DailyESMG: Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin; an update.
This was extremely requested so here I am with an update on these two that were so close to becoming official and an item.

I asked you for questions on Jailey here on Twitter, and I believe I answered most except those that will be included in a second update soon, since my source didn’t get back to me yet.

Justin and Hailey were going to become official boyfriend and girlfriend. They were kind of “dating” but not really official. I mean we already told you that and the constant vacations told you that too.
However, they called it off. Read why, here. More drama occurred between them because of Sofia Richie’s involvement, so read about that here. Also, read my last clarification about Jailey here.
If you want a quick summary of the Sofia Richie drama ft. Justin & Hailey, you can watch our 3 minute video on it.
Also, funny how the Sofia Richie drama ended exactly how we told you it would end. The exposingsmg team keeps winning and that’s not something new.
Recently, Hailey has been acting kind of friendly towards Justin. That is something Beliebers aren’t used to because once Justin stops talking to a girl, all hell breaks loose AND the girl most likely shades Justin 800 times a day. I mean Selena takes the trophy for most obsessed with Justin.
You a celebrity and you shaded your ex that many times? Yikes! How petty.
Anyways, back to Justin and Hailey.
Ever since they called it off, Hailey didn’t really attack Justin because she’s not an attention sucking leech. Instead, she showed nothing but class, a little bit of hurt, and support.

She was constantly seen wearing Purpose Tour merch.

What up with her wearing his merch? Nothing. She isn’t bitter and she already had the clothes. Stans may over analyze everything but it’s really not that serious.
Is she obsessed with him? No. Like I said, they didn’t really end on a bad note and she isn’t a bitter leech.
So is there anything going on between Justin and Hailey right now? No.

They both have separate plans as of now, which is sad to see since they were a great match. They both really cared for each other and there was no toxicity in their relationship; something Justin hasn’t been used to since he signed a contract with Selena way back when.
My source tells me that a guy is already crushing on Hailey, but she isn’t jumping into anything way too fast. Hailey is just letting it flow naturally.

I’m not saying this is the guy. I’m just saying that Hailey has been living life. She’s single. She’s hot. Many guys want her. She isn’t going to sit and dwell over the past or try to make Justin miserable in the process like someone we know.
However, my source doesn’t think that Justin and her are over just yet.

It’s pink because I highlighted it.
So basically, Justin and Hailey are just trying to live life peacefully. If that means dating around then so be it. They’re both young and hot, and the psycho is locked up in rehab.
No one’s life is getting ruined for the time being.
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