when you know that they truly are an HONEST human being. Selena even said that it’s only Demi who knows her deepest darkest secrets. Too bad Selena never returned that treatment back to Demi.


I’m going to get into why Demi has bad luck with friends and love in a moment.

Back to her personality.

Demi is very outspoken and passionate so it often reads as bitchy to other people because she’s that intimidating. A lot of celebrities put on a show for the cameras and 90% of what they’re saying is something their publicist told them to say. Demi has always made a relationship with people because of her honesty and just outspoken personality.


In an industry where stan culture doesn’t appreciate honesty and instead enforces conforming and one “right” opinion, Demi comes off as annoying.

Whenever you see her get involved it’s because 1. she cares, 2. she wants to voice her opinion, and 3. she wants to prove a point (I’ll explain this in a moment).

But… let’s get into the toxic friends and relationships part because you’ll see how that plays out.

Toxic Friendships and Relationships

Demi has always gotten the bad end of the stick in life. She literally just has unfortunate bad luck, I don’t know.

You’ll always see her with toxic friendships and relationships because it’s all she knows. Going back to what I said in the beginning of this post about her upbringing having a huge impact on her adult struggles, toxicity is her NORMAL and to have something else, you basically have to rewire yourself to approach things differently.


Honestly, I hope Demi sees this post. I can give her some tips and maybe my sweet girl can understand it finally. It’s like is there anyone in her fcking life that can explain this to her???? If she’s going to a therapist that hasn’t pitched the idea of rewiring your life… change the damn therapist!! Sorry… it’s just… there’s a few things that we are all good at in life. For me, it’s exposing celebrities, understanding people/life, and being emotionally intelligent. Key things my friends.


Remember what I just said about Demi being outspoken that can sometimes read as annoying? Yeah Demi does that as a way of proving her loyalty to others. She wants to prove her loyalty so bad in hopes that people like that can be loyal to her in return. What she craves in people, she executes… but they don’t deliver.

Let’s talk about Ariana Grande.

During Ariana’s debut, she was heavily compared to Mariah Carey and often dragged. One day, Demi defended Ariana. Why? To prove her loyalty. It’s something that she does without knowing. She doesn’t do it to be like “yes Ariana is gonna see that I’m loyal.” No. It’s just something she does because she wants that in return.

did she have to say all of this?? nope not really but it’s like she has a big mouth + the need to prove her loyalty results in this lol

did she have to say all of this?? nope not really but it’s like she has a big mouth + the need to prove her loyalty results in this lol

Does Ariana defend Demi on any regular Tuesday where Demi is probably being dragged for god knows what? Nope!

Let’s talk about Scooter Braun.

The second Scooter signed Demi, he was in a godforsaken feud with Taylor Swift (Demi’s fcking luck of course). What did Demi do? Defend Scooter as a good man. Why? It’s like she unconsciously wants to say “Look I care for my management, they’re like my family. I’m here to defend you through it all! See, it’s a good idea you signed me.”

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If someone put a gun to Scooter’s head and said “Choose: Ariana or Demi.” He’s going to choose Ariana. If Demi was in that scenario, she’d probably sacrifice herself for someone else.


It’s this need she has to constantly prove herself and prove something to people because she’s always gotten the short end of the stick. So she feels like she has to do something to get something in return.

It has to do with the fact that her family was so fcking messed up and the fact that she was in a relationship with a grown man (Wilmer🤢🤮) who at such a young age taught her conditional love. “I’ll love you IF you look like this. I’ll love you IF you do this.”

A lot of fcking sh!t going on with Demi behind the scenes…. it’s why I’m sympathetic with her even though to the average person, it seems like she should be dragged.

This brings us to the next part of the post…

Acceptance & Inclusion

Since Demi has grown up not being accepted for who she is, she craved acceptance all her life. She feels as if she does so much for other people and in the end, they don’t do anything for her.


This theme comes up a lot in her friendship with Selena Gomez and it’s why I scheduled this post to go up after that post. Selena always chose Taylor over Demi despite Demi bending over backwards to take care of her and make sure she’s okay.

There came a point in Demi’s life where she befriended A listers just so she can feel included in the crowd. She was close to Jennifer Lopez at one point, but that didn’t really go anywhere.


She was even super close to Iggy Azalea, but that also didn’t go anywhere.

demi was supposed to be a bridesmaid lol

demi was supposed to be a bridesmaid lol

It’s not to say that she was ever feuding with them, but it was more of a friendship that was surface level. It wasn’t fake, but it wasn’t that deep at the same time. It’s also why it didn’t last any test of life.

It’s like Taylor Swift’s girl squad which was a total facade and I can’t believe it took everyone 5 years to figure that out.

After her overdose in 2018, Demi cut off everyone in her life especially the ones that were only around for a picture. It’s why she unfollowed everyone that fans thought were her best friends. It was almost as if these extra friendships were sucking her dry because she was giving giving giving and they were taking taking taking and then boom…. she literally has nothing left.


I mean she literally dedicated an entire era to reviving Nick Jonas’ career. She put Iggy on her album when Iggy was mass cancelled and couldn’t get hits after Fancy.

Physical Changes

I wasn’t going to include this section in this post and I don’t often talk about physical looks in AAP posts, but Demi stans wanted it so here it is. I think it’s pretty clear that Demi has gotten some sort of filler in her face. Her lips are noticeably larger.

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Her physical features are obviously something that she is insecure about so it’s not something that she likes to discuss. I am also mentioning it in this post because according to my source, during the overdose, some health scare occurred that made part of her face affected in some way. It is possible that she is using filler to deal with that.

Relationship with Fans


Ummmmm…. Demi can’t stand when she has thousands of people spamming her with what to do. She already cried about the lack of control she had in her life with her previous management so trust me when I tell you, she doesn’t like everyone’s two cents on everything she does in life.

Now I am conflicted about this topic because fans have arguably saved her from that homeless man she was keeping in her house by making his past go viral, buuuut constant disagreements about her hair, music choices, clothes, isn’t something she likes to discuss.

Demi has a huge heart and wants to be there for her fans, but sometimes it can be very toxic trying to appease everyone. It’s why she tries to stay off social media while still interacting here and then.


I’ve seen Demi constantly dming her fans how much she loves them and whatnot.

Someone also asked me to talk about if she’s postponing her album because of her fans… she’s not. D7 has been postponed 8 million times due to how many times the direction of the album was changed. I spoke about this on twitter as well. It’s something that she actually confirmed.

This post is super long so I’m going to summarize some main points that I want you to take away from this. If you guys want, I wouldn’t mind making a part 2 to this post because Demi is a celebrity that I know sooooOOOO much about.


  • Demi is one of the few honest and GENUINE celebrities in this industry. From everything I know about her, she is literally not a bad person by any means and she cares so much about people around her even when she is struggling.

  • When Demi is acting up, it’s often because she’s not sober. At that point, drugs control her. There have been many times where she hit rock bottom and wanted to end it because she was infuriated with herself for not being sober. There have been so many times where I’ve been told that Demi thinks she won’t combat this because she’s slipped up. It’s why she doesn’t want to talk about it that much anymore because she feels like she has a duty to be this icon of sobriety not just for herself, but for everyone else. That is more pressure on her sobriety.

  • Demi is extremely passionate about justice in general. Whether that’s social justice or racial justice, she has always been very passionate. Because she has struggled so much in her own life, she tries to deter her own problems by helping out for the greater good. This is why she goes to the White House to discuss how she can help out and solve the nation’s drug problems.

  • Demi is slowly starting to learn that not everything is for show. It’s difficult because she wants to share her life with people but at the same time it’s hard to live up to everyone’s expectations while dealing with criticism from people who don’t know anything about her.

  • She struggles with not knowing how to be alone and it’s something that has been brought up to her. After rehab, she was seen with Harvey Levy and Austin Wilson… two people who have supposedly had a lot of addiction issues as well. She surrounds herself with people who know what it’s like to go through what she did as a sort of support system. She feels as if people who haven’t been through it, will judge her or not understand her.

  • When Demi talks about her issues in depth, a lot of the times it’s a warning and reminder to herself to continue to do better and be better. I remember people would complain about her constantly talking about her sobriety in interviews… when Demi speaks up, it’s often a message to herself.

  • Demi is taking up new hobbies and trying to educate herself to try to see that there is more to life than everything that she’s been through. This is why she is on this new alien journey and she’s been studying some sort of science as well.

  • She genuinely wants to do better to take care of herself and try to not fall into old habits. Everyday is a struggle for her though so be mindful of that when speaking about her issues.

  • All my sources can’t stand the people that she’s been around in the past. Yes that includes her dancer Dani Vitale. A lot of her friends that she worked with, just liked to party with her during that time in her life because she apparently got the good drugs.

The End


That’s all I have for you guys today. Thank you so much for reading. I hope this gave you more insight on who Demi is as a person. If you would like additional information, feel free to ask!

Comment down below your thoughts and questions. You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that. I will be reading and replying back ;)

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