Exposed: Taylor Swift and drugs. She refuses to mention Selena’s rehab!
You’re in for a read.

One thing that we are known for saying is that Taylor Swift is SO against drugs and anyone who does drugs. Here are a couple of my tweets about this situation.

Notice the dates. The reason I’m talking about the dates is because BlindGossip released a story that’s obviously about Selena & Taylor and before any roach wants to tell me I steal BlindGossip info, notice the fact that my tweets (and old posts that I will link in a bit) were way before their story.

The story BlindGossip have is 100% true. I’ve been knowing about this and I’ve been meaning to make a post hence my tweets, but I got sidetracked.
The exposingsmg team have told you in April what Selena’s destination was going to be for the remaining portion of 2016.

Guess what? As always we are right.

Whaaaaaaat? Selena’s in rehab for drugs and not lupus? Yes. Get with the program.
Back in 2014 when Selena did her first rehab stint, we once again told you that she was there before news broke out and confirmed that.

Also in 2014, we posted a Taylena post about their fallout because there was a time during that year that they stopped talking.

Read that HERE.

So don’t come to me and tell me I stole any information from BlindGossip when this is shit I revealed TWO YEARS AGO.
Also, this is the same thing that’s happening now.
Taylor’s image-obsessed ass isn’t going to acknowledge Selena because anyone in the industry and anyone with a brain, knows that Selena is in rehab for drug abuse as opposed to her lupus. Selena can have 8% of lupus for all I care. I’m telling you now that Selena is in rehab for DRUG ADDICTION and her psycho ass can’t sue me for defamation because that is the truth and there’s proof of this that Selena won’t like surfacing the web so pretty little Selena is going to stay mute.

Taylor Swift will do anything to keep her image pure. Associating with her coke head bestie is not one of them if that’s going to affect her image.
Let me tell you how psychotic Taylor is with drugs.
Taylor isn’t stupid. Selena can tell Taylor that her nose is clean, but Taylor isn’t going to buy that bullshit. She’s going to want to make sure that Selena doesn’t have any coke on her if Taylor is around. Purse check time! Yes she is that insane.

“Aw I love you, Taylor. Can I have my purse back now?”
I forgot what event Selena and Taylor attended together that one of my backstage sources witnessed, but Taylor wanted to make sure there isn’t any coke in Selena’s possession out of fear that Selena might accidentally drop her coke or some shit and she will be papped with it. What are people going to say? “Taylor Swift was with Selena the night Selena got busted for carrying cocaine!”
Taylor isn’t risking that scenario even if it’s a bit unrealistic since Selena has been hiding her coke use since like 2013.
Selena should be coming out of rehab within a couple of weeks if the current plan stays so will Taylor & Selena reconcil? Let’s wait and see.
Also, Taylor looks down upon anyone who does drugs. And if she finds out that you do drugs and you’re standing in the same room as her, she’ll need you to leave or she will leave.

My source says that Taylor’s mindset is almost too prestigious for cocaine.
If drugs are around, don’t expect Taylor to be there.
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