Exposed: Selena Gomez’s addiction continues + The Weeknd isn’t JUST her PR buddy no more.
We went from telling you that Selena’s team are making her take at home drug tests to making sure she stays sober after rehab to now telling you that not only has she relapsed, but her addiction is getting worse. What a glo DOWN.
On top of that, we have some new scalding information on the behind the scenes of her relationship with Abel aka The Weeknd.

Selena and Abel were spotted on Jan. 27 in Florence, Italy at the Uffizi Gallery Museum.

The exposingsmg team definitely thinks it’s an upgrade from making out behind a dumpster at a restaurant that celebs go whenever they want to get papped.

We already told you that their team is taking the more genuine approach with this relationship in this post.

See? Romantic dinner! An upgrade from dinner behind a dumpster!
As we’ve said in previous Abel posts, Selena and him are a PR because they’re working together on something. We also told you before that there was talks within their teams about a red carpet appearance. They gotta debut their relationship on a red carpet and the exposingsmg team is leaning towards a Grammy red carpet debut.
My source got back to me today with some new information that I didn’t expect.
Before we get into the Selena part, let me also tell you that my source said there’s talks about some video with Selena and Abel. We’re leaning towards music video because they’re working together. So if it’s a music video, then it must be a single. We’ll see. My source said she’s still waiting on the details from her friend.

So we’ll update you when we get updated.
Now moving onto the sad part.
As any veteran exposingsmg reader knows, Selena has had a drug addiction for quite some time now. She went to rehab twice for, what is they tell us? Ah yes, lupus. We also told you that Selena has relapsed several times.
Now here’s the surprise. Selena has a new dealer or friend supplying her with pills and to our surprise, my source tells me, it’s Abel. She tells her team it’s for “treatment purposes.”

For those of you who don’t know, Abel has revealed that he has done some pretty serious harsh drugs in his life and he’s trying to get rid of that habit.
Mix 2 drug addicts together and you expect us to be shocked that one is dealing the other? I mean come on.

My question is WHY would Abel even supply Selena with whatever pills she needs to get high off considering he doesn’t even like her that much. We also recently revealed to you that he’s annoyed by her considering that he’s in a PR due to blackmail.
Perhaps Selena blackmails him into getting her the pills or whatever. I mean she is that insane plus it’s not like she hasn’t done worse. She’s already blackmailing him! Why not use it to feed her drug addiction and hide behind it?
Oh btw, we never revealed this to you but many celebrities deal other celebrities drugs. We have another celebrity in mind that dealt Selena before, but we’re not in the mood to share. No it’s not Justin or any other Disney ex-friends. Besides, drugs should be the least of your concern with these celebrities. That’s not even the most shocking thing they do.

But moving onto Selena’s drug addiction and mental health which is getting worse btw.
Not only has Selena relapsed, but she’s been acting out like she used to. My source tells me that she’s in mood swings lately, she’s been flipping out on friends, and just overall acting psychotic.
One of my other sources told me a while ago as well that Selena has gave up on trying to stay sober because she’s failed so many times before. Her only goal now is to become a huge huge star. Like Beyonce level. Lol good luck with that.

Look, when you live a lie, you will not be mentally well. I know Selenators and Selena’s minion friends are reading this. Hello. Denying Selena’s drug addiction and covering it up sure helps Selena image wise, but NOT your dear fave or friend who’s going downhill. I can’t believe I am writing about this again so let me try to do some good to Selena just like I did once before when writing about her father and her mother’s secret plans which surprise surprise, led Selena to get closer to her father and not her mother directly after the post was posted. It’s okay Selena, no need to thank us. We know you see this btw.

I know this message will reach Selena regardless what many think.
Either Selena is reading this or one of her minions, so here’s a word of advice from the exposingsmg team:
Listen dumbass, you’re young and somewhat attractive. Ruining your youth and going downhill at an age that’s supposed to be the best of your life, is stupid and cliche. Change it up a bit and don’t be like other stars in this age group. At least when Demi Lovato fucked up, she took care of it right away instead of delaying her mental health and well being for stardom. Fame does not equal happiness. Ask Justin, the one you ruined at some point of his life and wanted to send him down this rollercoaster that you’re once again visiting.

we don’t actually want Selena dead or harmed.
Uh that’s all. Don’t expect us to be nice like this again. I’m fine with Selenators attacking me and making their little troll jokes “Haha you still think Selena is a drug addict! You’re so stupid.” Go ahead. Don’t believe me, but just pray you don’t wake up to news saying Selena has been hospitalized due to an OD. That is if her team don’t pay to get that covered up. Even worse, if Selena herself comes clean.
Something will happen that will prove this entire drug addiction we’ve been preaching about all these years and if you doubted us about it, trust me you don’t want to be here for the gloating we will do. Either Selena will confirm it later on in her career or something will do it for her. Just watch.
But hey! At least they look cute right? It’s all about looks. Not the harsh reality.

Sadly drug addiction is not like celebrity obsession; which many argue that we suffer from. With drug addiction, selling a lie doesn’t mean you actually believe it. Her and her team can promote this amazing new relationship with also another fellow drug addict (or ex drug addict? idk don’t keep up with Abel this much) all they want. Selena needs help. Dare I say, we actually feel bad for her.
Anyways, that’s all on her drug addiction and mental health. Best of luck to that issue. Moving onto new publicity stunts with The Weeknd.
So instead of Selena introducing herself like this

she gotta keep up the publicity.
They recently got their social media in check.
He followed her

She followed him back

He liked some old ass video of her

You know, PR nowadays starts on social media. Or escalates to say the least.
Also, Selena has still not been selling the PR like I would want for her too. Come on, Sel! We talk about you being the master manipulator and amazing PR actress that you are! Don’t let us down like this.

Like we said on Instagram, Selena looks as if Abel said “They’re filming us and taking pictures. ACT NORMAL!!!” And then she goes on ahead and does that. Like sis???????? I can see you PRETENDING not to see the cameras. Who are you trying to fool? YOU’RE EMBARRASSING ME.
This is legit how she looks like.

Hm maybe the deluded general public and her fans bought this act.
Oh btw, not all Selena fans are like this. Don’t take this as insult personally. We just tend to insult everyone, don’t mind us. Some Selena fans are cool contrary to popular belief. Plus, the only reason I’m saying this is because I talked to one really chill one in dms. Hello, if you’re reading.

So yeah I think that’s all for Selena and Abel in Italy. Here’s the messages with my source and I.

This post was written on Jan 28 and so the messages were from Jan 28. I never got a chance to post it so since that time, more candids of Selena and Abel came out so here they are.

Those pictures are from Jan 29-31.
As you can see, they’re more “romantic” and they don’t look like they hate each other.. well Selena was all over him. It’s Abel who doesn’t look like he still wants to push her down the stairs.

So that’s nice… for the general public and Selena so they can buy into this stunt. I see his team probably sat him down and told him to get it in check. Or maybe Selena complained to her team that he isn’t selling the act quite nicely. Now that would be a page right out of Taylor Swift’s book. That plus going to Italy with your new PR beau the week after you start dating.
Also, we already told you that they will up their PR game.

The upping is still going to continue. It’s not stopping. In one of the Abelena posts we exposed that their teams are planning a debut red carpet appearance. I’m going to go with the Grammys.
So on Jan 30, Selena posted the following video of Abel on Instagram with the caption being the heart eyes emoji.

She then DELETED the video almost directly afterwards.
What does this remind us of? Oh yes! When Justin Bieber would always post pictures of Selena on Instagram because his PR contract told him to!
If Selena and The Weeknd were in love and wanted to share their relationship on social media, then so be it. However, why delete the video to begin with? One simple and very easy word.
Because what is the equation, veteran exposingsmg readers?
Drama = attention = headlines = publicity = more relevance = more fame.
Simple as that. Selena is doing what Justin was doing before. Following the PR contract.

Hope you enjoyed and I’m sorry for the 3 day delay on this post. A lot of shit has been going on in America because we have a roach leading the country. Hope you understand.
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