REQUEST A POST + upcoming TELL ALL, new post, and more!
After a long freaking time, we have finally made a seperate site dedicating it to readers getting in their requests because that is how much you guys mean to us. We want to write what YOU want to read. Without further ado, I present to you:

If you guys read ExposingSMG on your computers, you’re going to see our header with a bunch of links.

One of the main links is “REQUEST A POST”
I have edited that link so it can lead you to the new site as opposed to submitting a post on here which is useless since we get hundreds and I barely read any of them.. sorry!
Once you get to the Requests site, you click up on the top where it says “REQUEST POST IDEAS ONLY!”

And it will take you here

If you’re requesting on your cell phone/tablet/etc. it is fairly the same process.

You click “Request Post Ideas Only” and it will take you here

Very easy!
The reason that I am explaining step by step even though it’s been 5 years with us using Tumblr, it’s because we are getting a lot of questions on here and Twitter from readers telling us they don’t know how to access ask or ask questions. We want to make sure it’s available and accessible for everyone.
We are dedicated to making your experience as a reader and as part of the exposing fam, as amazing as possible.

Shoutout to the amazing readers who hang out with us on ASK where one of you lovely people came up with the idea of having a separate tumblr where you guys can “ask” for certain posts.
The only rule on the new site is PLEASE DO NOT ASK QUESTIONS. THEY WILL NOT BE ANSWERED! We have an ask box specifically for that reason.
This new site is only for REQUESTS!
For example:
“I want a post on Harry Styles” or “I want a post on Harry Styles and how he is as a person, if he’d had any history with drugs. If you can, please tell us more about his time in One Direction”

Anything along those lines is amazing. Please do not send paragraphs. It is a lot to read. If a paragraph is the only way for you to describe what you need included in the request then that is understandable.
After we make the post, we are planning on answering the “ask” with a link to the post.
With that being said, we are opening up requests for the upcoming TELL ALL only on Twitter!! Reply back to what celeb you want in the next Tell All under this tweet:

For the Tell All, we are only accepting requests on Twitter because when we make it, it’s easy for me to go to the tweet and just scroll and find everyone in one place. With that being said, follow us on twitter if you don’t already! We are following a lot of readers back.

We are also posting today (8/15/18) at 3PM est!
A lot of the posts that have been going up are just posts that many have asked for and we want to get out of the way. With that being said, it doesn’t mean we have forgot about all of your previous requests on ask/twitter/instagram. We are working on everything. All we ask in return is PATIENCE.
Sorry for rambling, I love you guys!
Request Posts:
Update Twitter (check for the new posts or updates there!):
Links to all my posts: